This goes as proof that Mortal Kombat will never die. Just two days ago in Karachi, Pakistan players held a Mortal Kombat 9 team tournament. It was a team tournament consisting of eight players featuring MKRayden (from, Prince Jr, Prince Sr, Shazaib, RockyWild, Nabeel Cero, Pain and Baksu.
Below were their conditions and tournament rules followed by tournament matches from their team event.
Freezing Rage
Below were their conditions and tournament rules followed by tournament matches from their team event.
Thunder WarriorsMortal Kombat 9 Tournament happened in Karachi Pakistan 1st September 2013.In this tournament we had 2 Team Thunder Warriors and Freezing Rage both team have 4 players along with one Leader and both team also have 10 Koins and each player can maximum 3 koins and minimum 2 koins.
Freezing Rage
Thunder Warriors Team setup below
MKRayden (Leader) i had a 3 koins
Prince Jr. had a 3 koins
Prince Sr had 2 koins
Shazaib had a 2 koins
Freezing Rage Team setup below
Rockywild (Leader) had a 2 koins
Nabeel Cero had a 3 koins
Pain had a 3 Koins
Baksu had a 2 koins
Tournament Rules
One Player cannot play all koins at the same time if one of the team member loose he has to move and the next player of the team will replace him as soon the player looses its the captain wish to send the new player or the same player who loose earlier in his team.
Player can not be replaced or retire an any case until he looses.
Game character can not be changed once selected until the player looses.
Points: I also added Points and Scoring Each Koin
Winners is 10 points
Each Koins Loser is -5 points
Flawless Victory is 15 points