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Trying to figure out who i want to play.

Who should i play?

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Hey guys,

I am new to the test your might website and extremely new to fighting games ( injustice is my 1st ,
but i am having trouble trying to figure out who i want to play for this game. So i was wondering in all of your opinions who would be a good character for me to start labbing with and learning that would be worth my time.

I have already tried Green Lantern and Batman, both which i have a 60% winrate with online with about 25-27 tru skill points. With these characters i feel like you do to much of the same thing in each game and it gets super boring.

So who do you guys think would be good or fun to play ? Because at the moment i am leaning forward to someone like Green Arrow or maybe even Killer Frost just because they arnt played very much. At the same time i have heard they are low tier.

And if you know any threads link them to the character you want me to learn

Anyways enough of me rambling on let me know what you guys think :D

Much appreciated
~Dunderhead <3


Show me what you can do
What is Raven good at cause i mean now that you mention it i have like a total of 2 raven players in like 400 games
She's actually more of a hang back and projectiles-all-day character. She' isn't terrible up-close, but it isn't her strong suite. Probably not your choice if you wanna be aggressive.


What is Raven good at cause i mean now that you mention it i have like a total of 2 raven players in like 400 games
Raven takes a lot of work to play well, and a mistake could really cost you the game. I recommend a character like Green Arrow, he is really and has pretty dirty set ups.
What a timing, just before a big patch is coming. If you're looking for someone aggressive I myself really enjoy Shazam, but he is one of the worst characters in the game. Really fun though.

Who ever you end up choosing just remember that soon enough a lot of things will change.
Bane. Seriously. Sure he will take more work than most of the cast and some fancy finger work for his advanced trickery but he is the most fun to play. YOU FEEL LIKE A BAUWS

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blink-182 enthusiast
Shazam! There's nothing more hype than teleporting everywhere and landing a swaggy command grab combo


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Batgirl. Can handle just about any tactic there is and can both zone, mixup, reset and rushdown. Jack of all trades character worth exploring. Failing DLC I'd say the most rewarding experiences you can get are either Bane due to how different he plays from the entire cast or possibly Killer Frost because quite frankly vortexes are awesome.


Fuck you; fight me.
Become the bane of the community, and play Superman. He's in it for all the bitches, and drugs. If it's not Cyborg Supes, then you're messing up though.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Nightwing and Wonder Woman both have multiple stances, so they allow for a wider variety of tactics, IMHO. Catwoman also has a tonne of tools at her disposal, so she should be fun to play too.

But I'm going to have to agree with OutlawNightmare on this one.
Bane. Seriously. Sure he will take more work than most of the cast and some fancy finger work for his advanced trickery but he is the most fun to play. YOU FEEL LIKE A BAUWS
Bane is too fun to pass up. Go with Bane.
After reading up on bane he looks like a lot of fun so what I will do is pick one character from the top of the polls and one from what I read up on. I am leaning towards bane and shazam at the moment but we will see when poll closes tomorrow
Ok so I have been looking for a good bane combo thread but they are all 31% combos without venom and start with something retarted like j3 which I feel is extremely unsafe. So I think there has to be a way to hit low 40's with bane and not start with j3 because basically their combos are being added 11% for something that is so hard to land online so when they are doing 31% they really online not doing j3 are doing 22-23% which is very low, because just getting lvl 3 venom then charge across screen and meter burn is a good 25-33% and is super easy to land( also super cheap but easy), so if you have anything on bane that would be awesome because as of right now I don't feel like starting j3 every combo. I have heard B23 is decent so I will give that a try. Thanks for the help
