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How to cheat your way through STAR labs.


Finished them all with at least one star, I was using that trick on some of the rocket dodging ones. No intent to get a 3 stars, only would do it if I would main Flash. But to be fair, the ratio okay to retarded is not all that bad, for every horseshit one, there at least 3 good to soso missions. Had fun doing it, even the DLC ones.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
The issue I have with the missions is they made too many damn mini games and the challenges set to be some crazy or weird random shit. Like dodge 10 damn pies or slide 15 times. I just wanna be done with them. I loved the MK9 challenge tower,because 90% of was fighting and every now and then a mini game that helped to just break the monotony.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
The issue I have with the missions is they made too many damn mini games and the challenges set to be some crazy or weird random shit. Like dodge 10 damn pies or slide 15 times. I just wanna be done with them. I loved the MK9 challenge tower,because 90% of was fighting and every now and then a mini game that helped to just break the monotony.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
With how annoying this game is with every patch forcing me to delete my data and re-download it for the game to work... I'll wait until the patching is done to unlock EW Flash and be very happy using this tech <3

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Hey, players!
Tired of having a bad reaction time? Are those rock hitting missions too much for you? Do you keep falling to those damn missiles?
Well, you could blame it on the poor level design, the fact a fighting game is not built for such a mission, or that the mission was pushed to the 'it'll do' pile on the lazy dev's desk.

OR you could cheat!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, you have a very special button on your controller that'll allow you to freeze time and react to incoming threats accordingly.
All you simply need to do is hit 'back' on your Xbox 360 controller, or 'select' on your PS3 controller and you'll have a clear view on a frozen screen. Spam this button as much as you like. Unlike the pause button, there is no delay between freezing and unfreezing the game.
That means no more fumbling around with fiddly quicktime events. No more getting eaten by sharks. No more death-by-rockets.
If you order now you'll get a free pair of diapers from our sponsor 'Cry Baby Diapers'.

Seriously though. This is the only way I managed to get 3 stars on all missions to get by precious Flash skin. Thought it would help anyone that didn't know of this (somewhat nooby) tactic whose trying to get Elseworld Flash.
You're welcome :cool:
I. Love. You.


The issue I have with the missions is they made too many damn mini games and the challenges set to be some crazy or weird random shit. Like dodge 10 damn pies or slide 15 times. I just wanna be done with them. I loved the MK9 challenge tower,because 90% of was fighting and every now and then a mini game that helped to just break the monotony.
It helps that MK9 let you pay to skip missions.