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Anyone else underwhelmed by the new DLC?


:violin: I'm sorry and don't go crazy on me but the new DLC chars are awesome to look at but I started to notice that NRS are really running out of moves or something

(worst offender) Kenshi - because of him

there's 2 clone making characters (sorry noob you were king of your own hill :\ )
there's 2 reflect characters and 2 with a fast shoulder charge and 2 fast uplifting moves, is he reading the mind of nightwolf??

really i thought they shoulda stuck with his psychic sword more moves like his (i think) 2 1 b2? the one with his sword bouncing the opponent, just his sword swinging with his mind

(not as bad) Rain - because of him

2 underground teleport, i was happy that only sektor keeping it/bugging me, but it was very sektor like and very elated to find smoke real unique now and not having one but now here comes Rain disappearing into liquid, I mean when could he do that?
Water Jet = Acid Spit wow just with blue instead of green

(not bad at all) Skarlett

She has a slide and teleport and weapon projectile but each one is pretty changed both visually and property wise a lott

still... :hammer: I love MK and i'll buy each one loyally and happily, just things i noticed and irked me


Play Monster Hunter!
He has all the moves from the past games, he didn't steal anything from anyone, he had the spray attack before reptile, and lightning before NW.

His teleport is kinda sektorish, but unlike sektors, rains seem faster, and you can't combo after his.
He also has his bubble, SRHK, windyfeet(that vertical kick thing).

He is very much his own character.


I'm sure Rain will play differently than Sektor and Reptile, even though some of his specials share some similarities.


i got the poison
No. I'm not underwhelmed at all.

I hated Kenshi in every other MK and now i think they made him really stylish.
I think his use of clones is totally different from Noob.

He has tons of psychic sword stuff.
It doesn't bother me that a clone, mildly reminescent of noob's, is handling the sword.
That actually shows how much work they put into him, making the sword just fly through the arena would have been easier but less cool.

I liked Rain in MKT and i think they made him even better as far as i can tell from looking at the gameplay trailer. DA ROUNDHOUSE!!!

And i really hope for Robo Smoke as next DLC for a total of 3 Teleport Uppercuts :p


Ready for Freddy
We've got... what, 3 characters with a Scorpion teleport, and 3 with an airthrow? Pardon me if I missed one or two...


alright just me then, i hate so many teleports already and rain could never disappear before, animation for noob teleport and his throw are the same, yes i pointed out the lightning or all their old moves are bad, just teh waterjet was useless in mka and im pretty sure he didn't have it in mk3


No. I'm not underwhelmed at all.

I hated Kenshi in every other MK and now i think they made him really stylish.
I think his use of clones is totally different from Noob.

He has tons of psychic sword stuff.
It doesn't bother me that a clone, mildly reminescent of noob's, is handling the sword.
That actually shows how much work they put into him, making the sword just fly through the arena would have been easier but less cool.

I liked Rain in MKT and i think they made him even better as far as i can tell from looking at the gameplay trailer. DA ROUNDHOUSE!!!

And i really hope for Robo Smoke as next DLC for a total of 3 Teleport Uppercuts :p
lol 3 teleports uppercuts , prolly like how you can chose where it lands,

i don't know maybe less work but being hit by invisible punches and kicks always seemed scarier and formidable if you can't see it


Guardian of Outworld
I think its gonna be an issue every tournament player, needs to address.

From a fun, non-competitive point of view, its great. Gives alot of lonegivity to the game. Plus, what they're doing, catering to the fans, is superb.

The downside, to all this is that's its overwhelming. You need to study/memorize more frame data, more matchups - knowing what's safe or unsafe, and how to punish. If any new DLC characters are good, their gameplay is going to be quite in-depth, and as your opponent, you need to know their strategies. Expect alot of people jumping ship and changing mains. It's gonna become a full time job later on.

If I had my pick, I'd definately never want them to stop. Although, at the end of it all, release one COMPLETE game, entitled Ultimate Mortal Kombat


Everything you say is unwarranted because each character plays completely and utterly differently. I feel what you are saying and understand it but I have to disagree completely with you.

Here look at it this way.

What you are saying about small similarities in a couple of moves is like me criticizing every single shoto in Street Fighter. They all have Shoryukens and Hadokens and a similar base foundation. However, they are all great characters because the way they play is COMPLETELY different and because of that, the similarities between them almost become non existant in that aspect.

The characters in MK are even more different in those regards because their moves aren't even different variations of other moves like they are in Street Fighter, they're actually completely different. Sure they have a similar type of outcome, but that's where the line is drawn because character specifically they are all used completely differently.
Will this thread be made about Freddy too? Saying he's a Kabal clone cuz he has a ground saw like move?:p /end sarcasm

A lot of games have "stolen moves", look at SF. Many of those characters have generally the same stuff. Either way, no moves are stolen just changed to fit a certain character. I don't see Rain just being a character with "stolen moves"