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Your mains have their powers combined... What is the result?


Scrub God Lord
Flashy Wings of Neptune: Aquaman's range, Hawkgirl zoning, and the flash's speed. I can already imagine my character doing time loop into mace charge for days l0l.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Batman + Flash= BatFlash = The World's Fastest Detective Alive! :D

Edit: Or Batman + Batgirl + Flash = The World's Greatest Cripple Ailve! :joker:

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Superman + Wonder Woman + Aquaman = THOR! Prince of Asgard, The Odinson, Lord of Lightning, Master of the Storms, Wielder of Mighty Mjolnir, the God of Thunder!!!!!!!!!!