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Ben Affleck cast as the new Batman in Man of Steel 2


Defining Definitions
It would help if MoS wasn't an extremely lackluster movie. I like Affleck, but not as Batman.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
anyone remeber the masterpieces Pearl Harbor and Armageddon, it'd have been shit without Ben Assfleck. And Dare Devil is the best superhero movie ever #TriHard #Kappa.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Goddamn Ben affleck has now played DareDevil, Superman (George Reeves in hollywoodland) and now batman. This movie is going to suck massive balls.
everyone said the same shit when heath got joker. im going into it with an open mind, ben affleck has really been doing well lately.


Was 100% positive this was a troll thread.

With that said, I do like Affleck. He gets a bad rap.

All hail our new Batfleck overlord.