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character recommendation


Just wondering peoples recommendation for chars i should use.

aesthetically (just looks) i like noob saibot, reptile, kano, cyber sub zero, ermac, kenshi

aesthetically i dislike raiden, kung lao, lui kang, johnny cage, sonya, kitana, jade, jax

i havent done a lot of fighting games, usually played rpg/action rpgs tho. so in that respect ive always been attracted to the "spellbreaker" style char. a char that specialized in destroying/getting around/negating magical enemies/spells.

as far as needing to be inclose or far away to do that, i guess i dont really care.

i do know aesthetics is important to me so the ones i lsited as disliking, i wont be able to bring myself to play, a failing on my part i know, guess im shallow lol
I'm just the same. :p If the character doesn't look nice, I wont touch 'em.
I say try out some people that you are physically/aesthetically attracted to.
If you want my suggestion: I say Sub-Zero, Reptile, or Cyber Sub-Zero(Just my opinion on good characters that fit the list that you have proposed.)
Happy Searching. :D


The Cowardly Lion
Ermac is quite easy to use. You could probably move on to Noob Saibot as he has a similiar playstyle to Ermac but its a bit more difficult to do successfully.


Sinestro's might!
Ermac is quite easy to use. You could probably move on to Noob Saibot as he has a similiar playstyle to Ermac but its a bit more difficult to do successfully.
Noob is about patience and timing. Ermac is about punishment. If you want to pressure your opponent carefully and methodically, go for noob. If you want to force mistakes and do lotsa damage then go Ermac.


i guess my opinion on damage is sorta indifferent, its more gameplaystyle that im looking for.

ive researched a lot and have been playing them all (that i listed as liking) but i dont know which ones id want to main is the problem, or if anyone could throw a curveball character i hadnt thought of.

i learn very fast and have taken the time to learn much of how this game is played. i can get reptiles njp combo fairly often, i can do noobs blackhole resets and 37% wall combo, i can do kanos 30% combos and know how to use his choke. cyber sub i know his 43% bnb and proper use of divekicks, etc. ive played them all sept maybe ermac and kenshi fairly significantly.

it may be stupid but im one of those people who REALLY likes being able to explain there identity from RL all the way to videogames, its nerdy and dumb but i find great satisfaction with it. i suppose i could try to main them all, but im not sure if i have time for 6 chars.

if i had to rate them in order due to aesthetics it would be

1. noob
2. cyber sub zero
3. reptile (klassic costume)
4. kano
5. ermac
6. kenshi

tho i still like them all a lot.

from what i know. noob has weak midrange, but recently got a hold of nice black hole resets which while not difficult to escape can net good damage and provide great pressure from range. hes got the best zoning in the game, and upknee is beast. strong corner combos. but not low/overhead starters hurts his mixup game, only one low string and 2 or 3 overheads, and his slide gives little if no advantage, his zoning is unsafe from jump/fast special distance.

cyber sub zero can stop pressure readily (parry) win most projectile trades (iceball), is great anti zoning (tele/divekicks, maybe slide a few), has a safe bnb juggle (safe on block), safe overhead string, low string, great damage. however his icebombs kinda suck (there is a damage reset for them i found out just yesterday tho), his corner game feels simple/unimpressive tho not bad. i personally feel like i have trouble with being the aggressor on the persons wakeup (not just csz but with any char, its a issue for me)

reptile can manage great pressuer with elbow dashes for mobility allowing him to even combo off of a fullscreen forceball, has some interesting frametraps (ive only done the simple d+3 into acid hand). good close range damage and fairly tricky zoning with 2 different speed forceballs and acid spit.

kano has some good mixups, fast zoning/defense and decent pressure and his choke is awesome both aesthetically and in usefullness

ermac is fun tho from what ive played hes all about the force lift/push and doesnt have a ton else going for him. this is one of my least played from the favs list tho so i probably have more to learn.

kenshi is very fulid feelign and has great range, he has a bnb that pushes them very far away and half of it is unbreakable. he also seems to have decent low and a strong single overhead for 10%.

this is what i know (probably more hten some of you guys thought lol) what i dont know is what to main. i guess if i HAD to make a choice right now id say something like noob/csz for the zoning/anti zoning or reptile/kano for the ability to quickly switch between effective zoning/rushdown with decent lows/overheads.

ermac would be a great punisher, i know on reptile i LOVE punishing ermacs force moves with elbow dash so maybe a punisher char i would enjoy. kenshi i dont kno wwhat hes supposed to be yet, but again i like how fluid he feels, and his range with his sword is nice.


Weather Man
Noob was my choice for the way he gets into the opponents head forcing them to move, jump, make hasty decision that will punish them. So satisfying to B1214 reset and spit them back out with half there health gone. Then watching them jump all over the place to avoid my blackholes only to eat a shadow tackle lol. He looks cool and ive always like Noob. Little less so when it was noob/smoke, but not sure what to tell you. Who feels the most comfortable? Im considering trying sektor out myself he looks amazing haha.


You know, most people think he sucks, but I spent the entire day yesterday with Quan Chi and am extremely satisfyed.. I main Johnny Cage/NightWolf but Quan Chi is really clicking with me. He has some pretty bad matchups, but I figure I'll work through them and try to win a local tourney or two :D

Saw your list and noticed that Quan Chi is not on either like nor dislike so maybe it's a possibility? If you'd like you can add me on PSN and I'll teach you some of what I've learned. All up to you though, it's just I'm noticing some nice potential with quan chi :p

Uhm but bringing it back to earth..Kano I wouldn't suggest in all sincerity, if you do get good with him, expect a lot of combos dropping because for whatever reason they drop a LOT for me in ladder and practice. (b+112, 212, 212 upball) landing consistant 212's is hard to do, but I'm sure if you spend more than about an hour like me it could work out. Hope to see your end result of CSZ though.. haven't really seen anything to great with him, it's too bad.


Noob was my choice for the way he gets into the opponents head forcing them to move, jump, make hasty decision that will punish them. So satisfying to B1214 reset and spit them back out with half there health gone. Then watching them jump all over the place to avoid my blackholes only to eat a shadow tackle lol. He looks cool and ive always like Noob. Little less so when it was noob/smoke, but not sure what to tell you. Who feels the most comfortable? Im considering trying sektor out myself he looks amazing haha.
most comfortable im uncertain if it would be due to lack of practice with them or what. ill exclude ermac and kenshi as i know i havent used them enough to accurately comment.

comfortable, noob, cyber sub zero are probably the ones i feel most comfortable with in terms of button pressing. reptile is close but im having a harder time learning to zone with him then noob and usually pull hte bad habit of rushing with him all the time. kano i like but his combos i have a hard time with often.

edit: looking it over, maybe practice moer with ermac/kenshi and compare to noob/csz for what i want to main? bah, so many chars, so har dto decide >.<


You know, most people think he sucks, but I spent the entire day yesterday with Quan Chi and am extremely satisfyed.. I main Johnny Cage/NightWolf but Quan Chi is really clicking with me. He has some pretty bad matchups, but I figure I'll work through them and try to win a local tourney or two :D

Saw your list and noticed that Quan Chi is not on either like nor dislike so maybe it's a possibility? If you'd like you can add me on PSN and I'll teach you some of what I've learned. All up to you though, it's just I'm noticing some nice potential with quan chi :p

Uhm but bringing it back to earth..Kano I wouldn't suggest in all sincerity, if you do get good with him, expect a lot of combos dropping because for whatever reason they drop a LOT for me in ladder and practice. (b+112, 212, 212 upball) landing consistant 212's is hard to do, but I'm sure if you spend more than about an hour like me it could work out. Hope to see your end result of CSZ though.. haven't really seen anything to great with him, it's too bad.
ironic that you mentioned the kano combo trouble as i posted it just after you posted this :p. as for anyone that doesnt fall in the like/dislike pile they are all possibilities. tier rankings have no real basis on me for what chars i pick either.

and just to say it, csz is a beast imo, very strong


Imo opinion you should try out Charecters like Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot and Ermac. Especially Noob and Ermac if you want easy learning curves. And looks aren't everything man, most my mains I hated everything about them until I actually tried them out.


ironic that you mentioned the kano combo trouble as i posted it just after you posted this :p. as for anyone that doesnt fall in the like/dislike pile they are all possibilities. tier rankings have no real basis on me for what chars i pick either.

and just to say it, csz is a beast imo, very strong
Yeah that's normal. I think the combo issue arrived after they patched his upball and knife, because I think he has like maybe +1 or+2 frames on ALL moves. Don't quote me on that, but he seems a lot slower because I was debating to main him since release day. Can't stand him now it's like they wanted you to just upball because he has no combos :/

Glad to hear you dgaf about tiers and whatnot, honestly, it's just a slight difference from S to B or C or whatever is lowest, I've seen low tiers beat Kung Laos and Raidens so it doesn't matter IMO. And yeah I noticed with CSZ he has a huge amount of potential, he's just never used. Especially against my Quan Chi T_T 9-1 matchup for CSZ's favor..


Imo opinion you should try out Charecters like Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot and Ermac. Especially Noob and Ermac if you want easy learning curves. And looks aren't everything man, most my mains I hated everything about them until I actually tried them out.
i fair point but...man...i just cant do it. ive tried, but my heart ends up not being in it and i switch to a more appealing char.


I'm the same way don't worry about it. I literally haven't touched maybe 7 char's because of looks.


And yeah I noticed with CSZ he has a huge amount of potential, he's just never used. Especially against my Quan Chi T_T 9-1 matchup for CSZ's favor..
well kung laos dive kicks trump csz dive kicks, his slide is better then subzeros, his parry is better then kangs and ex gives full combo. his tele is the same as cyraxes. his iceball i want to say is slightly faster then subs but is still slow and with no iceclone to shield you can be dangerous to use openly. his bombs outside of exbomb, exiceball trap and the frame trap people found are extremely risky and not always useful.

his 1,1,1+2 is great since its safe on block, 3,4 and 3,3,2 i believe are also safe. and he has a 43% midscreen that isnt too difficult to pull off imo.

edit: oh ive practiced even with the ones i dont like but i cant get into them. raidens probably a really good char to use, but i cant stand looking at him.


edit: oh ive practiced even with the ones i dont like but i cant get into them. raidens probably a really good char to use, but i cant stand looking at him.
Well I've done the same to get through the arcade ladder but I guess I meant haven't spent more than that time and hated every second I had to LOL..


Sig Maker
Imo opinion you should try out Charecters like Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot and Ermac. Especially Noob and Ermac if you want easy learning curves. And looks aren't everything man, most my mains I hated everything about them until I actually tried them out.
No. This is just wrong. Although Noob doesn't have high execution requirements (who does in this game anyway), he requires more timing, match up knowledge, and strategy than most of the characters in the game. I wouldn't call that an easy learning curve.


Ermac has really high reward if played right. Easy to do combos that are very damaging. You could zone him like a mofocker. He has almost no bad matchup IMO. Rush characters always try to get in on Ermac, but when they slip up, its a sure thing to eat at LEAST 30% bnb... (unless they have a combo breaker, in which case, you can just gravity lift then force push, which does about 20-25% I believe...) He has 2 unblockables as well, the flying move where he lifts himself up and slams on ground, and of course, his charge. I used to dislike him mainly because I felt he was overused and overrated, but I started to try him out and I instantly fell in love. He is quite the character, top tier.

As far as 'spells' go, I think you might mean specials, which look nice. Specials are usually projectile as well. I recently started to use Shang Tsung because of how his combos looked. They simply look amazing and are quite easy to pull off. After each bnb combo I do with Shang, I feel extremely satisfied. I dont claim to be the best Shang, but I am aiming to get really good with him. Most of his combo are projectile oriented, meaning you wont have to worry about breakers, unless he has it to begin with (would do on you during your combo launchers).

I'm also starting to pick up Noob Saibot (I know, I use a lot of charcters lolol). His bread and butter and his corner combo are pleasing to do. If you like to sit back and let your opponent guess what you will do next, Noob Saibot's for you. I havent played enough of him yet to comment further.

Honestly, I learned over time that looks dont mean a thing in a fighting game. Sure for the beginners it might, but after a while, everyone start to take up their own... feel. I dont exactly know how to explain it, but whenever I see a character pop on screen, I would see them as there special.... dont know if that makes sense to you, but I dont see them as a character anymore, but more of a list of special moves from the respective characters. I use to hate Liu Kangs look and Ermac, but they grew on me because of their play style. After awhile, I'm sure that will happen to you too. Dont fret.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

It seems like every time I see high-level Sonya play, she eats people alive.
And unlike Mr. Thunder, she ain't bad to look at :D.

*resists the urge to plug Cyrax*