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The Ghost of KT Smith (Origin Story)

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
Apparently i've become hollywood and one of the first signs of being hollywood is prop fishing. I am making this thread because I heard multiple people including KDZ talking about the ghost of KT smith when referring to the ACTUAL KT Smith . This is backwards. I AM THE GHOST OF KT SMITH. KT smith is actually the corpse of KT smith. Let me explain...

So KT Smith was a VERY good smoke player and he made top 8 at MLG columbus which in my mind made him the best smoke main at the time (it's obviously Wafflez now). Considering the only person really doing well with Smoke was CD jr but he only used smoke for a few match ups. Then at ECT4 things didn't go well for KT unfortunately and for some reason he seemed to disappear from the scene. Now KT is a friend of mine and I obviously wanted him to return but he was gone... Then it became a joke on TYM about how KT was missing or washed up ETC. (I never said he was washed up btw lol) So in my own way I thought it would be funny to play off the sentiment at the time and create a character called "The Ghost of KT Smith"

I made a TYM account and back then I didn't realize you couldn't have more than one account because it seemed like a lot of people had multiple accounts (which does NOT happen now I know that.) I made it just for fun as a friendly troll and it became pretty popular amongst the scene here in NY and around TYM. Below are a few examples but I wish I had all the posts...

This post was in reference to a thread that was about trying to form a coalition to defeat REO in mk9 because at that point he had won every tournament for 6 months he attended.

And here was a status update right before the account was closed because I told the mods that I created the account for fun. I actually was hoping they would allow it because people seemed to like it but rules are rules and I was given an option to keep one or another. (Note no one complained and I only had the account for about 2 days before I went to the mods saying that I was behind it.)

So after I chose to keep my normal account I created a PSN for myself called "The Ghost of KT Smith" Which is STILL my PSN. I actually trained online for a few weeks after that with Curbo and ended up getting 9th at winter brawl which was an MK9 major before injustice came out. 9th was my highest placing at a major at the time. So I have kept the account. On Stream at VSM I actually played MK9 against KT and we did the ghost vs the corpse match. That was fun.

Then homeboy tyson even made a song about KT smith's return to NEC. It's on his youtube channel called "The Curious Case of KT Smith" I'm afraid to link it here lol.

Fast forward to General Zod. AK Pig Of The Hut in keeping with this fun troll named Zod's trait The Ghost of KT smith and I see it has now caught on in the injustice community. I hope it continues and feel free to add me on psn.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Admittedly, I peed a little when this first went down.