Whats your first name? (A lot of us are on a first name basis with one another, hell, many are friends on facebook)John
What fighting games are you currently playing?Competitively: IGAU, MK9
Non Competetively but still in rotation: AE, UMVC3, KoFXIII, SCV
What non-fighting games are you playing?none
What area are you from? You never know if you have another NRF in your back yard to play offline with.Chicago area, I train at GGA when I can along with one of your members (ImNewbieSauce)
Have you ever played in tournaments for MK9 or Injustice? Do you plan to?Yes. Not as much anymore but still plan to play at tourneys here and there. Last tourney I went to I Got 17th in MK at UFGT and went 2-2 in INJ
What are your goals as a competitive fighting game player? And what seems appealing to you about being part of NRF?
To take my characters to the highest level of play that I can
To have fun grinding matchups with friends
To continue to learn about the game
Can you take constructive criticism? We all see different things at different times, and the more eyes we have one one another's game, the more we are all able to help one another.Yep. I welcome it. Although I don't always agree with it. I value outside input and take all criticism into consideration.
Would you like me to dance for you on skype wearing slightly provocative attire?Absolutely.