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[REQUEST] Machiko Noguchi aka Human Predator


Filthy Casual
Technically she's a Dark Horse character but DC and Dark Horse have crossed over a-plenty. Plus, a man can dream right?

BIO: Earthborn Japanese woman that impressed a Predator so much that they accepted and recognized her as one of them. All of us could only hope to be this badass. In-depth bio here.


Tiger Wong

Swamp Thing is in no way, shape, or form "hugely popular". I really don't know where you guys are getting this stuff from.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
I ignored this when I first saw it posted, since I figured people would let it slip into the abyss, but since they didn't - this is the most impractical idea of all time, and for a total nobody character too. Dark Horse is an independent publisher, making a selection based on one of their works as improbable as a marvel character crossing over, and not only that, the Predator franchise is owned by Fox, meaning it would have to be licensed out. This is ridiculous on a level that most people would never even dream of tilting at, and you should feel bad.


Filthy Casual
I ignored this when I first saw it posted, since I figured people would let it slip into the abyss, but since they didn't - this is the most impractical idea of all time, and for a total nobody character too. Dark Horse is an independent publisher, making a selection based on one of their works as improbable as a marvel character crossing over, and not only that, the Predator franchise is owned by Fox, meaning it would have to be licensed out. This is ridiculous on a level that most people would never even dream of tilting at, and you should feel bad.
Or... you could lighten the fuck up. Seriously get a grip.

Tiger Wong

I've got a better idea. How about you delete it?

Put another way, there's a reason your post about this nobody has zero likes, and my post calling you dumb has three.
Wait, you mean I didn't like your post? Let me remedy that.

Tiger Wong

And further derailing this thread, let me add some characters that are about as viable a DLC as......

........ wait who is this again? "The Human Predator?" :rolleyes: Ok.......

How about......

Alfred Pennyworth
Krypto the Superdog
Jonathan Kent (with a Martha Kent alt)
A random low level member of the League of Shadows
One of the Wolfriders from Elfquest
The nurse/doctor(/assassin?) who delivered Oliver Queen's grandaughter and Arsenal's daughter, Liam
A random street bum.