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Zatanna Clash Quotes and Smack Talk


Filthy Casual
Was bored trying to learn levitate cancel combo's and thought I'd see what all "flavor quotes" Zee had. So far I've found:

Mid-round smack talk:
(After a succesful throw) "Oh, you're alright."

Clash Quotes:

B: "This exercise is over."
Z: "Not 'til I say so!"

B: "I can hurt you."
Z: "You say the sweetest things." / "A girl could crush on you."

Z: "Free for smoothies?"
B: "Don't count on it."

Z: "Guess I thought you'd forgive me."
B: "You guessed wrong."

F: "Big mistake coming here."
Z: "Oooooh, big man." / "Do you have a cold?"

F: "I don't wanna fight'cha!"
Z: "Little late for that."

Z: "Calm down Mister!"
F: "But I'm all warmed up."

Z: "Hope you know your blood type."
F: "Are you insane?"

Anyone have anything else?


Filthy Casual
What's the story behind Zee and Bats? The "Guess I thought you'd forgive me", seems uncharacteristically somber for a clash quote.


Filthy Casual
She messed with his mind in the comics a few years back.

That's pretty cool. I love that NRS included a lot of comics lore quotes in the game. Wish there were more.

I think it's referring to a story arc in which Zee had erased batmans memory to cover up something she did. Batman eventually found out and needless to say was not happy about it
Pfffft...Batman is so emo. What'd she have to cover up?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
That's pretty cool. I love that NRS included a lot of comics lore quotes in the game. Wish there were more.

Pfffft...Batman is so emo. What'd she have to cover up?

A villain raped the wife of one of the Justice League. Some of them wanted Zatanna to wipe the memories of it and to manipulate the villain's mind to prevent him from doing it again. Others in the League were against it for moral reasons. They voted and those in favor won. Batman was against it and Zatanna wiped his memories of this event as well. This was later exposed and was a huge blowup. Batman does not want his mind fucked with.