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If You and A Bunch of TYM Friends Started a Business..


Administrator and Community Engineer
What kind of business would it be? And who would you put in what position? There are a lot of talented people here at TYM, with all kinds of different abilities and personality quirks. So what would you build? (BTW: You must name your business as a rule of the game).


Business: Bakery Chain "Kombat Muffins"

CrimsonShadow: Chief Operating Officer, Public relations and Human Resources mangement
Zyphox: Chief ingredients/culinary strategist and scientist
Goldfish: Sales and Marketing
Tim Static: Production Line Regulator (makes sure everything stays up to code)
MITDJT: Financial analyst/accountant
Riyo: Health advisor
Claude VonStroke: Baker
DownfouralitY: Baker
GuamoKun and DarthArma: Taste Testers
GGA Slips: Equipment tester and oven engineer
A F0xy Grampa: janitor
Wafflez: Food
GamerBlake90: Perimiter Security

FrothyOmen: I don't know what he'd do, probably wouldn't do anything, but good to have around anyway



Administrator and Community Engineer

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Enzyme life sciences. Mold removal and mold prevention. FDA approved and on the gras (Generally Reconized As Safe) list.


Administrator and Community Engineer
No one else has business ideas? Here's another:

Business #2 Crime Prevention Unit "InjusticeBusters"

AK Pig Of The Hut: Lead Investigator
Claude VonStroke: East Coast Defense Contractor
Big D: Dispatcher
Tom Brady: Negotiator
GGA HAN: Demolitions Expert
THTB: Field Agent
jonnitti: Undercover Agent (He could use the Hot Dog suit)
NY_Jailhouse and STRYKIE: Detention Center Managers
Mr. Mileena: Wardrobe
general m2dave: Arms Supplier/Armory Manager
Revolver: Narcotics specialist
PND i2 Gaug3: Street enforcer
Birdsongs: Special Covert Operations (No one would ever find her)
Duck Nation: Forensic Analyist
Death: Staff Attorney
GGA Jeremiah: Good Cop
GGA soonk: Bad Cop/Interrogator
A F0xy Grampa: Janitor (You always need one of those)

GuamoKun: Used for bait on To Catch a Predator


Trust me, I'm a doctor
"Bane Chiropractic Center"
Where spinal rearrangements are our specialty.

PND_Mustard : CEO and Lead Doctor. When he isn't busy belting out Heavy Metal albums, he is meditating in his zen garden.
Mr. Mileena : Spokesperson, rehabilitated through usage of advanced spinal reconstruction
chief713 : Head of Spinal Reconstruction, seconds as a Russian when off the clock.
Doombawkz : Customer Relations and Advertisement. Is secretly not a total douche.
big_aug : Head of complaints dept.
AK Black Preon : Top in his field when he isn't busy waking up covered in hot bitches due to uncontainable swag.
Grr : Meeting-Monger. Realigns spines on the road when no one else can.
RYX : Co-founder of the company, ousted and killed behind the barn by forces unknown.
AA25Mamba : One of the lead scientists, unknowingly created the office supplies.
-Deadman- : Recently out of retirement, Front Desk worker.
BiPolarExxpress : Company Mascot (Wresting Polarbear)
LEGI0N47 : Another Lead Scientist, assists with general disposal of bodies competition
Maxintensity25 : Poster-boy for the company, recognized and feared by many. His name can be heard on the whispers of the Tom Brady winds.
Error : Ghost Pokémon, doesn't do much but still lingers about. Believed to be homeless.
Dog With A Beer : The company favorite. Top expert in the Dog to Beer ratio of the business world.
shaowebb : Manager. Keeps every other employee in line, also believed to secretly be some kind of Nigerian prince.