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new guy

i just recently learned of this site and must say i quite like it. now i am by no means a pro,let alone above average, but i have loved mortal kombat since my youth. i love the characters and backround. i am a good sport and not a crybaby so if anyone would like to play let me know.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Welcome brutha! Feel free add me. We can get some matches in. I'm no badass, but I'm sure we could learn from one another. This site has really opened my eyes to the essence of high level play and helps me tremendously in upping my game. It will do the same for you.

-b_s- :headbang:
sounds good man im gonna try to get on sometime soon, but if i dont tonight i will def tomorrow. my kids will be gone tomorow night.


Welcome to TYM man I don't own this game on ps3 so we can play buts its always good to have new members.