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Balance Suggestions: Perfect Legend, M2Dave, Forever King, THTB and PLAYING TO W1N


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
u have not seen what he has the potential to do then. complete lock down when opponent is cornered at 3 quarter screen if they don't have a tele
i've seen what he can do, and most characters have broken stuff far beyond him, he needs his bats to recharge as fast as they do to be an integral part of his game, its what gives him advantage in pressure.


Part-Time Kano Hostage

Great post I agree with a big percentage of it, but I have an important question.

For the characters that are listed with "no comment" is your consensus that they don't need anything or is it just a lack of fully understanding what they might need changes-wise?
Raven has some big issues despite her being a solid character at her core.

If you think Batman has problems with a "get off me" move then you have to look at Raven. Her backdash recovery is just horrible and the distance is possibly the smallest in the game so escaping a lot of pressure through backdashes is just not viable for her.

This and even though her keep away is good, many characters just really don't give a crap about her style of zoning and get in practically for free on her. She is unable to mount an offense up close similar to nearly everyone in the cast too because a lack of a way to mixup. Add on the fact that she has a horrible wakeup game and this character is just a ragdoll if pressured hard.

In my eyes I think she honestly needs buffs on both of her dashes recovery (and possibly distance on the backdash). It'd increase her offensive (forward dash) and defensive (backdash) capabilities without actually giving her any kind of extra dangerous option considering she has no real mixups at close range.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Very good lists... I agree with most of it.

For the HG MB Mace Charge being clashable... that is not going to happen. Changing this would affect all characters with multi-hitting MB specials across the board.

I remember on one of the first patches that fixed it so you couldn't clash Frost's regular Iceberg due to it being 2-hits. You literally could never use that move if your opponent had clash and more meter than you at the end of a match.

Hawkgirl's f3 needs to have slightly more forward range and the random animation that happens sometimes when you whiff a MB Air Downward Mace Charge is bullshit... that animation should only happen if the move hits.


Batman is fine to me. If he would be top 1 the game would be fine to me because at least he has weaknesses.


Mid Tier
Man, I see alotta nerfs to alotta characters here lol.

In regards to Arrow

Yes 111~Super is avoidable,

B13~Super on block- this string does not need to be nerfed. The B23 string was already nerfed and took away all the good shit. As well as the nerf on F2D13. B13 is slow as shit on start up, doesn't have great range, pushes the character back so you don't have any great follow ups, the only thing he has is super off it, and if you are scarred of it and know its coming, just get hit by the 3 of B13 and the super will not hit you.

Unless the arrow player is a fuckin Jedi he will already be dialing in Super after the B13 string because of the way this game works, he will not be able to stop himself from doing super if you let yourself get hit by the 3. And even if he does, it is not a hard knockdown and does fuck all for damage.

Also, some characters can get out of it anyways.

Honestly he needs some small buffs to keep up with the rest of the cast and the new characters that roll him like fuckin Bread Dough

Oh and why do you guys think that Super should only be able to come out on a hitting block string?? This is insane, because most of his strings if you cancel into super, the super wont even hit. This would effectively make his super 100% useless and Drop arrow into the land of no use in even playing him,

You guys hate Chris G that much?? lol Quit letting him get away with murder on that ass then lol.


ya... its a tough balance bc of the gap that needs filled here. not sure how this would be accomplished. alucard just hates losing his trait and ahving to wait 15 seconds
Haha, it's only 9 seconds. You're supposed to train them not to press buttons in between. Although it is baffling that Supes trait comes back faster than Ares when Ares needs trait to even combo off most of his strings


bad at things
IMO flash DOES NOT NEED MB torpedo to jail or hit ducking opponents. That is stupid

He needs dmg nerf

Anyone who thinks flash needs another buff just isn't very good
i agree i think all he needs is a teleport and a projectile parry and he will be complete #LetsBuffFlashToTop15


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Even though HawkGirl has many other "fixes" that need to be addressed, I'm happy you all agree she needs less recovery on Mace Tosses. This pleases me as it's obviously NONE of you know shit about HawkGirl except for M2Dave. ;)

Also...in the first list...NO COMMENT on Bat Girl...nerf this bitch back to the wheel chair. I believe it's a 50/50 every time she lands a jump in...ehh...I just really hate her.


I'm convinced the player asking for Nightwing nerfs has a very narrow understanding of the character.

The rationale behind the nerf is very, very thin.

@Perfect Legend, @general m2dave, @PLAYING TO W1N, @FOREVER KING and @THTB
I think this is one of those use vs abuse cases like with Wonder Woman's advantage specials. It certainly helps his matchups with the top tier but the bottom characters are abused by this very same tactic and have few options to get around it. It'd help get your point across better if you'd explain the fringe cases in why it is necessary and how it isn't abusive against the bottom characters.


Joker waiting room
Please let people that actually play these chats offer suggestions and not some random shit, as in the current joker suggestions. We have an agreed buff thread in our subforums. Also lol at people thinking Adams is the problem, k.


Zoning Master
Golly gee general m2dave at it once again.

And to think I was starting to take this serious. :rolleyes:
You have not read the entire post, fool. Those particular changes have been suggested by Playing To Win. The only Deathstroke change that I have been asking for is decreased recovery frames on the machine gun, which is a useless special move.

NightwingDayZero, I did not suggest any changes for Nightwing.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Actually...I'm reading through the list and these are all very reasonable. ;) Any buff's for Killer Frost? ;) ;)