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The Wharf ATTN: All Online TYM Users!

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
GGs to all you guys earlier.... first time I've been on KOTH in awhile. It was fun, tigerlads. Sad, I didn't get some games in with Violent.

Just picked up Modern Wharfare 3. Any of you Wharfers have it, I suggest we play tonight.


Vlad said:
Your entire list with the exception of Kitana is completely false... Raiden has one of the slowest teleports in the game, and it is HIGHLY punishable.

Cyrax is a broken character that is consistently, and CURRENTLY in the process of being patched.

Mileena is an annoying character that has an excellent D-4, a ridiculous teleport, and an ability to start a juggle off of anything. She could fart on you and start a juggle, but she does VERY little damage, and she cannot seem to beat certain characters what so ever.

Kabal... meh, he has mediocre zoning. Many characters have a better zoning game. He is most definitely not a good anti-zoner. Infact, if anything, he's more like Johnny Cage. Take away meter, and zone him out. He's a godlike frametrapper, that's about it. Reptile is a better zoner than he is.

1) Shang Tsung
Strength: Great Resets, Excellent Zoning capability, medium to ridiculously high damage, slow-to-fast speed. Good mixups, excellent frametrap capability, uppercut kombos, and the ability to move you all the way into a corner off of ONE juggle.
Weakness: Terrible at escaping pressure, can be outzoned by some characters quite easily.
Description: Looks can be deceiving

2) Sheeva
Strength: Some of the most damaging kombos in the game, can start a juggle off of anything. Unblockable resets. Armor on everything when enhanced. Punishes nearly everyone. Excellent zoning, and antizoning capability.
Weakness: Semi slow, cannot frametrap, poor against Mileena, Baraka, Quan Chi, and Raiden.
Description: She is a very very underestimated character. She has a lot of potential, and can punish some of the hard-to-punish characters, such as Cyrax, Sektor, and Sub Zero.

3) Quan Chi
Strength: Rune Traps, one of the best teleports in the game. Godlike mixups, can start a kombo/reset off of anything. Can trap you in resets and frametraps forever until you die.
Weakness: He's slow, and he can't punish as well as some other characters. Impossible to beat Baraka. Hard to beat Mileena.
Description: An all around good character, unfortunately, they need to buff, and to nerf him, nerf his rune traps, buff his mind control. As is, it is literally impossible to punish Baraka unless you're expecting him to spin, or charge. His mind control is too slow.

4) Sindel
Strength: Best zoner in the game with relatively small weaknesses. Excellent mixups. Moderate to high damage. Extremely good frametraps.
Weakness: Smoke, Reptile, Ermac.
Description: Her U-4 is an excellent anti-air, can start a juggle. Low fireball gives her multiple mixup capabilities. She is a truly oustanding character, that is as fast as she is deadly.

(I personally believe Ermac and Kitana are tied for the 5th place.)

5) Kitana
Strength: 3rd best zoning capability in the game. Able to shut you out with her low-1. Excellent anti-air. Excellent anti-ground. High damage unbreakable juggles. Good frametrapping game.
Weakness: Punishable fly.
Description: She is truly hard to punish without the proper character, and you have to fight her intelligently. Block, dash, block, punish.

5) Ermac
Strength: 5th most damaging juggles in the game. Mediocre zoning capability. Excellent rushdown and frametrapping ability, with nearly every kombo able to stagger. Best anti-air in the game. Levitate mixups that are extremely useful. A reset usable at the end of almost every juggle.
Weakness: Highly punishable. Hard to escape overheads. Easily outzoned. Slow teleport.
Description: He has plenty of tools for every situation, but like Shang Tsung, you cannot make mistakes, and you must play him very smartly.


Plays too much Civ
Well I am opening up the Wharf when I get out of classes. Should be open in about 4 hours.

Random mention: [MENTION=6481]Insuperable[/MENTION]: I am sticking with Rain and Kenshi for alts (Possibly Reptile but I think three characters is enough). Thanks for the help on the purple ninja and always fear the invisible foot of Kenshi.


Makes women fap
is your ps3 old or something? why does it overheat and die so often? I would die if my ps3 did =[
na man, I got a fuckin slim.. I jus dont think it was in the most ventilated place. Self clean it like weekly and dont leave it on or in the sun. Thats all I can suggest bro..


na man, I got a fuckin slim.. I jus dont think it was in the most ventilated place. Self clean it like weekly and dont leave it on or in the sun. Thats all I can suggest bro..
i got the 160GB because it was the same price as the 120GB lol. it doesn't take too long to get lukewarm and after a while it's pretty warm. i should stand mine up so it won't overheat.


Cock Master!!
gg's to dancock last night... long ass 2 hour session lol
Yea ggs. I was so stubborn in continuously picking sindel vs sektor lol that match is annoying when good sektors know how to use the instant air teleport like that. Normally I would go with Kano in that match up. Great games though fun. I'm always down to play just invite please :) that goes for every one just invite if you want to play 1v1

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


bigfrog! lmao, nastradon beat someone in koth with noob and i meant to give him 10 but it accidentally went to 0 lmao!! two others gave him 0 as well.

anyways, i don't understand: it's nice and late and yet no wharf. will someone open it? and perhaps we could have more than 2 people in it =]


it's worth noting that the TYM room is probably more accessible. i remember playing a long time ago thinking, "what the hell is a WHARF???"