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Will Power Girl Be in Injustice?


Nice ring. I have a mace.
Im reading on her page of her powers it does list her having heat vision though. Are you absolutely sure about this?
Hmm... im not sure anymore. lol. it probably just depends on who the writer is for each comic. cause i know i've read certain comics where she straight up tells people, "i don't have heat vision."



Hmm... im not sure anymore. lol. it probably just depends on who the writer is for each comic. cause i know i've read certain comics where she straight up tells people, "i don't have heat vision."

Well it might be that she doesn't like to use heat vision because she prefers hand to hand combat rather than use her powers. Might be why she says that.

In the new 52 storyline which is the current one she does have powers but again she prefers to fight up close with her brute strength.


Stargirl could be cool, but she's virtually unknown. i don't think she has a very high chance.
Should have been her instead of Batgirl. She's not a Bat character, not a Superman character. Perfect choice.

But Powergirl is any more known than her?

I'd argue on that.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
Well it might be that she doesn't like to use heat vision because she prefers hand to hand combat rather than use her powers. Might be why she says that.

In the new 52 storyline which is the current one she does have powers but again she prefers to fight up close with her brute strength.

yeah maybe thats why. but yeah, she definitely prefers to fight with her brute strength.


Iron Dragon
I'm normally one for female characters but if we only have room for one more hero I want Swamp Thing to have a chance to shine.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
I'm normally one for female characters but if we only have room for one more hero I want Swamp Thing to have a chance to shine.

Swamp Thing is actually one of the few DC characters i know very little about. What exactly does he do?


Iron Dragon
Controls plants, telaport through plants( I imagine this will translated into a 'seed' projectile that he could MB to warp to the location it lands.), fly with his branch wings, and can grow faster then weeds. Other then a then that I imagine a mid screen powerhouse.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
Controls plants, telaport through plants( I imagine this will translated into a 'seed' projectile that he could MB to warp to the location it lands.), fly with his branch wings, and can grow faster then weeds. Other then a then that I imagine a mid screen powerhouse.

Hm. Seems like he could be interesting. What kind of villains does he go up against? Is he like captain planet? constantly fighting pollution? lol


Iron Dragon
Anton Arcane is his main villian i suppose. He controls death like ST controls plant life.


Hm. Seems like he could be interesting. What kind of villains does he go up against? Is he like captain planet? constantly fighting pollution? lol
Swamp Thing is actually one of the few DC characters i know very little about. What exactly does he do?
He is a plant-like avatar of force called "the Green" (all plant life), in everlasting battle with the force of "the Rot" (all dead matter). Through the history, many people have taken the mantle of Swamp Thing, which is considered by a "Parliament of Trees" a greatest honor ever entrusted to a human being. Plant elementals actually existed long before humans even walked the Earth. When they done their time, they join "Parliament of Trees". Without "the Green", "the Rot" would would extinguish all life on Earth, so as you can see the stakes are high. There is also a force called "the Red" (animal life - Animal Man).

Here's a writeup on his powers.

Swamp Thing can inhabit and animate vegetable matter anywhere (including alien plants, even sentient ones) and construct it into a body for himself. As a result, bodily attacks mean little to him. He can easily regrow damaged or severed body parts, and can even transport himself across the globe by leaving his current form, transferring his consciousness to a new form grown from whatever vegetable matter is present in the location he wishes to reach (he even grew himself a form out of John Constantine's meager tobacco supply on one occasion).

Swamp Thing possesses superhuman strength of undefined limits. While Swamp Thing's strength has never been portrayed as prominently as many of his other abilities, he demonstrated sufficient strength to rip large trees out of the ground with ease and trade blows with the likes of Etrigan the Demon.

Swamp Thing can control any form of plant life. He can make it move to his will or accelerate its growth. This control even extends to alien life, as he once cured Superman of an infection caused by exposure to a Kryptonian plant that was driving Superman mad and causing his body to burn out its own power.[19]

After the run of Mark Millar, Swamp Thing had also mastered the elements of fire, earth, water and air, the parliaments of each later killed by The Word, implying that he has retained these abilities and has the power once held by the Parliaments. This has yet to be explained.

The new Swamp Thing (a resurrected Alec Holland) has not only been given the full Elemental powers his predecessor once had, but also a White Lantern Power Ring with full control over its power.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
He is a plant-like avatar of force called "the Green" (all plant life), in everlasting battle with the force of "the Rot" (all dead matter). Through the history, many people have taken the mantle of Swamp Thing, which is considered by a "Parliament of Trees" a greatest honor ever entrusted to a human being. Plant elementals actually existed long before humans even walked the Earth. When they done their time, they join "Parliament of Trees". Without "the Green", "the Rot" would would extinguish all life on Earth, so as you can see the stakes are high. There is also a force called "the Red" (animal life - Animal Man).

Here's a writeup on his powers.

Gotcha. He seems pretty cool. But i'd still rather have PG. :)


Justice 4 Firestorm
Some of my ideas:


More Power Girl Ideas:

in addition to:
-Short range upward eye laser blast
-Short range downward blast (air only)
-Suction breath

A flight stance similar to Flash/Catwoman's stance

(command could be db2)
f: flies toward opp.
f1: rapid punches (KD)
f2: Knocks opp. in air (both characters are airborne) Special cancellable
f3: that boss ass groin kick (either KD or standing reset)

Power: Alters moves/Slight damage boost;
-Laser blasts becomes beams and can be comboed,
-suction breath becomes freeze breath,
-Has a cool down period


Nice ring. I have a mace.
i would rather have hood, theres more they can do with him not to mention that more people would shut up.

Me and my friend/roommate have been talking about how red hood could be implemented in this game. i agree, he would be pretty badass. My only thought is, would he be on the hero side? cause while he DOES fight villains, he's not exactly a stand up citizen. lol


Skarlet who ?
Sorry but not in this game. Not in the game with 3D modelers that can't make a proper female. You see what happened with WW, Raven, Zatanna. I'm all for Power Girl, but NRS would just ruin her.


Nice ring. I have a mace.
Sorry but not in this game. Not in the game with 3D modelers that can't make a proper female. You see what happened with WW, Raven, Zatanna. I'm all for Power Girl, but NRS would just ruin her.

While i might agree with WW and Raven, the rest of the female cast looks fine. PG would look great.