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The Wharf ATTN: All Online TYM Users!


Plays too much Civ
This weekend's wharf sessions will be fun to listen in to (my support goes to Admiral since Kami has been getting soft lately). If anyone has a mic be sure to use it.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
lol that's funny. You and me have never played more than 3 game at one time before, so how could you have beaten me 7-3 that day? I don't even recalled playing you that many time before. You really like to make up stuff and complaining about lag, don't cha? Probably to make yourself look good on this board, right? That day, I remember we played 2 games(1-1) and it was laggy as hell so I stop playing right after that. So how did you get 7-3 again? lol. Don't make me laugh. And yea I did type out "tsk tsk" after I beat the guy 3-4 straight games toward the end because I was annoyed by his play and I really do think he's a teleport spammer with Sektor and I have no respect for people who play like that. All he was doing throughout the whole match was teleporting punch every 5 seconds lol.

After my comment, he responded by saying "bad games, you just seem like a prick" in the chat so I responded with some angry PM of my own. And You know what he said to me, "you would never beat me offline, you're a scrub" lol. And that was after he got his ass whooped 3 straight game before I stopped playing and it was 7-3 me overall. You can talk trash when you win a offline tourney or something, ok. Fyi, I have won, I played in a local tourney against one of the member on here named Unsilentalarm and got 2nd place behind him the first time and got 1st place the last time. He didn't believed me so he made a joke about it because he thought I was lying. This Slimjim guy is mediocre at best(scrubby secondary) and in offline tourney, he would be slaughtered. So watch what you say next time before you act like you're better than them, ok scrubby. btw, good games to everybody else I played last night.
if you complain about me being a "spammer" you have no right to talk shit since that isn't a term used by "good players"

I don't even think you read my original post too, I main sektor smoke cage but I was trying characters I'm trying to learn. When I played Cage you played Sub which is probably his worst matchup so you have really no right to brag, same with sektor vs smoke cause smoke wins that matchup as well.

But if you want to challenge me again, even though your cocky ass probably won't, feel free. I won't talk shit if you don't act like a hypocrite and use scrub terms like spammer. So if you're not a jackass don't act like one in game and I'll shut up.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
I told you I'm good for it!!! It's just a bad time of the year for me. Slaving away, busting my hump. Have some compassion, Sir Stankfist. How about a free emassage to ease the tension.


Leave this thread if you're gonna talk shit. Take it to PMs.

And yea I did type out "tsk tsk" after I beat the guy 3-4 straight games toward the end because I was annoyed by his play and I really do think he's a teleport spammer with Sektor and I have no respect for people who play like that. All he was doing throughout the whole match was teleporting punch every 5 seconds lol.
If the game didn't want something to be "spammable" they wouldn't have made it. Stop complaining about "spam".
if you complain about me being a "spammer" you have no right to talk shit since that isn't a term used by "good players"

I don't even think you read my original post too, I main sektor smoke cage but I was trying characters I'm trying to learn. When I played Cage you played Sub which is probably his worst matchup so you have really no right to brag, same with sektor vs smoke cause smoke wins that matchup as well.

But if you want to challenge me again, even though your cocky ass probably won't, feel free. I won't talk shit if you don't act like a hypocrite and use scrub terms like spammer. So if you're not a jackass don't act like one in game and I'll shut up.
Because I performed fatalities on you, I'm a jackass? lol. Somebody's really sensitive. Grow a pair, would ya? You're the one whose a jackass when you said that "prick" comment after you got your ass kicked lol. First you were making up wins and losses and now, you're making excuses about bad match-ups for you because your character supposedly loses to mine lol. It's kinda pathetic to see you saying that. Match-ups don't matter much, it's all about the players. You just proved to me that you are a scrub by saying that. I'll take on your challenge anytime, but you seem like a waste of time playing with. I can't learn anything from your "tactic". You're not gonna win much next time. Whatever, I'm done with this.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Because I performed fatalities on you, I'm a jackass? lol. Somebody's really sensitive. Grow a pair, would ya? You're the one whose a jackass when you said that "prick" comment after you got your ass kicked lol. First you were making up wins and losses and now, you're making excuses about bad match-ups for you because your character supposedly loses to mine lol. It's kinda pathetic to see you saying that. Match-ups don't matter much, it's all about the players. You just proved to me that you are a scrub by saying that. I'll take on your challenge anytime, but you seem like a waste of time playing with. I can't learn anything from your "tactic". You're not gonna win much next time.
Are you DENYING that you started this? so you say "tsk tsk" and you think that doesn't come off as sounding like a prick? oh boy...


Hey guys really... if you wanna keep going at each other fine, do it in PM. But keep it up in here and a mod will take notice and close the thread. They don't fuck around when it comes to stuff like that.
I'm not denying that at all. But lets see, which comments comes off as sounding like a jackass more, "tsk tsk" or "bad games, you're a prick"? I'll let others judge on that. I'm done.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
Stop ignoring everyone's posts guys. PLEASE take it to the PM scene. Nobody wants (or cares) to hear you girls moan. Please take the lovefest somewhere else. The Wharf is for sea men only.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Dragon.... Slim.... knock it off boys. I didn't make The Wharf for lasses who argue over who's dress looks cuter. If you need to, take it to the PM's or like I said MUCH EARLIER, fight it out or tug it out. I don't give a fuck, as long as you don't do it here. Thank you.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
a little mortons is good every once in a while, it revives interest in the community ^_^


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Dragon.... Slim.... knock it off boys. I didn't make The Wharf for lasses who argue over who's dress looks cuter. If you need to, take it to the PM's or like I said MUCH EARLIER, fight it out or tug it out. I don't give a fuck, as long as you don't do it here. Thank you.
PREACH. And errbody knows I'm the cutest.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
Shoutouts to everyone who put up with CSZ epic teabagging yesterday (myself included). I've never seen a classier, more consistent teabagger in all of my days.