The devs themselves have been on record saying this game was meant to be 3/ whats the holdup? Stage selection issue...the only fair option is random at all times.
I'll provide some evidence --
This was said just in recent month --
i said several times the the damage output and gameflow was always intended for 3/5. 2/3 also doesn't give much time to download an opponent in a game where rounds do not reset things.
feel free to be stubborn and believe you know better tho.
This was said back before the game releaed --
the speed of the game will be pretty obvious in a couple of weeks. Things were sorta designed with first to 3 in mind as the blowups will come fast and hard but this will sorta itself out right away and might evolve over time.
I'd also be wary of plstyle fakeout button checks to reset the stage when a favorable one doesn't show up at first lol