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Putting the FGC On Blast.


I wouldn't even honestly know what steps to take to change the overall population of FGC, to fine tune the attitude toward one another. I've always been a part of the communities that get shitted on, so I for one am really tired of seeing it. Maybe it doesn't seem so bad when you sit on the high chair of "I play capcom games" When I personally believe Melee is up there with Street fighter in depth, and Marvel in speed.

I make fun of the tripping mechanic in brawl, because it's bad design, but I still respect that brawl players like their game regardless.

I was in Smash first, it was treated like a red headed step child by the rest of the FGC because we used CUSTOM RULES GIVIN to us to adjust the game how the community deemed fit for competition.

Then I move on to SF for about a year. Then immediately into Mortal Kombat leaving SF behind. Mortal Kombat was treated the same way with people saying "lol this game looks so stupid" and "lol P1 advantage? what a joke game." Then I realized how wrong it was of me to make fun of tripping back in the day. I'm sure every brawl player WISHES tripping didn't exist. Just like I wish P1 advantage didn't exist in MK, cuz other than that I still Love MK9 despite it's flaws.

IF we can learn to put ourselves into the shoes of others, it suddenly makes a lot of sense.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
When its about the games, its about the games. If we're out and about I talk but I never have a reason to get loud when ya'll are showing so much hospitality. And since I play bane, who am I sharing tech with? So by proxy don't talk much just enjoy the experience.
I don't know man I think I was wrong about bane

I think he really good


FPS elitism chart:

1) quake/ut/warsow -- "all other games are inferior both in tactical and execution requirements. quake3 is the most balanced game of all time"
2) tribes -- "tribes is harder than quake"
2) counterstrike -- "all other tactical shooooooters are watered down versions of cs"
3) TF2 -- "tf2 is a valid competitive platform but valve just wants to sell hats"
4) all other PC shooters -- "at least we dont play console"
5) console shooters -- "FPS as a genre sure has come a long way since CoD4 started it all back in 2008"

i am a quake3 and counter-strike elitist for sure, i played cs competitively for 6 years, unreal tournament l4d2 tfortress painkiller are all amazing games. The level of reflexes and aim i developed on the pc will allow me to NEVER enjoy a console shooter.


So the thought which I've had ruminating around is this:

I truly believe that right now, we are at a major crossroads. This is probably the most critical juncture in the history of the fighting game community. The reason why is that the FGC, like some other game communities, is built on the local culture of gaming. It has it's roots in arcades, bars, pizza shops, barber shops, and other places where you could just walk in and be yourself. Anything goes, say what you want, maybe fight about it if somebody gets mad.

And it was this way for a loooong time. But now, Twitch TV + World of Warcraft has changed the game. With Twitch TV, for the first time, millions of people around the world gained the opportunity to tune in live and watch gaming events as they happen, in an easy/friendly way. And with World of Warcraft, for the first time ever, the kind of gaming that requires a bit of thought (not a ton, but more knowledge than Super Mario) became popular at such a level that it is now a household name even among people who hardly play games.

So that's the chain reaction: WoW -> Twitch making viewing accessible -> LoL/SC2 attracting the new huge gaming audience -> Millions of people joining twitch. And now that all these people are comfortable with the idea of tuning into gaming broadcasts and shows.. Enter, the fighting game.

But we're faced with the fact that even an event as large as EVO is still, in some way, just an extension of guys hanging out and cussing each other out at the local arcade. Thousands of them.

So where do we go from here? Which side of the culture do we want more? Would we rather have guys like PerfectLegend be able to earn a solid and reliable living as a 'professional gamer', or is it more important to us to say whatever the heck we want onstream? Would we like to have $200,000 prizes for getting 1st at a fighting game, or is it more important to people to watch CORN and Fanatiq get into a fistfight onstream? Do we want Stream monsters, or paying customers that can be advertised to?

I don't know which way it's going to go; but it's clear we can no longer ignore the elephant in the room, and decisions will have to be made.

people crave drama

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AK Pig Of The Hut does AK have a Shazam at all? Because I am thinking about going after the other Professional Hugger. He's fun and I'm picking him up today
Harold (flash main) is picking him up as a co main which is cool cause you two can share findings and ideas

I think shazam is really scary and is secretly 7-3 over dd