Forum General Emeritus
We broke ground in February with Shao Kahn's Treasure Quest which introduced the largest sums of money ever seen in an online event for this game. Now, as we near the end of the current generation of gaming, we look to outdo ourselves one more time. After months of tireless planning and effort, Ththuvhul, 9.95,, and I are pleased to announce the biggest online MK2 tournament of all time and certainly one of the biggest ever to take place on this site.
The prizes for this tournament are enough to make any serious gamer's mouth water. As mentioned back in June, the first prize winner will receive a brand new system of their choice (PS4 or XB1) OR $500 cash. In addtion, cash prizes will be available to runners up. What makes this tournament so different is the addition of chance to the always present element of skill. You could find yourself with a huge advantage or down in a major hole. How so? Read on to find out. Also, part of this event will be streamed on 995phil's stream channel. More details below!
All player names will be pulled live and their spins performed live on the stream.
Any players at 995Phil's house will play their matches live on stream either against opponents at his house or online against opponents not at his house.
DATE: Saturday, November 9, 2013
TIME: 6pm Eastern (3pm Pacific)
Please note - this is a USA/Canada PS3 only tournament. If you do not reside in the US or Canada, you will not be permitted to enter due to lag concerns. Matches can be played either on MKAK (default), the original PSN MK2 release (aka OG MK2), or on the PC via Kaillera.
All contestant names will be dropped into a hat. There will be a prize wheel known as the Sirkle of Terror that will constantly spin to determine the types of matches that will be played.
From there, the player chosen from the hat will have to face the Sirkle of Terror and watch it spin one time. After that, another player will be randomly chosen from the hat and both players will have to face each other while taking into account the consequences of the wheel. Play will continue like this until only two players remain. The final two remaining players will play a First-to-Five (best of 9) series to determine the winner. The spinning of the wheel will occur live via stream, so all players will need to be present in the stream to know who they are playing and when to play.
The wheel will have 16 different slots, broken down as follows

The prizes for this tournament are enough to make any serious gamer's mouth water. As mentioned back in June, the first prize winner will receive a brand new system of their choice (PS4 or XB1) OR $500 cash. In addtion, cash prizes will be available to runners up. What makes this tournament so different is the addition of chance to the always present element of skill. You could find yourself with a huge advantage or down in a major hole. How so? Read on to find out. Also, part of this event will be streamed on 995phil's stream channel. More details below!
All player names will be pulled live and their spins performed live on the stream.
Any players at 995Phil's house will play their matches live on stream either against opponents at his house or online against opponents not at his house.
DATE: Saturday, November 9, 2013
TIME: 6pm Eastern (3pm Pacific)
Please note - this is a USA/Canada PS3 only tournament. If you do not reside in the US or Canada, you will not be permitted to enter due to lag concerns. Matches can be played either on MKAK (default), the original PSN MK2 release (aka OG MK2), or on the PC via Kaillera.
All contestant names will be dropped into a hat. There will be a prize wheel known as the Sirkle of Terror that will constantly spin to determine the types of matches that will be played.
From there, the player chosen from the hat will have to face the Sirkle of Terror and watch it spin one time. After that, another player will be randomly chosen from the hat and both players will have to face each other while taking into account the consequences of the wheel. Play will continue like this until only two players remain. The final two remaining players will play a First-to-Five (best of 9) series to determine the winner. The spinning of the wheel will occur live via stream, so all players will need to be present in the stream to know who they are playing and when to play.
The wheel will have 16 different slots, broken down as follows
- Top Tier - The player must select either Liu Kang, Mileena, or Jax (2 slots)
- High Tier - The player must select either Kung Lao, Kitana, or Shang (2 slots)
- Mid Tier - The player must select either Scorpion, Raiden, or Baraka (2 slots)
- Low Tier - The player must select either Cage, Sub Zero, or Reptile (2 slots)
- Mirror Match - Regardless of who lands on this space, player 1 must random select and player 2 must choose the same character. This slot trumps all others except in cases where the opposing player can perform a swap. (2 slots)
- Shao Kahn- The player landing on this spot waits to see his opponent. The Player landing on Shao Kahn must force two players of their choosing to battle it out in a free select match. (Both players free to choose their character.) If both of the originally chosen players happen to land on Shao Kahn, then both P1 and P2 select another player to fight in their respective places. Players who are forced to fight as a result of landing on this space do NOT get a spin of the wheel. (1 slot)
- Kintaro - The player MUST fight, but can choose their opponent in a free select match (both players free to choose their character) (1 slot)
- Smoke - The player gets a free pass. Name goes back in the hat and a new name is drawn. This player cannot be drawn again in this round. (1 slot)
- Jade - The player landing on this spot waits to see his opponent. When the opponent is drawn, the player that landed on Jade can opt to either play or swap themselves out for another randomly pulled opponent. If the player landing on Jade chooses to play, they must free select their character. (1 slot)
- Noob Saibot - The player landing on this spot may not lose a single round in the match, which will be free select. Loss of a round will result in a loss of the match and elimination from the tournament. (1 slot)
- Shinnok - The player faces the judgement of the fallen Elder God. The player will be forced to play with a low tier character under Noob Saibot rules. (Low Tier + Cannot lose a round). Should the player forced to play under these conditions manage to win, it will result in the ressurection of a RANDOMLY CHOSEN previously defeated player. The resurrected player will immediately be given a new spin and allowed to continue on in the tournament. A resurrected player cannot be revived a second time. (1 slot)
- First place = choice of a brand new PS4 or Xbox1, OR $500
- Second place = $100 GameStop gift card
- Third place = $50 GameStop gift card
- Single elimination
- Matches are best of three
- The final match will be best of 9 (first to 5), free select.
- All participants will need to access 995phil's stream chat. If you cannot access the stream page, it will be your responsibility to find out from someone else (not TYM staff) who you are playing. The url is:
- You, yourself, must post in this thread and declare your entry to the tournament. Do not message us through PM, PSN, or through someone else. By posting your intent to enter in this thread, it shows you are a TYM member and you will check the thread for updates rather than relying on us to tell you.
- All entrants are responsible for checking this thread regularly for updates; including date/time changes.
- As long as the game can connect, all matches must be played regardless of lag. If you suspect fishy business with a lag switch, report it on the stream page.
- If you need to withdraw from the tournament, please give advance notice (at least 24 hours if possible) as a courtesy. Repeated no shows will result in being blacklisted from future competitions.
- If you are currently banned from the Kombat Network, you are not permitted to enter the tournament.
- If you are not present when your name is called for a match, you will be auto-DQ'd. Therefore SHOW UP ON TIME!
- Failing to post score results of a match in the chat, voluntarily quitting in the middle of a match or at any time in the tournament, any sort of suspicious activity (impersonation, ban evasion, etc), or anything else deemed inappropriate or unsportsmanlike is grounds for disqualification. The staff may use their own discretion when making these decisions and reserves the right to disqualify a player at any time.
- If you trigger the Smoke battle via the Portal stage, you are automatically disqualified.
- Konqrr
- btbb99
- mortal_jason
- Claude VonStroke
- Ironsoulsmasher PSN=N7Nero
- [*]Sub0's-Icy-Balls
- [*]Mikemetroid
- [*]Darklurkr23
- [*]dookiebrain
- [*]LouieMoo
- [*]ZAQ - PSN: BlurayFanboy3
- [*]silentassassinx23
- [*]Kaz
- [*]Gematria
- [*]CUKO28
- [*]jamessmk
- [*]Edfig81
- [*]jesse89202
- [*]DavidGEM
- [*]aphla5
- [*]Pooty Mack
- [*]@classy sasquatch
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