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[Jul 27, 2013] Game Underground Team forming for the Dojo Sports 5v5 National... (Framingham, MA)


Game Underground has been invited to be the official Massachusetts Team in the Dojo Sports 5v5 league!

We are forming teams of 10 players to compete in Street Fighter, Injustice and Tekken. Each game will have it's own ten player team. (we can enter if we have at least 5 players)

Matches will be played online (in person if possible) every other Sunday at a set time. If you can not attend every match that's ok that's why teams have 10 players. We will make sure every player gets to compete in at least onematch this season but hopefully we will be able to rotate it so you can play even more than that. THE MATCHES MUST BE PLAYED AT GU.

Winning team in each region for each game gets 1. A suite for the team at Final Round 2014. 2. $1,000 cash!

If this sounds like something you want to be involved in here's what we need from you. $15 to join the team for the full season and a commitment to try be involved from Aug-Nov. Don't worry if you can't make it every week but it would be cool if you can be there if we need you.

If you are sponsored by another group like RPD, AG etc that's fine. You can rep your sponsor etc.... We are not asking you to join a GU sponsored team just to play on our team in this event.

If you are interested in being a part of this please post up and say so! We would love to have you be a part of the team!

If more than 10 players are interested in joining we will have a tryout event/tournament on 7/27 to see who makes the team. We want to be fair and want all of Mass to feel included. Even if you don't make the team we want you to feel like you are a part of this!

Luckyd will captain SF

we are going to announce the captains for Injustice and Tekken later today!

I hope you guys want to be involved in this! Here is more info!


To be clear you do not have to be a member of the Dojo Sports site to be on our team. It's a one time $15 fee to enter this event on our team!


This is from Jaime at Game Underground. Not sure who would be interested in this, but I'm going to give it a shot as Jaime asked me if I was interested in being the team captain. If you're interested, read all the info and get back to me when you guys get a chance.

Edit: also I'm willing to relinquish my captain title to Cpt Xecution as he probably understands the game better than I do, and is also clearly a better player.

CptXecution Peckapowa crosstalk Deftonesrc Ectothermia AceOfKnaves -LD50-


I'd definitely play too :)
edit : also DUMB455T3R
Thanks for your interest. Jaime has made me captain of the team, which means that I will organize and touch base with whoever makes the team on a weekly basis. Please check the website and go over all of the information. A lot of regions will be represented and we are looking to make a name for the Massachusetts/New England area.

The team as follows right now is;

Some people have also shown interest on Facebook. Anyone else who is interested please let me know as the deadline is July 30th.



Electrical Engineering bitch!
I would love to get in on this, but I cannot make a commitment at all at the moment with school in its final semester. Sorry guys, but I would not be reliable at all. I'm sure James can hold things down! I can, however, rock a cheerleader skirt like there is no tomorrow lol


also any definite team listing for Empire, (I have ideas who but I could be wrong)
I know CD Jr is one. I would assume Darth Arma, KDZ, and Dragongod. So that's Flash, Batman, Superman and Black Adam. Basically top 5? Hahhaha