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What is Skill?


Reptile the other green meat
Now I know this isnt Mortal Kombat related or Injustice related but this video of a game I play Planetside 2 where Wrel a YouTube video-creator goes into detail on what skill really is.



Ice Queen
Skill is usually what you have that lets you win.

The amount of skill you have behind that win varies though... Like if you win with a high tier you will always have less skill than someone who has won with a low tier character. That's an example and how I believe it works.


Skill from what I understand is just a collection of what makes you a good player.

whether it's spacing
good execution
how quickly you can react (hitconfirm ect)
How well you read people and follow patterns
how well you can stay unpredictable while staying mostly safe.

It's just everything combined, the more of everything you have the more your skill increases.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Oh poo, Chef beat me to the F23 joke, well I guess I could say, "Skill is low gun shots." Oh nevermind, that joke isn't relevant anymore.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
since we're all trolling...

this is skill...

lol j/k this is just tech skill.

This guy is the most technical player in the ssbm community, I can't even dream of being this technical.
i don't get what the hell was all goin on in those vids...part of me wants to know, part of me doesnt.