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Rage Quit Patch Is Needed


Hi guys, I have just registered today but I have been a long time lurker. I have been back playing MK9 for a few months now after being sucked back into playing SSFlV, but I was shocked to continually see SO many people quit online particularly ranked matches. Its not even the new guys quitting it seems to be people with 100 plus wins that quit which I don't remember happening before I took a break from the game.

Its probably too late to take out the option to quit in live play but I hope it isn't, surely it can't be too hard to have an update for this? If it is then at least please take it out for MK10.

Despite this flaw and a few character balance issues I still love this game and will continue to play it until a sequel is released.


every rage quitter should receive 5 losses per game the rage quit.

But I must admit, I do rage quit in injustice at the select screen if superman is picked. not worth the frustration. I'll fight kabals, kenshis, kung laos, sonyas, but I will NOT fight superman. worst fighting game character ever


every rage quitter should receive 5 losses per game the rage quit.

But I must admit, I do rage quit in injustice at the select screen if superman is picked. not worth the frustration. I'll fight kabals, kenshis, kung laos, sonyas, but I will NOT fight superman. worst fighting game character ever
Never got into injustice at all, played the demo and knew it was not for me. I agree with your quit idea though, if people are so proud if their win/loss ratio then hit them with a larger penalty.

In response to the first reply, SSFlV has no quit option and has very little rage quitters.


RIP Grundy
Mickles! Long time fella haha.

Rage quitting is rife in injustice, as with umvc3 too. I wish something would be done but what you gonna do? At least in injustice they can't get streaks like umvc3!


Mickles! Long time fella haha.

Rage quitting is rife in injustice, as with umvc3 too. I wish something would be done but what you gonna do? At least in injustice they can't get streaks like umvc3!
Klesk!! Damn long time is right man. You playing injustice and giving up on that epic gief you have?lol Sticking with MK9 for now myself but its frustrating coming up against quitters
Yeah I'm on ps3 and I don't seem to have any problems finding players on ranked, mostly tag though. UK player btw
Huh, then I might have to start playing ranked again. When I played Injustice I always used ranked but for MK I've always gone to the player lobbies instead. I just figured that no one played ranked anymore.


Huh, then I might have to start playing ranked again. When I played Injustice I always used ranked but for MK I've always gone to the player lobbies instead. I just figured that no one played ranked anymore.
It happens in player lobbies too although this isn't as annoying as quitting on ranked, it still bugs me. Maybe if NRS didn't show stats before a fight then quitting wouldn't happen as much. Usually if someone outplays me I send a msg telling them how good I thought they were.


Most of the quitters unplug the wire instead of normal quit, so it won't show they quitted. No point of removing the option to quit.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
IDC about my profile online, I care not for my losses and wins ratio online ever, hell you should see my record on Injustice! When I see a rage quite I laugh and I laugh hard. After my MK9 hiatus I wound up in a KOTH that a Scorpion player was dominating, pretty much a NOOB Scorpy vs. more noobs. All he did was spam that Teleport 111 move all day long and somehow poeple continued to lose to him. After I mopped the utter floor with him, he RQed fast, even got some praises for it. My favorites is a RQ followed by a wonderful love note about how they wanna fight in RL, or I spam w/e.

Don't take an RQ as a sign of hatred, take it as a compliment on how badass you obvisiouly were. Take those RQs with pride!!!


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Oh yeah if you wanna face a man who accepts his losses insyead being a coward add me The-Spore666


IDC about my profile online, I care not for my losses and wins ratio online ever, hell you should see my record on Injustice! When I see a rage quite I laugh and I laugh hard. After my MK9 hiatus I wound up in a KOTH that a Scorpion player was dominating, pretty much a NOOB Scorpy vs. more noobs. All he did was spam that Teleport 111 move all day long and somehow poeple continued to lose to him. After I mopped the utter floor with him, he RQed fast, even got some praises for it. My favorites is a RQ followed by a wonderful love note about how they wanna fight in RL, or I spam w/e.

Don't take an RQ as a sign of hatred, take it as a compliment on how badass you obvisiouly were. Take those RQs with pride!!!
You and I seem very alike in our feelings towards this game.

I love hatemail from RQ's myself, remember a few months ago I fought a guy on 1v1 ranked and his win/loss popped up with 7000 wins so naturally I thought I was gonna get my ass kicked. Well I was surprised this guy chose kratos but damn he was good with him, I played as Kang as usual and beat him 2 1 only for Your Opponent Has Left The Game to pop up on my screen.

Within minutes I got expected hatemail accusing me of being a scrub and that I blocked too much. (As if I'm gonna let you hit me) Then random msgs saying Noob, You Suck etc but from his spelling I would assume he wasnt from the UK. So I reply that I took a screen shot of him quitting our match and his hatemail and i was going to post it on Test Your Might.......and that was the last I heard of him. Checked ranked leaderboard and he was on the second page but can't remember his name, hopefully he is a member here and reading this lol.