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Top 3 Most hated Injustice characters?


Positive Poster!
3. Zod. Wtf is that guy doing in the game? He has no business being there before iconic characters such as Beastboy or Starfire.
2. Batgirl. Same reason, why a clone when there could be iconic characters there?
1. Lobo. Because he's weak and he sucks and he was supposed to be badass but he isn't.


Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
Green Lantern/or Black Adam

and how dare you OP Lobo is badass! Not to mention 50% off one bar of meter? Yea that's "weak" lol

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Flash - Keeps getting buffs for absolutely no reason. Phases through projectiles every time he dashes which is starting to feel like MKDC Flash.
Superman - F23. 'Nuff said
Batgirl - More dumber than Killer Frost. Safe vortex, too many good tools