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Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice - Discussion Thread

I'd rather have a Flash movie.
The same person that leaked this Worlds Finest crossover also mentioned Warner was going for The Flash movie for 2016 and Justice League for 2017. So you'll get your wish by the looks of it.

About time we got a worlds finest movie. The DCAU movie from the 90s wasn't enough, and Public Enemies/Doomsday sucked, quite frankly.

Reptile Orion

A Fire Will Rise.
I would be more excited if Christian Bale would continue in the role and if it were connected to the Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. Unfortunately Nolan built that trilogy to stand on its own.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
The same person that leaked this Worlds Finest crossover also mentioned Warner was going for The Flash movie for 2016 and Justice League for 2017. So you'll get your wish by the looks of it.

About time we got a worlds finest movie. The DCAU movie from the 90s wasn't enough, and Public Enemies/Doomsday sucked, quite frankly.
It can't come soon enough personally speaking. Public Enemies wasn't all awful imo, I liked the animation styling though I preferred All-star superman. That and Captain Marvel is a baws in PE

The Borax Kid

A few things that Snyder absolutely needs to watch out for:

Don't depower Superman (kryptonite or jobbing) to make Batman look good or to "win" a fight between the two when they first meet. If they come to blows Superman needs to be convinced by Batman not to bring in the Dark Knight to the police, not have Batman score a cheap win with some dumb plot device.

Don't overpower Batman by having him dodge everything thrown at him while Superman takes powerful hits for no reason except in cases when he protects people as a shield. Don't have Batman take ridiculous damage without showing him being seriously hurt and in pain.

A strong villian needs to bridge the gap between these heroes to explain why they work together, come to respect each other and eventually become friends.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
The Batman logo is completely different on the screen, so don't even expect a Batman from anywhere close to the TDK series.

I still don't like this. Why can't we get a MoS trilogy first? ;__________________;

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
Yarr, that there swabs the poopdeck ;_;
It gets released on DVD/Blu Ray on the 30th.
I've seen all the DC Animated movies, and Flashpoint is definitely up there as a favourite along with the Wonder Woman animated movie and Justice League: Doom.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
It gets released on DVD/Blu Ray on the 30th.
I've seen all the DC Animated movies, and Flashpoint is definitely up there as a favourite along with the Wonder Woman animated movie and Justice League: Doom.
Doom was godlike. 30th of this month, as in 10 days? If so, I'm hype.

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
I think we'll be getting a more... senior or mature version of Batman. Considering the Bat symbol above looks a LOT like the one in The Dark Knight Returns, and the article has a quote from the graphic novel as well.

Doom was godlike. 30th of this month, as in 10 days? If so, I'm hype.
End of THIS month. ...So Martian Manhunter release date.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
damn, after the batman trilogy, i feel like no bale no nolan -> no batman :(.
btw stupid fat bat logo.

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
Updated first post with new info:

* Zack Snyder directing
* Chris Nolan executive producing again
* David S. Goyer writing screenplay
* Production begins in 2014, tentative release date of 2015
* The dynamic between Superman and Batman will be based around/informed by Frank Miller's 'The Dark Knight Returns', but it will not be an adaptation of that storyline
* Henry Cavill, Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne are all returning
* Christian Bale will not return - Batman likely being rebooted