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Why zoning is such a problem in injustice..


The common excuse for scrubs "I DONT PLAY ALL DAY!!!" Well then why did you make this thread? Laziness at its finest.

So he has to play a fighting game all day/every day in order to have an opinion? And then you call him lazy because he likes to do something else besides sit on his ass and do nothing all day? What an amazing example of irony. Those of you that bash someone because they don't dedicate over 50% of their waking hours to a fucking video-game are pathetic.

My answer to the poster. The way I got around projectile spamming is Raven. Play with her for a while and she'll be your new best friend.


100% agree, everything would be easier to do with a dedicated block button. In games like street fighter you can block when your about to get hit, your character will stop and be in a block state whether you get hit or not. In IGAU you just moonwalk until you take a hit. Moonwalking puts you farther from the zoner, the response to that is jumping. Jumping is always a bad idea, but even worse now because everyone's D2 got buffed.
So he has to play a fighting game all day/every day in order to have an opinion? And then you call him lazy because he likes to do something else besides sit on his ass and do nothing all day? What an amazing example of irony. Those of you that bash someone because they don't dedicate over 50% of their waking hours to a fucking video-game are pathetic.

My answer to the poster. The way I got around projectile spamming is Raven. Play with her for a while and she'll be your new best friend.
- thanks a lot man I feel like this community hates causals like us and everytime we have a opinion they just smash to the ground go like "OH YOU SUCK FIND A WAY PAST AND STOP BITCHING" ... And it's just like I'm not going to spend hours upon hours just find a way past certain zoners...

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
The funny thing is all the characters without real projectiles get in easier than characters with good zoning options. Flash has like 5 options to get around zoning and interactables, bane has armor out his ass and once he knocks you down you're in a messed up situation, grundy has fast dash armor and his no chip chain, catwomen has armor dash and evade. When i play against deathstroke or sinestro i'd much rather be flash than green lantern or aquaman.
this is my only issue as a GL player, i mean i get it Grundy, Flash etc dont have projectiles (even though Grundy has swamp hands) but they have multiple tools to get in and GL has nothing, turbine is slow, easy to get hit out of, and easy to punish plus he has the worst walk/dash speed in the game. so when someone decides to fullscreen spam projectiles zone im screwed, its gonna take me a while to get in (unless they screw it up) and they probably win by time -__-


Saikyo Student
I personally find that I learn best through beatings, perhaps this may help you. After you get beaten down repeatedly by various zoning tactics, you'll eventually find your own way around it and you'll be a much better player for it. However, there are a few different tactics I can recommend (General fighting game strategies, not Injustice specific ones):

Bulldogging - The idea here is to just keep walking forward and block each incoming projectile. Eventually, you'll walk your opponent to the corner, and you'll be in their face. You will eat a lot of chip, but you won't get anti-aired back full screen again.

Jumping - Don't jump excessively, since many anti-airs will send you far away from your opponent again. However, if you make a read on your opponent, you can nail them with a hefty jump-in combo.

Laming them out - Get a small life lead, if possible, then stay fullscreen away. You can react to every projectile they throw, and they'll eventually have to take the fight to you if they want to win.

Armor / Invincibility - Figure out which moves you have that can go through their projectiles, and hit them with it when you predict a projectile. If you manage to hit them enough times, they will eventually throw projectiles more cautiously and you'll be able to close the distance much easier.

However, the most important thing is to be patient. A projectile tosser WANTS you to get impatient, so they can prey on your mistakes and win. Hope this helps.
I personally find that I learn best through beatings, perhaps this may help you. After you get beaten down repeatedly by various zoning tactics, you'll eventually find your own way around it and you'll be a much better player for it. However, there are a few different tactics I can recommend (General fighting game strategies, not Injustice specific ones):

Bulldogging - The idea here is to just keep walking forward and block each incoming projectile. Eventually, you'll walk your opponent to the corner, and you'll be in their face. You will eat a lot of chip, but you won't get anti-aired back full screen again.

Jumping - Don't jump excessively, since many anti-airs will send you far away from your opponent again. However, if you make a read on your opponent, you can nail them with a hefty jump-in combo.

Laming them out - Get a small life lead, if possible, then stay fullscreen away. You can react to every projectile they throw, and they'll eventually have to take the fight to you if they want to win.

Armor / Invincibility - Figure out which moves you have that can go through their projectiles, and hit them with it when you predict a projectile. If you manage to hit them enough times, they will eventually throw projectiles more cautiously and you'll be able to close the distance much easier.

However, the most important thing is to be patient. A projectile tosser WANTS you to get impatient, so they can prey on your mistakes and win. Hope this helps.
-Thanks a lot man for the information but the problem about being patient is by the time I understand there match up I already have like 3 losses and then they just leave after I beat them once.. Also about the Bulldoding strategy is whenever I do that and finally get in there face theres like always an intractable that they throw at me and they take even more of my health and send back to the middle of the map..


Saikyo Student
-Thanks a lot man for the information but the problem about being patient is by the time I understand there match up I already have like 3 losses and then they just leave after I beat them once.. Also about the Bulldoding strategy is whenever I do that and finally get in there face theres like always an intractable that they throw at me and they take even more of my health and send back to the middle of the map..

Sorry, I've never played Injustice before and I just gave you general fighting game tips. I suggest you add up some members of Test Your Might onto your friends list and run some sets with them to gain some valuable experience.


Est In Harvey 1989
- thanks a lot man I feel like this community hates causals like us and everytime we have a opinion they just smash to the ground go like "OH YOU SUCK FIND A WAY PAST AND STOP BITCHING" ... And it's just like I'm not going to spend hours upon hours just find a way past certain zoners...
lol. People are super rude, but that's because they still view TYM as a competitive fighting game site. Some cant fathom the idea of a casual person posting here. Don't worry about it. You could always pick up Deathstroke to troll zoners lol.
lol. People are super rude, but that's because they still view TYM as a competitive fighting game site. Some cant fathom the idea of a casual person posting here. Don't worry about it. You could always pick up Deathstroke to troll zoners lol.
-Exactly! Well said, I feel that every time a causal player post a thread or even voices their opinion the rest of the community goes insane and starts trampling you with insults and other unnecessary things. But the more causals I think the better because it helps get more members on the site thus getting the site getting more ad trafficking and helping TYM become a better and more popular forum base..
- nah you're fine and I guess because I'm inexperienced with getting past these kinds of things but thanks for not hating and actually showing me things to get past it, I appreciate it. But usually Sinestros projectiles give me the most trouble and its so hard to get up close to him he just has so much keep away
a well timed turbine/air turbine will get you past certain projectiles. You have to let them know you have the option to turbine in and close the distance.
You don't need to play the game all day everyday to be good is what he means. You're using that as your cop out excuse to not go into training and learn how to counter people.
You don't need to play the game all day everyday to be good is what he means. You're using that as your cop out excuse to not go into training and learn how to counter people.
- No, that makes no sense going on training mode will not help you get past zoners, come back when you know what you're talking about


Saikyo Student
- No, that makes no sense going on training mode will not help you get past zoners, come back when you know what you're talking about

It won't, but you shouldn't be waiting for others to give you strats in this thread. You'll learn much quicker if you actually face the zoners in sets and make your own. Reading our replies won't help much if you don't know how to apply the tactics in a real match. Post a status update inviting various TYM members and face them.

I do warn you, this can be a very gradual process, expect to be defeated time and time again. Treat every loss as a lesson.


It won't, but you shouldn't be waiting for others to give you strats in this thread. You'll learn much quicker if you actually face the zoners in sets and make your own. Reading our replies won't help much if you don't know how to apply the tactics in a real match. Post a status update inviting various TYM members and face them.

I do warn you, this can be a very gradual process, expect to be defeated time and time again. Treat every loss as a lesson.
Well yes button a person of equal skill who zones is going win regardless of how much he trains because this game favors keep away. I personally don't like it, seems that the answer to 90% of bad match-ups and 99% all scenarios is mb b3

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You know what this game needs?

Ice Clones.

Clones mean your opponent has to zone you to get near you.
Forcing zoning potentially forces mistakes.
Mistakes lead to punishment, which is awesome.

Sub-Zero confirmed.


- No, that makes no sense going on training mode will not help you get past zoners, come back when you know what you're talking about
Actually training mode helps a lot. Record some zoning attacks and then experiment with ways to block, jump, dash, punish, or counter zone.

As far as this thread goes, I understand the problem casuals face however, you will probably get backlash for complaining here since this is site dedicated to competitive play aka hardcore aka non-casual.


Saikyo Student
Well yes button a person of equal skill who zones is going win regardless of how much he trains because this game favors keep away. I personally don't like it, seems that the answer to 90% of bad match-ups and 99% all scenarios is mb b3

Well, if the OP wants to be able to better handle Injustice's zoning, I'm saying that he/she should put in the time to get used to it. Once the OP is able to get used to facing an opponent's zoning tactics, he/she can better create strategies that can help him/her deal with zoning more easily.

Lt. Boxy Angelman


Think about it.
Think about how profound a widespread effect the Clone had on MK9 as a whole (even against Kenshi...sometimes).
There is no such move in IGAU, save maybe these mystery orbs MMH is coming equipped with.
This game's zoning needs to make sweet love to diversity and give birth to more interesting tactics. THAT is when things will get more interesting, when the metagame becomes less than one gigantic 50/50 and more about widespread tactics and unique options.
That's why I love guys like Grundy and girls like Hawkgirl. Walking Corpse and its armor and Flight Mode and its horrid annoyance/brilliance are completely unique and devastating, and yet with the simple addition of a Deathstroke, Zod or Lex to the matchup, and it becomes balanced.

I say "Think about it" way too much...
It won't, but you shouldn't be waiting for others to give you strats in this thread. You'll learn much quicker if you actually face the zoners in sets and make your own. Reading our replies won't help much if you don't know how to apply the tactics in a real match. Post a status update inviting various TYM members and face them.

I do warn you, this can be a very gradual process, expect to be defeated time and time again. Treat every loss as a lesson.
- Thanks again man but the only zoner im able to get past now is actually superman im able to understand his matchup and know when to standup block and when to crouch block.. But damn Sinsetro still kills me everytime..