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Any pad players that can play for a long time? My thumb is shot


Waiting for Havik
Deathly Hallows? Oh well, not much to say, I dont read harry potter, I wanted but just because a pretty friend of mine ia a fan of harry potter and I wanted to have something to talk about to her :oops:. well, you should give shingeki no kyojin a try, but dont watch the anime, the manga is a lot better imo.
I usually never have a problem and I played Kabal. Although my hands have hurt before but not my fingers.
well I usually form blisters in my thumb if playing without my wool finger glove, I love my wool finger glove, I LOVE IT.
Can you tell me an effect way to do the kabal block string/dash cancel stuff that REO does?
Practice it a lot. I use the brawl pad aswell and it's fucking amazing for using Kabal, you just have to get adjusted to the character and put a lot of practice into him. If you want i'll play some games with you on XBL sometime. I'm really rusty though lol

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
Practice it a lot. I use the brawl pad aswell and it's fucking amazing for using Kabal, you just have to get adjusted to the character and put a lot of practice into him. If you want i'll play some games with you on XBL sometime. I'm really rusty though lol
Do you just do back and block to dash cancel and let go to do a normal into another dash and cancel that one and keep going?

Edit: I'm really bad, I just got the game yesterday from my buddy, lol.
Yes. Basically try doing it with F32 NDC or F3 NDC first, set the AI to block only and practice with that, then once you get a feel for it try to go for harder strings like 2 NDC, or b1 NDC.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
I don't get that problem as much. I more so get it in my right hand at times. Although at the same time its not a bother because I play guitar.

My best advice is when you feel that strain either play through it because once its gone it won't come back for quite some time. That or take a 5-10 minute break where your not using your hands much then go back.

YouTube Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/mrgotmerked
YouTube Clan Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/ktokillatv

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True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
I'm just wondering if any pad players share my problem of playing too long for one day and the next few days being incapable of playing for longer than a few matches? My thumb that is used for the pad is beyond tender and sore and was wondering if it will get better with time or should I just switch to stick?
Also I play Kabal if you want any tips or help. My xbl GT is: Mr Got Merked

YouTube Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/mrgotmerked
YouTube Clan Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/ktokillatv

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Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
after playing for a few hours last night, I have a new found respect for MK players. As my first MK, I was drawn to it from Injustice... and this game is like 10x harder than Injustice. The combos are so difficult! :(
Its funny that you mention that. I was in a party and this person joined asking about MK since he saw it at EVO and liked it. I explained the differences between meter burn (injustice) and enhanced moves (mk).

He stated that it was harder due to a block button and dash canceling. Not NDC but where you dash and cancel your dash with a block or move. Injustice the dash has to end before you can do a move. The major downfall to MK is not having an online practice mode but you can still practice online.

Just keep practicing and you'll have the game down in no time.

YouTube Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/mrgotmerked
YouTube Clan Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/ktokillatv

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