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Controller Crisis, please help!!


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
yea seriously hitbox is the way of the future... i dont see any point in playing on stick lol. hitbox is superior in every way. only thing thats difficult on it is 360s/720s but if you play a character in other games that has those there are ways of doing them that is still faster than stick... fastest possible zero frame zangief grabs? yes plx
well its easier to do standing 720's from what i saw on on hitbox as long as you practice your execution. also in injustice i imagine command throws to be easy as hell with hitbox. bu again i'll definitely try to practice with it once i do get one.
Yah I actually have trouble with half circles on hitbox (hitting both diagonals is weird) but it doesn't matter really for injustice or mk
i heard its just practice for the half circles, i use fei long in ssf4, so chicken wing might be a problem since its starts with a diagonal, but i'll practice my execution before i ever try to enter a ssf4 tournament :)
It took me a few months before I was comfortable with getting my diagonals consistent on hitbox, Zyphox . I couldn't even hit Dhalsim s.MK xx yoga flame 10/10 times for a long time just because I had difficulty hitting all of the diagonals properly.

dash in d1 is easy as fuck on hitbox though. I have never been able to mash smoke d3 so hard until i got hitbox. can you tell i really recommend hitbox lol


No lock button.
Front only has directinal buttons and the 8 regular buttons

Front has start, select, xboxhome from right to left


Zyphox play what you know. Honestly it seems like your trying hard to move yourself to pad. no game plays better on any controller (except hitboxes those things are gdlk lol). Do what you feel more comfortable doing, I will say dashin will come easily to you if you practice. Same w bf motions on a pad. So just do Wat feels good to you


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Zyphox play what you know. Honestly it seems like your trying hard to move yourself to pad. no game plays better on any controller (except hitboxes those things are gdlk lol). Do what you feel more comfortable doing, I will say dashin will come easily to you if you practice. Same w bf motions on a pad. So just do Wat feels good to you
i feel comfortable with both, just the two nuances with stick and pad that keeps me switching you know?