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What would it take? A community reflection by TakeAChance


TYM White Knight
Wow! What a week this has turned out to be for myself and the FGC!

I have seen the best and worst of this community on one of the largest roller coaster rides we have had to endure in a long time. First and foremost, I competed in an offline tournament for the first time ever in Injustice. I have not competed since the spring and that was in MK9. I am proud to say I won and made a lot of new friends in the process. Everyone at tournaments are very friendly and are there to have a good time. Being on commentary and playing casuals was fantastic. Seeing as I helped organize the event I was all smiles. It was a very proud moment for me and a fantastic experience.

On a more macro level however, the community was under strife. EMP had their own little controversy and top players were almost thrown under the bus. Smash Bros almost lost it's stream time and threw the EVO schedule for a loop in threat of a lawsuit. The community was up in arms about how many "top players" were now asking for donations after seemingly lambasting the community prior to said events. Hostility was rampant. Let's just say that the OBS had a lot to cover this week.

In those dark times however, light shown through. Dieminion one of SF's greatest players could not go to EVO due to personal reasons. The community who thought that Dieminion deserved to go to EVO rallied together and donated over $1500 for him to attend the years largest event. Overwhelmed, and humbled Dieminion will now attend EVO.

EMP sorted out their issues and did in fact manage to send their players to EVO. Thank goodness. The community rallied for them as well, and helped donate a portion that was needed to go to EVO.

We then had Reo, Pig, Dave, and Brady put on an extremely positive podcast that highlighted the things we have most to look forward to this weekend at EVO. This was a complete 180 from the prior podcast which was essentially a CEO fallout. The top players sounded confident, and I wont be surprised to see them make a huge splash.

The collective FGC turned their frowns towards Nintendo's decision to call off EVO streaming and within HOURS an unprecedented 180 from Nintendo allowed us all the chance to witness the hype that is Super Smash Bros. Melee

We did that this WEEK! Within seven days we took an amazing amount of rubbish, we banded together, and we collectively turned it into gold. We have that ability and we are in fact the users that inspire this behavior. These stories do not have to be rare. We all have the ability to show respect, be humble, and appreciate what we have. Our pros are people, our forum users are people, we are all people. Whether you are winning tournaments, sharing tech, researching combos, creating combos, creating entertainment, or posting news we are all one and the same. We are people who are passionate about an aspect or many aspects of the FGC.

We all love drama, and drama is fun, however we should never forget that we are all apart of this. There are no tournaments without players, there are no streams without monsters. We the community can create and continue to create wonderful things for humanity, and it all starts with the willingness to show respect to one another and help each other.

So, FGC I TakeAChance have to ask...What would it take? What would it take for us to reach this new level of mentality? All I can say is that I love this community, I love every aspect about it. I am ready for others to share this love as well.



"Heaven Will Fall!"
This is one of the best things I have seen posted on this site in my 2 almost 3 years being a member. This needs to be front paged so everyone can read it.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
I took a chance on this thread. I was not disappointed.

Something I don't know that always comes out so clear is that the FGC as a whole is always capable of doing things larger than themselves, because the type of person these games attract is the person who looks at no problem as being too large to surmount or solve, regardless of what method needs to be used to solve it. People are driven and determined to see success and triumph, and will work very hard to get it. Personal accountability is the name of the game.

Those same qualities tend to go hand in hand with some less attractive ones, though - a lot of people tend to be egotistical, prideful, contrary and vain. Those qualities tend to lead to bullheaded, argumentative, stubborn and grumpy behaviors, none of which are effective community builders. I don't think there's any possible way to eliminate those qualities without removing what makes people great players, either. It's the whole package deal or none of it at all. The best any of us can do, perhaps, is stand by our words and own our faults when they come back to us. Tempering our arguments and debates and remembering everyone wants the same things (a fun, balanced competitive game or games) and standing by those we share common interests and experiences with is something we should always strive for, too.


Positive Poster!
What would it take for us to reach this new level of mentality?
I've been watching, this time silently because I had no character to hype up and generally am not interested in Injustice. I love to bash it though and be like "I told you so" when somebody complains about the game.
and I can tell you that the community is looking good as a whole. It's firm, it knows how to handle itself and it has its good old pull that will keep people coming and going, hopefully more coming than going too.
LBSH, the only way a community can get better is if everybody strives to give their best both on the social and on the gaming level.
That's all.
