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Ryan Davis of Giantbomb dies at 34


Filthy Casual
I'm not sure if many (or any) of you are fans of Giantbomb.com but they announced today that Ryan passed away on July 3 at the age of 34 for undisclosed reasons. I'm literally stunned at the news.


Filthy Casual
I'm a huge fan of Giantbomb, I'm not taking this news very well.

He just got married a few days before he died.

Honestly man this fucked me up a little bit. While I never met Ryan personally I was a regular listener to their weekly podcast, live stream shows, and just general media content on the site for the past 5-6 years . It's weird but hearing about Ryan's death felt like hearing about an old friend from school dying. Like, there was this level of familiarity.

It usually doesn't affect me when someone from the entertainment industry dies (aside from the general somberness) but with Ryan dying... man... I got choked up. RIP bro. Way too young.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Sad news. :( I'm a huge fan of Giant Bomb. I actually got to meet Ryan, Jeff, Brad and Vinnie two years ago at PAX. It was awesome.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Yeah, I went to two PAXs and saw them twice. Great experience.


Filthy Casual
never visitited the site itself or even knew the guy but 34 is damn to young
For sure. They haven't released the cause of death yet either. Also, I listened to the podcast and def
recommend it for people emotionally out of sorts over this. It's nice to hear them exchange stories and laugh. It'll break your heart a little but it helps.

They're releasing a memorial t-shirt later in the week with proceeds going to Ryan's widow.