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Why Superman beats Batman


Neutral Skipper
Superman doesn't have the balls to do whats necessary
Really? Injustice's Superman is killing the world's criminals. I always found it ridiculous that Batman never kills his enemies, or AT LEAST the Joker after all the shit he's done, not only to countless amounts of people but to Batman personally.


You know man, i don't wanna blow you up or anything. Im not an avid comic book reader, i've only read a few ones in my life butttt...

It just so happens that one of the ones i've read was Death of the Family...a series with the sole purpose of having Joker exploit Batman's weakness: The Bat Family. He kidnapped and to a point tortured 3 Robins(including his son), Batgirl, Gordon, and Alfred. So yeah...I'd say he has more to lose than Superman.
ok and? that alone shows batman can defeat superman simply because despite the 3 deaths he hasnt killed the joker

joker kills lois and what does superman do? thats right punches a whole through his chest wich go's to show superman is weak minded and killing joker proves that he is not strong willed like batman.

look me personally i think this final fight is bullshit but what i just stated is a fact

Scarlett Viper

Let's begin the witching hour.
ok and? that alone shows batman can defeat superman simply because despite the 3 deaths he hasnt killed the joker

joker kills lois and what does superman do? thats right punches a whole through his chest wich go's to show superman is weak minded and killing joker proves that he is not strong willed like batman.

look me personally i think this final fight is bullshit but what i just stated is a fact
No it means Superman wins cause he's stronger*WAY stronger* and willing to kill.


Batman always beats Superman. This is the latest fight between them in "The Dark Knight Returns Part 2" animated film.

Batman always finds a way to cheat using kryptonite, which is a 10-0 match-up against Superman.
Batman would have to get Kryptonite into Superman's blood stream like maybe a bullet made out of the stuff. Simply waving it around Superman would only weaken him and being weakened means Superman can still fight and is still strong enough to punch someone's head off. He just won't be at his 100%.

Unless Batman is wearing some kind of armor protected by magic Superman could just punch through him and launch his organs into space.


Batman always beats Superman. This is the latest fight between them in "The Dark Knight Returns Part 2" animated film.

Batman always finds a way to cheat using kryptonite, which is a 10-0 match-up against Superman.
Yes batman beat a version superman who is as weak as the animated TV superman who didn't even want to fight batman at all in a frank miller non-canon bat wank-a-thon with the help of green arrow using kryptonite and Bruce still ended up with broken ribs and was hurt as sh!t at the end. This is all from a superman who is like 1/100th the normal strength and durability of what he usually is in canon and not even wanting to fight Bruce at all. There is a huge difference in a fight between a batman who is going all out (and still barley holding on i might add) and a superman who is literally letting batman do these things to him for fear of hurting or killing Bruce if he goes too far and a fight where superman does not hold back and just smashes Bruce's face in at super speed before he can even react. The ONLY reason batman even has any chance is he knows Clark will not do anything to truly hurt him. In batmans own words:

" If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person... and deep down, I'm not."

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Batman loses to Superman 98 out of 100 times, and would lose to Wonder Woman 100 out of 100 times.

Batman is 100% outclassed, not in the same league, and Superman would have to be COMPLETELY stupid to ever lose to Batman, or to even get touched, or even attacked. He's WAY too fast and strong and his senses WAY too good for Batman with all his tricks to do anything IF Superman was trying to win. Batman is great, but he's just outclassed by people in Supermans league. Superman KNOWS Batman would try to trick him or do something like that to stop him, so he'd just sit a mile in the air and melt his face off.

I posted this on the Battle Thread:
"Batman should have lost to Wonder Woman long ago.

She's a better fighter than Batman, by his own admission, her gear is better [forged by the gods], her reflexes are better than Supermans by his own admission, shes a better battle planner than Batman as it is one of her gifts from Athena, she takes nukes to the face and keeps on trucking, and she has NO weaknesses that Batman could exploit to win a 1v1 match like he could with Superman. Batman would never touch her, and the fight would be over whenever she wanted it to be over.

Even with Kryptonite as a weakness, this is obviously Supermans fight to lose, and he'd have to try VERY hard to lose to Batman. Batman is my fav superhero ever, followed by THOR, but let us be realistic here, Batman would lose to Superman 98 out of 100 times, and probably 100 out of 100 times with Wonder Woman.

Only time Batman ever defeated Wonder Woman was when he used someone else, in the taking down the justice league story, but he actually failed in his plan and didnt take Wonder Woman down...whereas WW has laid the smackdown on Bats many times [and also successfully taken out the JL on her own].

Its not surprising as this is a high school popularity contest that Batman would beat those he has no place beating, given his name recognition and the 2 good movies he's been in in the last 8 years."


I posted this on the Battle Thread:
"Batman should have lost to Wonder Woman long ago.

She's a better fighter than Batman, by his own admission, her gear is better [forged by the gods], her reflexes are better than Supermans by his own admission, shes a better battle planner than Batman as it is one of her gifts from Athena, she takes nukes to the face and keeps on trucking, and she has NO weaknesses that Batman could exploit to win a 1v1 match like he could with Superman. Batman would never touch her, and the fight would be over whenever she wanted it to be over.

Even with Kryptonite as a weakness, this is obviously Supermans fight to lose, and he'd have to try VERY hard to lose to Batman. Batman is my fav superhero ever, followed by THOR, but let us be realistic here, Batman would lose to Superman 98 out of 100 times, and probably 100 out of 100 times with Wonder Woman.

Only time Batman ever defeated Wonder Woman was when he used someone else, in the taking down the justice league story, but he actually failed in his plan and didnt take Wonder Woman down...whereas WW has laid the smackdown on Bats many times [and also successfully taken out the JL on her own].

Its not surprising as this is a high school popularity contest that Batman would beat those he has no place beating, given his name recognition and the 2 good movies he's been in in the last 8 years."

:rolleyes: after this you might want to see how much batman is dianas bitch



obviously superman would own batman, be serious people
all jokes aside what it really boils down to is what the fans vote for in regards to who is the hot thing right now imo i think batman will win since that was dcs only movie property to really do anything

man of steel wont be out till june/july so who you think the fans are going to pick out of that?


keep in mind guys if m.o.s tanks at the box office dc is screwed wich would mean the only charachter to get a film would be batman

this is a make or break deal for wb ad dc films


Man of Tomorrow
People keep saying "Bruce would beat Clark as he has done in 'Blankity blank blank'", then when people point out how those weren't canon and all the ways Clark could, and has, beat Bruce they change the tune to "well this voting thing is just a popularity contest and Batman is more popular right now". Stick to what's being argued or don't come with an argument and then change it when you're losing the debate.


People keep saying "Bruce would beat Clark as he has done in 'Blankity blank blank'", then when people point out how those weren't canon and all the ways Clark could, and has, beat Bruce they change the tune to "well this voting thing is just a popularity contest and Batman is more popular right now". Stick to what's being argued or don't come with an argument and then change it when you're losing the debate.
dude can you honestly say a guy with no power can beat a goddess like wonder woman?

if you dont think batman won simply because of the dark knight trilogy success you might need your head examined.

and lets get even more real batman as a movie franchise was dead after the failure known as batman and robin tanked hard in 97 and it wasnt until 2005 when nolan came along and brought something epic wich is now why people dick ride batman so hard and demand nolan to direct every dc movie property now.

you can argue all you want about how batman was always a :: icon:: but since when does an icon need 15 or more spin off titles to succeed?


Man of Tomorrow
dude can you honestly say a guy with no power can beat a goddess like wonder woman?

if you dont think batman won simply because of the dark knight trilogy success you might need your head examined.

and lets get even more real batman as a movie franchise was dead after the failure known as batman and robin tanked hard in 97 and it wasnt until 2005 when nolan came along and brought something epic wich is now why people dick ride batman so hard and demand nolan to direct every dc movie property now.

you can argue all you want about how batman was always a :: icon:: but since when does an icon need 15 or more spin off titles to succeed?

Ummmm, what? What does this paragraph have to do with my point?