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General/Other White Lanturn Sinestro Skin?


What skins are currently out? Is it only the regime one?

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The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Bane, harley, and the joker will get about 5 more costumes before anyone else gets any.


Very sad -- how many more alts does superman need.?? We need some white lantern sinestro already


Him and Frost need SOMETHING already! Anything ;_;

...sick of buying pretties for people I don't play as lol
There's so many great ideas though, it's not like he's short of outfits:

Sinestro corps (armorless, more comic authentic version)
Green Lantern outfit
White Lantern
Parallax Sinestro
Movie Sinestro
DCAU Sinestro
Classic Costume (that's already in the damn game)
Korugar Army outfit


I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that White Sinestro was already in the game buried deep somewheres. I think it was if we beat all of the Battles (even the bought ones from the Archive) or maybe it was just dat-mined. My memory is a little fuzzy at this point.

Either way, there's still hope :)