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What if all the variations were rolled up into one? Who would be best & Who would you choose?


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
I'm sorry, Mr. Professor Doctor Pepper. I finished them two months ago, but Storms hasn't been able to install them yet because the server upgrade (that occurred some time after moods were introduced) has made it necessary to have wizard-level coding knowledge for installing stuff like moods and character icons.

>Thread topic
Kotal would have his totems to halve damage, increase his damage output, and gain meter; along with the Sun Choke command grab and the viability of War God. Raiden would have static traps, teleports and powerful meter gain. Would Tanya be overpowered?
Well thank you for letting me know, now it doesn't seem like you just left the kenshi fans in the dust, I am fine if I don't get the mood chooser personally now because I understand programming is insanely hard and when the complicated get even more so, I can understand that it is either damn near impossible or will take an insanely long time. So yeah, thank you for your work and effort and thank you for letting me know :)


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
Basically, 80% of the roster would be insanely OP but Quan would probably be the best


Kitana would still be complete shit, rofl. I don't see this benefiting Reptile much either.

Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Quan Chi would probably break the fucking game, lol.


Bad B*tch, Yeah I Know
I'd play
Booty Slam, Staff, Two Fan lifts, Reflect, Parry, Two projectiles, Sharpen, and Assassin Strike all in one? Sign me up!

Everything he can do with his whips, an Anti-Air, a Low Scoop, and Plasma Swords? Hell yes.


Id use Sub and Shinnok. But if every character got all 3 variations I dont think there would be a over powered character. Everyone would be great depending on the player.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Scorpion and Cassie would be a nightmare to deal with if they could do it all. Sonya with drones and MS would be ridic as well.


In Zoning We Trust
This almost makes me wish that there was an option to do this. Can't complain about your characters tier when 90% of the roster is high tier.


Just like Omega in USF4, this could be a "just for fun" mode. I'm still waiting to see what they're going to do when Shang Tsung comes a knockin'. I think they should give him all the variations from the characters in MK 1.