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Question What does this character need?


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
There is a thread like this on the Noob Saibot boards and I don't really see Sub-Zero as having a better chance than Noob. In fact, I think he probably has less going for him.

I don't expect NRS to look at this character again but if they were to, what reasonable suggestions would you make for them to consider?

I'll make the suggestions I believe this character would benefit from without becoming top tier, nevermind op:

Standing 2 needs to hit all low hitboxes in neutral crouch and crouch block (that is a given and is technically a fix, not a buff).

Slide needs to be a consistent high crush. It is illogical for the slide not to go under all duckable projectiles and it would help Sub-Zero's counter-zoning in that if he is in the range to punish you for throwing a projectile, the Sub-Zero player will have the ability to make a read and slide to punish and get in. Don't think that this would be an end to Sub-Zero's troubles, it is not a fix-all solution as many of the characters Sub-Zero has trouble against (freddy is an obvious example) have a projectile that Sub-Zero cannot slide punish on reaction. To slide on reaction, he would need to be outside the range at which the slide would actually catch someone like Freddy in the recovery frames of his glove toss. Characters like freddy and Liu Kang have low fireballs too, so Sub-Zero would have to gamble in a big way at any rate as slide is punishable by full combo on block and getting hit out of the slide by a low projectile would just leave him having to respect the next projectile. IAF characters such as Kabal, Kitana, Mileena, etc can all time their projectiles so that even if Sub-Zero slides it whiffs or loses its back active frames as they land anyway. He would, however, have a way in with a correct read, good spacing, and knowledge of the recovery of the projectile he was trying to bypass. How would that be an unfair fix to the slide?

The freeze scaling should be removed from this character. Sub-Zero's pressure relies more on bullying people into the clone, so to speak, than it does on outright block string pressure. 21 repeats with a sprinkling of crossups and d4s are find and dandy but even when you bait somebody into jumping to get out or into pressing buttons by putting out a clone instead of continuing with pressure, you're only getting just over 20% and it is not easy to condition somebody who knows how to counterpoke or flatout interrupt sub-Zero's 21 string into jumping or pressing buttons into the clone.

When you really think about it, Sub-Zero only has his corner pressure (which is his one redeeming feature). Everywhere else, he is just mediocre. He is incredibly bland, insipid and unrewarding even when you make good reads. Why would anybody play this character to win with maybe 5/6 good reads per round (factoring in breakers), when they can play one of the top tiers and win with far fewer reads and, hence, far less effort?


He needs three things IMO:
1) His old Dash Back
2) Slide to go over projectiles
3) Be able to throw the ice puddle in different ranges.
And maybe make his b12(4) have a faster start up, so he can mix up.


Bloody hell, man, I am trying to work out what that would look like. :)

I just thought of something, how cool would it be if he created an ice ramp with his hands and out in front of himself as he's sliding along it and you could steer him high or low like Kung lao's hat. That would be epic. Lol.
Lol, well he does need it, His others options are: Trade with iceball or EX slide the opponent into the corner. Funny thing, his round 1 winning animation, the backward slide, seems like it can go over. Why didnt they gave him that slide. :confused:

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
He needs the stupid double standard of the programmers to go away. If freddy's sweet dreams can do damage... Ice Ball should do damage.
I agree with Sal. I don't mind him being slow. If he is going to be slow... he should hit like Ermac. Ermac is slow. Ermac can do roughly the same mixup off his BnB to setup a throw or if they tech... die. lol.

Tom Brady and Perfect Legend were good enough to get their own characters nerfed ... at some level... they have to feel good about that.


Ice ball should come out quicker and slide should go under all but the ground projectiles and the lows such as Kang's and Sindel's low fire balls. and ffs we need a use for that shitty puddle!

if u wanna make him more of a rushdown character, then make 21 connect with crouch blocking characters....


I don't get why you made a post about this, since even when people create posts about something else it ends up being a "what sz needs thread" lol.

Anyways, I'd like his stand 2 to hit ALL crouching character in the game and Slide to go under all high and medium projectiles. This would definitely help SZ against most of his terrible bad match ups.

That's about it. From all buffs you suggested, removing scale against frozen opponents is the one that I think he need LESS. Doing 42-44% over a pathetic easily done BnB is dumb in my book.

Considering Tom Brady's Match up Chart, these 2 simple change would make SZ go a little higher in that list. I mean this would help tremendously against Jax, Sonya, Mileena, Kitana, even Freddy a little bit... Reptile would be worthless against Sub, yeah that's right. All those 7-3 match ups would change a lot and they would at least become 6-4 or 5-5 in some cases.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
He can't be TOO rush down oriented... or then he'd literally be capable of pushing EVERYONE to the corner at all times. To me... they want him to be able to bully people... yet not be able to continue bullying at all times (JC). That is fine... his strings now are very poke able and all punishable if not cloned out of.
People need to learn to not fear a mid screen clone. It honestly does more harm than good for SZ. The mind game of NOT having a clone on screen is more powerful.
How much would Sub's BnB's be if he has no damage scaling and 1% for ice ball. (will do 1% chip as well)?

Ice Puddle. My one fix. both have exGround freeze speed on startup. when the "beam" hits the ground... its active. Right now... you can react so well... because the beam touches the ground... and you aren't stuck.

Look at me griping. *sigh*. I love the character so much ... I gripe because I care. I'll still use him regardless.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I don't get why you made a post about this, since even when people create posts about something else it ends up being a "what sz needs thread" lol.
It's because evrybody I've talked to with any knowledge of Sub-Zero agrees that he's just as much in need of help as Jade is. I might say positive things about Sub-Zero here on tym, but I slag this character off to no end as well. He's very frustrating to play in this version of the game. Just fixig some simple things and applying common sense to his damage output would make the character more rewarding to play.


It's because evrybody I've talked to with any knowledge of Sub-Zero agrees that he's just as much in need of help as Jade is. I might say positive things about Sub-Zero here on tym, but I slag this character off to no end as well. He's very frustrating to play in this version of the game. Just fixig some simple things and applying common sense to his damage output would make the character more rewarding to play.

Things aren't going to change, I'm afraid so. My love for this character goes beyond making post after post complaining on how weak he is. Yes, I'm that stupid. I just quietly play with one of the worst character in the game without winning and complaining about it every minute. I'm playing him because I want to. There's nobody but myself telling me to play him. Don't take this personal, but you, from all Sub-Zero players that I see around here, is the one that should start considering about playing another character. I've started playing Raiden and I gonna be honest, I don't think that I'll ever play this character at the level I play Sub-Zero. Simply because it would require a lot of time of training and practicing (and I don't think this game worth my time doing it, but that's another story) and Raiden is a LOT harder to master than Sub-Zero is, this is a fact.

Sub has problems, we all know that. But there's nothing we can possibly do about it. If by now NRS developers can't recognize that this character (and THIS ENTIRE GAME) has problems they're digging their own grave and that's the bottom line.


24 Low Hat!
I think something should be done about the last hit of 212. As of now, its so goddamn slow that you can do all sorts of things to punish it. Every parry except for Liu Kang's can beat it, Kung Laos' spin can beat it, and any move that has armour on startup can beat it. More than half the cast can use some kind of ex move and combo off it, its complete garbage. Especially since the 212 sting is one of Sub's main pressure strings, how the hell am i supposed to pop off that ice clone at the end of the string if im getting parried out of it?


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Just make 21 hit all characters on block and I'll be fking happy, all I need!
That would be a start but it isn't enough on its own, not against people who know how to play against Sub-Zero.

Bidu it's not so much a case of me being protective of this character anymore. Sub-Zero and Jade absolutely need to be brought up to date in this game. Glue and I both complain about this mess all the time. If nothing changes, I already have alternate characters and I am learning Kitana as a main so it won't stop me playing the game. I will move on to another character, all I am saying is that if things don't change for Sub, he won't really be competitive ever again, only in a niche role against certain members of the cast. Buff Sub, Jade, Baraka, Noob etc. I am all for it.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
That would be a start but it isn't enough on its own, not against people who know how to play against Sub-Zero.

Bidu it's not so much a case of me being protective of this character anymore. Sub-Zero and Jade absolutely need to be brought up to date in this game. Glue and I both complain about this mess all the time. If nothing changes, I already have alternate characters and I am learning Kitana as a main so it won't stop me playing the game. I will move on to another character, all I am saying is that if things don't change for Sub, he won't really be competitive ever again, only in a niche role against certain members of the cast. Buff Sub, Jade, Baraka, Noob etc. I am all for it.
This. I am so sad that I've had to relegate sub to the role of a utility character..:( I've even been off these boards since changing my main cause its so depressing. I played vanilla mk9 for shits and giggles at casuals a week ago, oh man what fun that was. Sorry to derail, needed to vent a bit :)

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24 Low Hat!
Bidu I will move on to another character, all I am saying is that if things don't change for Sub, he won't really be competitive ever again...
Haha too late for me. Tom Brady too. Come to think of it, alot of sub mains have been dropping him for other characters, looking for higher tier characters like Kung Lao, Raiden, and others.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Haha too late for me. Tom Brady too. Come to think of it, alot of sub mains have been dropping him for other characters, looking for higher tier characters like Kung Lao, Raiden, and others.
He has use as a utility character because he can cover hard matchups for Kitana. Kano, Reptile, etc. That's the role sub-Zerowould perform the best at this stage, I feel.


21 hit all opponents and Slide under all projectiles. Or 1 hit of armor on EX freeze. This would help his bad MUs and hes got at least 10 of them.

Like someone said earlier about freeze not scaling as much. That would be good if he got his old damage back.


24 Low Hat!
Sub is a utility character. His best use is against J.Cage, Cyber sub and Kano.
But we all agree that that sucks, right? I mean, its like having a riot shield class in MW2. Sure its useful it some scenarios, but in a game where everyone rocks the noobtube, its pretty darn useless most of the time. You'd be better off having a different class there. Get my meaning?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
But we all agree that that sucks, right? I mean, its like having a riot shield class in MW2. Sure its useful it some scenarios, but in a game where everyone rocks the noobtube, its pretty darn useless most of the time. You'd be better off having a different class there. Get my meaning?
Yes, it sucks, terribly. Wanted nothing more than to be able to main sub 100%...just not gonna work out though
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But we all agree that that sucks, right? I mean, its like having a riot shield class in MW2. Sure its useful it some scenarios, but in a game where everyone rocks the noobtube, its pretty darn useless most of the time. You'd be better off having a different class there. Get my meaning?
No one is more bitter about it than I. I know what Sub needs but Im not even gonna bother, because I already know for a fact NRS is done with this character, so we may as well be to.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
No one is more bitter about it than I. I know what Sub needs but Im not even gonna bother, because I already know for a fact NRS is done with this character, so we may as well be to.
Are they only potentially fixing resets now then?

I feel pretty trolled by NRS, to be completely honest. When I started playing Sub-Zero he was a very viable character, and they've just gradually made him worse and worse. If I could have all that time back, I'd have just picked up somebody like kitana when the game was new.