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Strategy What do you think your opponent thinks?

Major Moron74

I'm not paying for your beliefs
So how many options do you think we who play those characters have against a character like Sonya, Reptile, Kitana, Erron Black, Kung Lao, Jacqui, Tanya, Kung lao, Kung Lao, Kung Lao, Cassie, Cassie, Kung Lao, Cassie, Sonya, Sonya, Kung Lao, Cassie. lol
This ending killed me lol


"Strength isn't everything"
Crystalline Tremor: "My spacing is so great on my D4 shatters! I never get whiff punished. Did I also my mention my footsies with EX shatter are the best I truly make up for his lack of mids"
"Man, when I have a bar of meter I'm way more mentally stronger than my opponents".


"Strength isn't everything"
Opening post updated with Kano, Reptile, Ferra/Torr, Sonya, Cassie, Tremor, D'Vorah and Jacqui.

Can't think of anything ignorant that an Erron Black player would say.


Quan Chi players "ha, I could totally block that, this takes so much skill"

Reptile players "he knocked.... me down...... SLIDE DASH DASH SLIDE SLIDE"

Tempest players "hatspin on block is definitely plus, teleport 3 too..."

Shaolin players "ha, my character is definitely not top 10, i'm so good"

Scorpion players "My air to air game is maybe the best in the world."


fear the moobs
I am pretty sure we all (most of us) hate certain character habits that we come across online consistently, and hopefully with enough pop psychology, we can all see the habits of certain character archetypes and why our opponent thinks that it is down to them, when truthfully, it is jus built into the character design.

I will give you an example; An Ermac player that thinks if he throws out a d1 or d3 on block or hit, you will crouch and that will let him get an overhead out...what else could you possibly do to stop those "low" pokes? This is just a habit and situation born out of a bad online connection, but I am pretty sure the player believes it is them.

With that sort of thing in mind, here it what I believe certain players might be thinking as they play this game, when really, that is just how the character is designed...

Shinnok players - "Man, this guy can't hit confirm pokes, he just holds block after my D4".

Liu Kang players - "Bruh, I am sooo chill at this game, look at how much this guy keeps jumping at me, and he hasn't tech'd a single throw".

Kung Jin players - "It's pretty clever how I land my NJP quite a lot, and the best part is, it's safe! Well, nothing bad happens after it, so it must be..."

Tanya players - "This guy can't deal with my mix ups, he is scared to press a button, I think I just understand how to condition people better than the opponent does."

Kotal Kahn players - "This guy can't AA for S***"

Mileena players - "My B12 spacing is god like, I just have naturally great footsies".

Kitana players - "Nobody can deal with my own signature brand of zoning, its so calculated that they can barely move"

Quan Chi players - "This is sooo easy to block, if I was against this, I would have no problem. I've learned all the MU's"

Sub Zero players - "My corner game is just too good, I've worked it out in the lab, loads."

Ninjitsu players - "I am way better than this guy, he can't space his moves out as well as I do lolooololololol".

Jax players - "My hit confirming is toooo good, I always get my pokes out before the opponent, I guess I'm just faster".

Ermac players - "This guy guesses wrong on my 50/50's, I guess I am just a mix up master".

Predator players - "I am sooooo good with this character, nobody plays him like me"

Jason players - "This character is low tier, If I win, shame on them, if I lose, no biggie, they should win anyway".

Tempest players "How come no one else uses F23 MB Hat toss? There is a low in it! I guess I am just a head of what other Kung Lao players are doing at the moment".

Takeda players - "I always hit confirm my D3, its probably the best asset of my gameplay".

Kano players - "Why would I hit confirm my safe D4 when I can not hit confirm D4 knife?"

D'vorah players - "With offence like this, I bet I would be great at other fighting games"

Reptile players - "I know F41 something works, because I do it all the time".

Tremor players - "I have a really strong mental game...when I have a bar of meter. Look how much the opponent respects me in the neutral, I guess its because my reads are soooo good".

Goro players - "This guy clearly doesn't the best way around back to back MB punch walks, I guess he doesn't understand this game like I do".

Cassie players - "I guess I'm just naturally good at fighting games"

Sonya players - "Dude can't AA, maybe I should message him and tell him to level up, I could give him some solid advice about fighting game fundamentals"

Ferra/Torr players - "This character is bottom three and I'm still beating this guy, imagine if I used a mid tier character".

Jacqui Briggs players - "I am a true fighting game player, I just lose to all this bull***t"

Ive been thinking this for a while, but I've been inspired to actually make the post following up on a @Pig Of The Hut tweet.
lol why u hating on kang brah

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
Goro: "Punchwalk is literally the answer to every single problem I have in my life."

Jax: "It's never your turn and f*** you for thinking otherwise."

F/T: "Quietly hands Paulo a stack of cash and goes on his way to perform EX launchers."
Damn those safe strings of Jax and fast frames. Yep! You're really good at this game. I say to myself while playing against Jax all the time.

Goro players..you hit that on the head.

Kano - "my character also rewards fundamentals, if you lose to me, you got outplayed and you're a scrub" (this is actually pretty true)
I main Kano and he is a fair character.No absurd freebies like Cassie and Kung Lao B.S.

Sungod players - "I'm going to make my opponent ragequit out of sheer boredom after watching the same fucking 10 second animation 5,000 times in a row!"
I blame NRS for making that damn animation so damn long and for Sun God to grab command being too easy. I play commando, imagine my grab being easily imputted. Commando would be OP!

shinnok player " i know how to space my hell sparks " :eek:
shinnok players "hell spark is punishble on block you are letting me get away with it"
Hell Spark can be tricky to punish online since stuff is alot safer. But this new nercode might make it more possible if your character is dast enough. I always fear the EX sparks afterward if they have meter so I hold block. But you are right on Shinook players. Shang Tsung took more skills since you had to actually input each ground ball.

totally agree. It was nice to have a good kano as online competition. :)

Liu players be like "you have a wake up? i dont give a flying doo doo! taste my b12 "
If you on Xbox hit me up. I'm a Kano player.

Kano: Yo dawg, B13~eye burst is safe on block if I immediately backdash!

Kung Jin: Yo dawg, you blocked my string??!!? BETTER BRING OUT THE BIG GUNS! *NJPs 6 times in a row*

Sonya: Yo dawg, why you no stop my Ji1?!?! And why you no block me correctly after I do?

Reptile: Yo dawg, you know how to block my F41, a.k.a: best stagger in the game? I KNOW YOU CANT BLOCK B1D4!

Liu Kang: Yo dawg, bicycle kicks are so fucking safe, dont even try to punish it dawg.

HQT and Bone Shaper holding hands: YO DAWGS, D4~lasers and sparks and shit!
I utilize Kano back dash all the time. Best dash in the game. #BackDashCityKids!

The best is when online players say "oh that would never work offline" when they never even played offline lol
True. LOL!


Kung Lao players: Touches you once and takes of 30%+ from an anti air low poke. My conversion game is awesome!

Ermac players: D3 --> overhead --> soul ball --> commence unnecessary meterless damage rinse repeat. My meter management is awesome!

Jax players: punch 1000x rush punch gotcha grab rinse repeat. My pressure game is awesome!

Liu Kang players: windmill punch fireball flykick low kick kick kick flykick windmill punch fireball rinse repeat. My pressure game is awesome!

Johnny Cage players: punch punch low nutpunch reset rinse repeat. My pressure game is awesome!

Erron Black Players: Overhead low sand pop up punch walk canceled into punch walk canceled into slide canceled into punchwalk. My pressure game is awesome!

Grandmaster Sub Players: First, I'mma kick them in shins. Next, I'll cancel into a clone. Then I'll sneeze, do an overhead and slide, and naturally they'll get pushed to the end of the stage. Finally, I will kick them in the shins again and cancel into an ice clone. We'll call this classic the "slip and slide ice and hide".

Kotal Kahn Players: something something command grab low poke. Me: I'm going to respond to a TYM thread and hopefully by the time I'm back this damn command grab animation will be over.

Quan Chi Players:_________________________________

Tanya Players:____________________________________