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General/Other Well done Tom Brady


ForeverKing vs. Tom was truly an amazing match. The level of patience, execution, and correct reads was on another level. Also, how tom did ex slide to stop kitana's "back-dat-ass-up" into the ice clone was crazy as well. That's a prime example of how you do your homework on a matchup.
3 months from now some stupid fuck is going to post it, saying he came up with this tech against Kitana. lol


Joker here~
Tom's match with 16 Bits Kitana is the blueprint to beat Kitana lol
Epic match
Things I noticed he did
- He intentionally corners himself so the threat of the ex slide to reverse positions is always
- He only tries to trade with ground fans (although he did try to ex freeze the air fans a few times, but he gave up after getting hit out a few times)
- He doesn't pressure on wake up unless its in the corner (any guesses as to why because I though Kitana was free on wake up?)

Anyways the main thing I got from this is cornering yourself intentionally and playing Tom Brady style to win lol
Ex slide to counter ass is pretty sick too.
Up till now i've only been using standard slide, so stupid not to use ex lol

Good shit Tom


Get staffed bro
I haven't had a chance to watch this yet but Tom used ex slide way back against Mr Mileenas Kitana trying to ass out after he had him in the corner. Pretty sure it was Devastation. Despite losing he played an extremely patient game. He was also the first person I saw that simply walked back against her f21 and punished with 22~iceball. Now every fucker does it lol.

Can't wait to watch tbh.


The Bat in the Hat
- He doesn't pressure on wake up unless its in the corner (any guesses as to why because I though Kitana was free on wake up?)
Im guessing maybe he figured 16 Bit might try to ass away and he wanted to be ready to catch him doing so.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Tom Brady

The pop off was amazing as was the match

I deserved it after i said King would beat you

Fair enough

Nothing but love for you Tom - It was truly awesome see you return to form.

Is this a start of a new era for Brady? A run of excellence? Leading up to MLG into the fiery pit of his most fierce haters?

Find out Soon :)

ps..................Nahhh Ill wait


I always root for anybody who sticks to their main, such an excellent showing from both players, it's been a while since I actually got that hyped to be verbally cheering and acting up in excitement. I hope this will inspire people to believe in their mains and themselves as well. the hard work and dedication of the player is what matters.

I loved Power Up, so many awesome matches from all players.

It was a well deserved victory and the most entertaining fight I've seen in ages:).

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Tom Brady - congrats on once again kicking names and taking ass.
I was gonna wish you happy birthday and congratulations last night, but 9 hours of driving from NC to NJ murdered me.
You're the fucking man. Legit. A hundred "OUTSTANDING"s for the work you do for the Lin Kuei. Come to ECT so we can mirror it up and you can show me the pieces my Bi-Han is missing, dammit.


Good job Tom. I wouldn't say I used to be a hater because I respect all that you've done for us Sub mainers, but I wasn't sure if Sub was for you. I have to say, I was wrong. You definitely brought Sub's 'A' game to PU. Great spacing, reads and patience. I enjoyed you mixing it up more than you have on streams (f4's from Brady? :eek:), and thanks for teaching me how to blow up Tele3.
2 matches is very short to adjust to play style.
He went from a super patient, methodical Kung Lao who used setups to destroy... to a Kung Lao who was very basic and random.
Yeah, but it is for everybody... some can do it very well... others not... people are different... so all the majors are not serious because of that? I dont think so. Double Elimination Brackets with a best of 3 for every match works very well for serious tournaments, we all know that, we all know serious tournaments(almost every big tournament in the world) with this rule-set.

As a pro player you has to have a very fast thinking, a top mind game, a top execution, etc etc etc... you have to deal with this short adjusting time like everybody else, the better player with those things win, fair enough. It is a tournament... after it you can play a best of 100 if you want, but in a tounament, thats impractical.... unless you want a 30 days tournament for 1(one) game... hehehehuehue

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Tom Brady - congrats on once again kicking names and taking ass.
I was gonna wish you happy birthday and congratulations last night, but 9 hours of driving from NC to NJ murdered me.
You're the fucking man. Legit. A hundred "OUTSTANDING"s for the work you do for the Lin Kuei. Come to ECT so we can mirror it up and you can show me the pieces my Bi-Han is missing, dammit.
mirroring tom is like... punching yourself in the face.