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Wanna ask NRS a question about MKX at E3? Tell TRMK!


bye felicia
Yes, this is a question that needs to be asked and can definitely be answered at this point.
They will not answer the question, not when the cell phone screen caps turn up on eventhubs, not when the pirate rip is torn apart and its files are posted, not when some NY based streamer shows off his chinatown copy, not a single minute before the game is actually released and even then, knowing nrs, they will be coy about the actual final numbers.

It doesn't matter how you try and dress them up, you will not get cast answers pre-release. It is the #1 marketing tool in fighting games and only a fool would surrender it. Even Skullgirls and KI dodged cast questions until the very last possible minute.

You'll get "over x probably", "between x and y", or "at least as many as the last game" at best and none of those answers are worth anything. Really, knowing the number is fucking pointless anyway since no one can predict the final DLC #.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
1. Is KOTH returning and if so, will a AFK player be able to have the option to have his turn be skipped when inactive?

6. Will classic 3v3 be making an return? If so will 6 users be able to compete via offline mode?

8. Will stage interactions and weapons be available to be turned off for tournament play if they are deemed unfit?
This gives me an idea for something

First one, I'd like a KOTH SPECTATOR option meaning. I'd like to go into a room just to watch, but not actually play then have an option if there's room to join a slot waiting to play. Your skip idea is interesting, for those who wait then go out of the room or fall asleep...have had a few of those.

Your number 6. I would love if they had an option for say a "team match" where up to 6 players join a room at once and you can choose your teams like UMK3 style so it's 3 on 3. Man that would be freaking awesome! I'm also wondering if this is what they meant by that new online matches mean something thing, perhaps good vs. evil characters? hmmmm

I'd also hope they offer a tag team option again 4 player offline 2 on 2 and 2 players tag vs. 2 other players online bring that back.

Your 8. post, I was also wondering about myself. I'm SURE they'll be some kind of option I noticed Injustice there was and in Smash bros there is. MKvs DC too there was a turning off transitions option if I remember right.
I Know I'm going to get shit for asking this but will they be guest character's this game??? Like PS4 Having a Guest Character (I Won't know who they put in this Game to represent Sony since they've already used kratos Maybe Joel or a Infected from Last of us, Or Issac from Dead space) and Hopefully microsoft brings one too (Maybe someone for gears of war, I'd Like master chief but I Can't imagine Him getting his head ripped off, burned alive, etc. after he's saved the world numerous times lol)
I Know I'm going to get shit for asking this but will they be guest character's this game??? Like PS4 Having a Guest Character (I Won't know who they put in this Game to represent Sony since they've already used kratos Maybe Joel or a Infected from Last of us, Or Issac from Dead space) and Hopefully microsoft brings one too (Maybe someone for gears of war, I'd Like master chief but I Can't imagine Him getting his head ripped off, burned alive, etc. after he's saved the world numerous times lol)
I hope there aren't console specific guest characters because that's just annoying really. Especially for me, as a PC player, who would end up getting neither of them.


bye felicia
Nope, your brain worth anything.
Even if Ed flat out says 24, 28, or 32 characters, nothing will change. There will be just as much applause / strife for every reveal and nobody will know who they all are until next October.

If anything, all knowing the number would do is deflate the hype when the entire cast leaks and everybody already knows the number.