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Guide - Venomous Venomous D'vorah Advanced Strategy Guide

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Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
So it is no secret that Venomous D'vorah is becoming more popular in online and in some tournaments. She's a solid mid tier to slightly upper mid tier character who, if you don't know the matchup, gets away with a lot of shit fo free.

With that said, she is considerably less straight forward Strategy wise than Swarm Queen D'vorah (much more a matter of mixing up pressure) and significantly easier to learn than SQ. Venomous has an extraordinarily unique game style, with chip and venom ticks, that is not really being used to the best of its potential in online and the tournament setting. To optimize these attributes, this guide will focus on: Mixup Damage Breakdown, Footsies, Stagger Strings, and Chip Damage/Meterbuilding with a short "practical combos" list at the end.

Mixup Damage Breakdown
  • F22 Spray: 16% + 2.31% PT (Poison Ticks)
  • B1 Spray: 12%
  • D4: 3% + 1.5% PT
  • F112 Spray (on block): 2.50% + 4-5% (If you hold all the way)
F112 EX spray (on block): 2.50% + 11% (If you hold it all the way)

So, With this say I open the opponent up with a F22 Spray, I have a few options:
  1. F22 Spray, D4: 16%+ 3% + 4.50% PT= 23.50% and at +19 frames for pressure. So, hypothetically, say I decide to end this with a F112 Ex Spray.
  2. F22 Spray, D4, F112 Ex Spray: 16% + 3% + 4.50% PT + 13.50% Chip= 37% Well Shit... that's a lot of damage from really one mixup. This is to show the importance of throwing out the F112 Ex Spray. And this isn't even including the possibility of doing 50/50's again for more damage after the d4. KEEP IN MIND! EX SPRAY IS PUNISHABLE ON BLOCK, that is why you must switch off between holding the spray ALL THE WAY and ALMOST all the way. Lets extend the mixup for my entertainment.
  3. F22 Spray, D4, Run B1 Spray, F112 Ex Spray: 16% + 3% + 15% + 1.5% PT + 13.5% Chip= 49% Mind you this is just from guessing wrong twice on the 50/50. And it does 50% of your opponent's life. Using D4 instead of B1 spray it'd do: 42.5%. Using F22 Spray instead of B1 Spray, it'd be: 54.5%.

    Finally, if you use a F11 or B1 starter, the combos will all be approximately 7% less than the F22 starter. The best way to open someone up is to counter their run ins with F22 Spray, and jump in (get the 50/50) into F22 or B1 Spray.


It's not joke that D'vorah has possibly the best footsies in the game, and certainly the best pokes in the game. It's dangerous in her other variations, but it is stupid in this one. Let me explain:

Essentially one of the main ideas behind "footsies" is when you poke, the opponent will poke back or string together some pressure. Whenever you poke... you are NEGATIVE on block and the opponent can poke back to stop any potential followups after a blocked poke. Now, here's what's fucked up. All of D'vorah's pokes are uninterruptible if linked with EX Spray.

That is not to say it is a TRUE blockstring, but rather without the fastest of armors like Kung Lao and Cassie Cage.... this CANNOT be interrupted. Relatively quick armored move like Jax's punch can armor through D'vorah's D1 and D3 EX Spray, but nothing except the FASTEST armors can beat her D4 EX Spray-- which does 16% on hit and grants a free 50/50. And even if they block it so what? We still get 10-11% chip (although negative in the end).

Once you got them really guessing, you can change it up and start doing poke into puddle (because they expect the spray) and then you get another free 50/50 on block.

Basically there are two very different ways of playing Venom D'vorah:

A. Footsi oriented with stagger strings setting up the poke Spray mixups

B. Mixup oriented low high mixups.

Obviously to be successful with this character you need a balance of both, I have mentioned in detail the mixup playstyle previously. Now I will touch upon the stagger string play style with Poke Spray mixups.

Stagger Strings

D'vorah is also a good character in that she has several plus strings such as 2 (+2) 113 (+2). Also MANY neutral strings like 11 and F11. When you jump in you can go for a mixup, F22 /B1, or you can go for the stagger strings. Some good ones are:
  • 113, d1 Ex Spray (d1 is a frame trap)
  • 2, d1 Ex Spray (again, frame trap)
  • 2, d4... mixups...
  • 11, d1/D4 Ex Spray
  • F11, D1/D4 Ex Spray
In addition, there are great benefits in staggering F11 into a string. Because when they thing you're going to stagger F11, you can finish the string (f112) and do an Ex Spray for a 15% punish and a free 50/50. These are all very viable options on a jump in and after landing a spray you can run in for pressure.

Chip Damage/Meter Building

So I ruined the surprise a bit, Ex Spray does a shit ton of chip. HOWEVER! Lets take a look at the chip damage to meter building ratio here now shall we?

Ex Spray and Spray build approximately 70% of one bar of meter (If you block all of it)

Furthermore! The string F112 builds 20% of one bar on block.

Therefore: F112 Spray, or EX Spray, builds Between 80-90% of a bar.

The idea is that not only does D'vorah have insane footsi, great mixup damage, AND STUPID CHIP. She also has an absurd amount of meter all the time. To get the extra 13.5% by doing a F112 Ex Spray at the end of a combo... she loses only 10-20% of a full bar instead of the entire stick.

Practical Combos!

Midscreen (Really the only combos you'll get are jump ins, punishes, and NJP)
  1. J2, 212 Ex puddle, Nj2, Ji1, run, F22, Ovi: 37%
  2. 212, Ex puddle, Nj2, Ji1, run, F22, Ovi: 32%+ 8.58% PT= 40.5% (Punish)
  3. 212, Ex puddle, Nj2, Ji1, Run, F11 Spray: 32% + 2% PT= 34% (Restand)
  4. Njp, F34, d1, F11 Spray: 26% + 1% PT= 27% (Restand).
Corner (Where shit gets real)
  • 212 puddle, d1 x4, 112 Ex Spray: 39% + 2.79% PT= 41.79% (Restand)
  1. NJP, j2, d1 x4, 112 Ex Spray: 40% (Restand).
  2. d4 puddle (If they don't block low) d1 x4, 112 Ex Spray: 43% (Restand)
  3. NJP, NJP, d1 x4, 112 Ex Spray: 40% + 6% PT= 46%. #Swag
  4. 11u2, d1 x4, 112 Ex Spray: 38%.
  5. 212, Ex Puddle, Njp, Njp, D1, 112 Ex Spray: 46% + 3% PT= 49%. #EpicSwag
I hope you all enjoyed it. Lemme know on thoughts!


@Vak Phoenix

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Dojo Trainee
A very good guide.

The stagger string strategy works so well online. Hard to react to f11 and standing 2 staggers. Plus, they have to worry about everything ending in spray (which is hard to punish online) and once the opponent is trained to hold block, start mixing up with puddle cancels at various points in the strings. They really have no choice but to block it, and then block the ensuing mixup, otherwise they will start eating spray cancels if they try to react to the puddle.

She is money against counter pokers. You will learn real quick not to counter poke venemous D'Vorah once you eat a few D3/D4 sprays.

The midscreen version of 212 non-ex puddle is the only combo I don't see listed. You can connect a f11 into spray, or f112 into ovipositor rush. Its not super difficult, but not the easiest link either. It saves me from using meter on my mid-screen 212 combos though.

Online, she's high mid-tier at least. Not sure about offline. Possibly lower since i'm sure spray and stagger strings would be easier to react to.
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Kombat Chef

Might Be the wrong thread but any tips on dealing with her f112 spray online? people abusing me with it with the lag


No backsies
R u sure F34 opener is just useless? Seems pretty good button to press every now and again especially if you feel like you've conditioned a low block

Good guide tho man really to the pooint and covers everything


Dojo Trainee
Might Be the wrong thread but any tips on dealing with her f112 spray online? people abusing me with it with the lag
All you can do is block the spray. It is guaranteed chip unless you use a block breaker.

Blocking a spray should, at the very least, end D'Vorah's pressure. If you react correctly you can punish it, but at the very least you should have enough advantage to begin your own pressure...even in heavy lag.

If you are asking for a way to not get chipped out when low on health, block breaker is the only thing you can do. Chip out is one of her strengths.

Kombat Chef

All you can do is block the spray. It is guaranteed chip unless you use a block breaker.

Blocking a spray should, at the very least, end D'Vorah's pressure. If you react correctly you can punish it, but at the very least you should have enough advantage to begin your own pressure...even in heavy lag.

If you are asking for a way to not get chipped out when low on health, block breaker is the only thing you can do. Chip out is one of her strengths.
Thanks ive been trying but everytime they finish the spray i cant seem to punish. guess i gotta get quicker


Designer for BxA
Thanks ive been trying but everytime they finish the spray i cant seem to punish. guess i gotta get quicker
The hardest part about it is reaction time. Quick spray vs extended spray is the same negative frames on block it's just a matter of reacting to when the spray stops.


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
Thanks ive been trying but everytime they finish the spray i cant seem to punish. guess i gotta get quicker
Honestly, in online the punishing sucks against spray. I will admit she's stupid because it's so hard to react to, I would suggest instead of trying to punish work on just punishing in response or go for a 50/50 because we're so negative. What character do you use?

Kombat Chef

Honestly, in online the punishing sucks against spray. I will admit she's stupid because it's so hard to react to, I would suggest instead of trying to punish work on just punishing in response or go for a 50/50 because we're so negative. What character do you use?
Shaolin kj my main i use jax and shinnok too


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
Shaolin kj my main i use jax and shinnok too
If you're using Shaolin KJ he has very solid 50/50, just go for the high or the low. Or hit up that ex blade pressure

Jax: His pressure is a bitch for D'vorah, anytime he gets his stagger strings going we will start to panic. Definitely just go for pressure post spray.

Shinnok: Low high mixup, consider a successfully blocked spray as a free 50/50.

Often online (because it's laggy) people will try to stagger spray and then d4 or poke afterwards, so be on the awares for that and maybe poke afterwards (pokes are so quick they often hit as a punish anyways). Shouldn't be an issue for Shinnok though because his low is so quick.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
I just want to start off by saying that, overall, this is a pretty good guide to start with. This will help a lot of people spread the Venomous salt far and wide. However, there are some inaccuracies/things I don't quite agree with and I'm going to point them out.

Every one of your damage calculations in the mixup breakdown section is a little inaccurate because you aren't attributing the right damage in the right place. You're getting the right total, but do keep in mind that venom ticks are happening during the sprays, and they are being scaled because of it. This whole paragraph is nitpicking tbh. It started out as me thinking you didn't calculate the venom ticks right, but then realizing you rolled that damage into the combos.

I don't like how you're trying to make Venomous' damage seem amazing by essentially saying "Wow, 37% off 1 mixup!" When you're not really counting the initial f22~spray as part of that sequence. "Wow, 37% after I opened them up twice!" has bit of a different ring to it doesn't it? Especially considering that there are multiple chances during this series of mixups to backdash, armor, and spray is still punishable. A lot of other characters would kill with the same number of right guesses Venomous needs to make to get to half life. Her damage can snowball incredibly hard, but not during the vortex sadly because sprays run out the clock. As it stands, after a venom stacking combo (say 212 midscreen punish) you only get one chance to make use of those stacks before they disappear. If you land something in that short time, the next combo gets a huge boost though.

I feel like the fact that 113 has a gap in it needs to be mentioned. Also that people can and will jump or armor out of f11 stagger pressure, or even out poke you if they're fast enough. This is where finishing f112 comes in, which you already touched on of course. In my experience, there's a lot of baiting involved with Venomous in general.

Anyways, this is a pretty solid guide to Venomous, and I'll definitely start linking it to people I try and teach. I'm tired of explaining the same things over and over again since she's always the character I recommend to people entirely new to MK X.
They should give the spray a cancel that is safe , that would be cheese :) . You forgot to mention that the spray & ex spray stops most wake ups as well. So you can spray while they are still on the ground and they cant do a thing but block. I think its only reptile who can armor through


Dojo Trainee
They should give the spray a cancel that is safe , that would be cheese :) . You forgot to mention that the spray & ex spray stops most wake ups as well. So you can spray while they are still on the ground and they cant do a thing but block. I think its only reptile who can armor through
Not true. I've had many different chars armor through ex spray.


Dojo Trainee
I haven't really tested who it works on or not. Who can armor through it? I've found that wakeups that hit low can armor through: Sub Zero, Reptile, maybe Erron Black?
I've tried it several times and I feel like it fails more than it works. Can't remember everybody, but Jax and Jackie were both blowing through it the other day with their forward advancing armors.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Spacing matters when it comes to stuffing armor. You can beat out Sub Zero's slide point blank, but not from farther away. Reptile's can be beaten, but the spacing is pretty finicky. Doesn't work up close or far away, but in this sweet spot where you're far enough away to hit him as he stands, but not so far that he goes under you. End with ovi and take a small step forward, and you might be able to stuff slippery slide.

Wouldn't recommend it though. Better to just keep Reptile on his feet in that case.


Dojo Trainee
Many ? You must be standing right over them when you do that because if you have just little space you can beat most wake ups
You guys are right, it works a lot more often than I thought.

I just went into the lab and figured out what I was doing wrong. You need to get the spray on screen well before the wakeup happens. If you try to time the spray just before the wakeup, its too late....even though it may look like spray was on the screen first, and the opponent does take an armor hit, most moves are going through it with that timing.

Some moves like throw, air throw, and d2 give you a smaller window to get spray out in time. Be aware of how much advantage you have, and be sure to get spray out well before the wakeup starts.

You want to be point blank against some characters, and others you don't. For example, Sub-Zero's slide gets low enough at a certain point to go under spray outright. If you are too far away, he will take the first hit of armor and then go under the spray. Same with reptile's slide and tanya's low drill.

Cassie Cage beats spray outright with ex nutpunch. That was the only character that beat it 100% of the time in my testing. There was some other characters that I got mixed results with depending on spacing, but for the most part, it works if you get spray on screen early enough.