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TYM Kommunity Project: An Open Letter to NRS Concerning Netplay

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Mk community should of told NeatherreAlm at EVO "FIX THE NETCODE!!!" When they was on stage.

So they can get blown up for keeping releasing bad netcode for each fighting game they release.

They need to learn a lesson. IF THIS Doesn't work. Next Evo. Blast neatherreAlm at Evo when they get on stage or top 8
Mk community should of told NeatherreAlm at EVO "FIX THE NETCODE!!!" When they was on stage.

So they can get blown up for keeping releasing bad netcode for each fighting game they release.

They need to learn a lesson. IF THIS Doesn't work. Next Evo. Blast neatherreAlm at Evo when they get on stage or top 8
I think that would not be a good idea and would not help.


You will obey.
We need to submit this to N4G,Gamespot,IGN,and all the other big sites. Send it to youtubers and share it around


Punching bag that throws fans !
Here we go again.

Too late guys.

We got screwed, get over it.

And since MKX sold really well, we most likely are screwed for like 10 games now.

Enjoy that netcode, because it WILL come back to bite your ass ...

At least we'll have nice EVO finals.

Screaming at your screen, the rest of the year, lag being a pain and all, will be nice too ...

I wonder what went wrong with the last petition / open letter we decided to give to NRS instead of shaming NRS at EVO ... oh wait ... Ed called, his garbage bin is full :)


Punching bag that throws fans !
If you want to spread it fast try to reach any big youtubers/streamers that cover fighting games. Totalbiscuit,AngryJoe,Maximilian dood come to my mind
Edit: Also a reddit thread might help
Already have asked AJ and Max ... quick response "I don't give a fuck".

NRS moved on, you should too.

I know I did.
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Punching bag that throws fans !
Not buying any NRS game unless I borrow it and test online netcode myself intensively beforehand.

But that's me.

It's been 3 games now. I lost faith in NRS wanting online to work.

Capcom on the other hand ... that beta test was great ... game works as intended !

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I'll be amazed if NRS actually 'improves' the netcode in the patch. I highly highly highly doubt it though. Wishing that NRS does anything positive is about as productive as shitting in one hand and wishing in the other hand. We all know which one fills up first. At this rate, I really feel they're the worst developers out there...and Capcom is now pandering to neckbeards...so....yeah...


The problem is that there's only so much that NRS can do to improve the netcode without having to do a massive overhaul of the code. Even if they don't do full rollback code (which they need to do in future games, considering that their main competition already does), they'd still need to engineer in things like buffers and stuff that are used in the non-rollback games with decent netcode.


Earth's Mightiest Knucklehead
There were hints at being able to choose what region of players you got matched up with in the PC files. That, if anything, will probably be the only change.