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Transferring TYM Ownership to Mr Aquaman.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5032
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So, your plan involves policing people's opinions?
The plan is to delete the main and biggest topic on the forum right now. I can't find it anymore, so i guess this topic is now censored: Oops! We ran into some problems. | Test Your Might

Instead you could have least retitle it. But nope. The game is perfect and stfu.
Nice start.

You can visit that place now, regardless of whether you have positive or negative feedback.: What Happened, NRS?! | Page 24 | Test Your Might
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In Zoning We Trust
So just an update on those two things:

1) As far as news, the tricky thing is finding people who are willing to make updates consistently. As you know, I took it upon myself to handle most of it for a number of years and write articles to support events in our scene, as STORMS did before me. But overall, it's a thankless job, and when editors become busy with life, there aren't a lot of people who are willing to vounteer to do it for long stretches unpaid. Especially if the responses are mostly negative rather than constructive.

The best thing people can do if they'd like to see something done in their community is to contribute themselves — and that's why I'm here. Because I saw that Storms needed help so many years ago, and I volunteered to pitch in myself. It'd have been easy to just lurk the site and complain, but becoming part of the solution was the best thing to do. When TYM's new layout was unusable on mobile for many people, I went through the code to make the fixes myself. So there might be future writers here, but somene's always needed to actually step up and take on the task.

2) The stream links are missing because TYM runs on a platform (XenPorto/XenRio) that was built and maintained solely by Jaxel. When Jaxel went off the rails with his string of problematic behavior, there was no one else to provide updates to those XenForo plugins to make them compatible with Twitch's newer API. And the current owner decided that it'd be ok without. So they may need to be replaced entirely, which means significant changes to the layout.

I bring these things up to say that there's always a bit more to the story, even when we'd like to have those things as much as you would. But moving forward, if there are new resources there might be new solutions.
Just a one-step-further comment on this Crim, they/you could also make a sort of thread where you consolidate feedback on what skillsets members from the site have that may be helpful or useful for things. This site is OG status now and a lot of us have built some strong real-life skillsets over our careers that may translate well in volunteer work, but from your end it would probably be impossible to know where or how those things can benefit without knowing what anyone can do. Like myself for example, if there was some numbers related/analysis related/numerical discrepancy finding/etc. that was needed say if you were creating something to account for members or player tracking over TYM tournaments or whatever, I wouldn't mind at all helping because I've been doing financial analysis for a Big 4 for over a decade now and for someone like me I could do it in my sleep and create cool visuals to go along with general info. I literally work out of Alteryx/Power Bi/Excel/Power Apps/etc. every day. But if you ever had that type of situation or even a question and didn't have someone familiar it might be more annoying to deal with. Just using that as an example, but it might be good to know what "type" of help you can receive from long time members who want to see the site succeed at the end of the day as an outlet to reach out to. I'd imagine if whatever the topic was is within the realm of some of the forum member's skillset they'd wanna assist.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Thanks @RoboCop for keeping the forums alive. Glad Aquaman is the one taking over as I've always liked him and his role in the community. Though, I sencerely hope his professional ties with NRS won't enforce any bias on the forums, though, I'm sure it wont.

Good luck running TYM.
I appreciate that concern. I plan on keeping both as separate as possible and I don't mind folks holding me to that. Being fully transparent my only professional ties are to WB at the moment. That is through commentary and now running online brackets in the Pro Kompetition. Other than that I am just a dude playing MK still

As far as any biased - keep me in check after I go through with my vision and changes for the site and platform


Use only logic, please
It's been a long time but if this place is going to be the defacto site for all things MK then I'm happy to be back. I want to see a safe space for competitive and casual players where discussions can be had that address everyone's concerns.

I want this to be the place where the NRS devs feel comfortable communicating with the community about upcoming features and patches.

This also needs to be a safe space for constructive criticism without any shots being fired in the form of insults.

Most importantly, I want this site to be free from political feeds and weird, random adult content that makes it's way into my gaming news feeds. OF Bots be gone.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
So, your plan involves policing people's opinions?
Where did I say that? I said I don't want that to be the first thing people see when they visit TYM. I mean that literally. The front page is going to change. Does that make you feel oppressed? I've seen current moderation has been crazy so I understand if there is some tension in the air. I saw a thread was deleted and people banned that shouldn't have been and it will take time to undo and make changes to begin with
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Deleted member 5032

Yall, I'm the one who deleted that god-awful thread, not Aqua. TYM is going to undergo some changes, and those of you who would rather whine about the game than discuss how to play the game are probably going to want to find another community, like Reddit, that better caters to that useless noise.

Also, thanks everyone for the kind words. This month has sucked a whole bag full of dicks, but you all have made it suck at least a little bit less. <3 <3 <3

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Just a one-step-further comment on this Crim, they/you could also make a sort of thread where you consolidate feedback on what skillsets members from the site have that may be helpful or useful for things. This site is OG status now and a lot of us have built some strong real-life skillsets over our careers that may translate well in volunteer work, but from your end it would probably be impossible to know where or how those things can benefit without knowing what anyone can do. Like myself for example, if there was some numbers related/analysis related/numerical discrepancy finding/etc. that was needed say if you were creating something to account for members or player tracking over TYM tournaments or whatever, I wouldn't mind at all helping because I've been doing financial analysis for a Big 4 for over a decade now and for someone like me I could do it in my sleep and create cool visuals to go along with general info. I literally work out of Alteryx/Power Bi/Excel/Power Apps/etc. every day. But if you ever had that type of situation or even a question and didn't have someone familiar it might be more annoying to deal with. Just using that as an example, but it might be good to know what "type" of help you can receive from long time members who want to see the site succeed at the end of the day as an outlet to reach out to. I'd imagine if whatever the topic was is within the realm of some of the forum member's skillset they'd wanna assist.
Responding to both you and @CrimsonShadow on this one. Once I get full access to the site, myself and my small dev team will see what we can do. They are community members and TYMers too. If I need help in executing the vision I will definitely seek it here. I will be doing this for a few roles including news articles, tournament results, stat databases etc.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
@RoboCop Thank you for all the hard work, I remember right before MK1 came out there were no character icons but they all got put in place right before it dropped. So many of the character general discussions were started by you, and the effort you put in by yourself is pretty incredible. Sorry to read about this hellish month in your recent status posts.

I got carried away with my distaste of MK1's monetization and general lack of polish, but I appreciate the hell out of this website. I never imagined I'd want to learn a fighting game beyond the surface level, or much less watch people play it in my free time, but during MKX and Injustice 2 I was able to learn a lot more than I would've otherwise with so much information being posted, see some funny things, and appreciate a new genre of games. It's bizarre that I joined the site when I was 15, and it's been almost 10 years. Sometimes I'd be posting a lot and grinding as much as I can, sometimes I'm unable to even play due to life stuff, but I always checked every so often to see what was happening. The college ass blast and competitive powerlifting took me out of MK11 entirely pretty much, and this year I'm going to become a father so gaming as a whole is gonna take a back seat for a good bit. Once life stabilizes a bit, I'll know where to go for MK 13, 14, or whatever to learn the newest Sub-Zero and hopefully meet some of you guys in person. In the meantime I'll keep watching streams and tournaments whenever I get the chance.

Thanks to all the other staff as well, and I hope y'all are successful with this, but Robo is really the ultimate gigachad for holding it down and doing so much shit by himself.
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some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
So, your plan involves policing people's opinions?
Where did I say that? I said I don't want that to be the first thing people see when they visit TYM. I mean that literally. The front page is going to change. Does that make you feel oppressed? I've seen current moderation has been crazy so I understand if there is some tension in the air. I saw a thread was deleted and people banned that shouldn't have been and it will take time to undo and make changes to begin with
I used to hang on a very large and very old doctor who site, before it got bought out and shut down by the BBC as they made their own version of it. I've been a fan long before the new series. The mods there did something drastic, and it was for the best. Basically, when things come down to it, they realised that the site is a FAN site designed for people to come together and ENJOY a fandom.

So when the new series started, they actually locked and minor banned people that spoke too harsh and spat vitriol all over the place, as you know a lot of oldWho's hated the new series. As the entire site was taken over by hate threads and constant bitching and moaning.

There was crying and moaning about the new rules .. oh my "freedoms" and all that total bullshit.... but you know what actually happened? The entire place became fun to hang out on again, and all those toxic fans that had nothing good to say just fucked off and left. The entire vibe of the site improved, and it again became a positive place for people that loved doctor who to hang out and share that love.

Much of the internet, particularly social media, thrives on "engagement" and nothing is more engaging than hate and the defence against hate. It has trained many people to be outspoken and vicious in their comments. The mods realised that what they needed to cultivate was a safe space for fans... not a place where new fans would come and see 30 threads and a shoutbox full of negativity and bile.

In short, fuck your "freedoms". If you hate the games, fine, hate them.... but there is no need and nothing productive abut spewing hate 24/7 when others just want things to be about other stuff. Take that shit to twitter or discord and other toxic places. Let the site breath and be a place people and new users can come to see people that enjoy things. And you know what, plenty of people do. Pissing off a few people that provide nothing but bile and them fucking off it a good thing for everyone. It isn't about "policing opinions" it is about creating an environment that is conducive to fandom. The super cool thing is that all those "hey, I should be able to be a cunt if I want" type people just disappeared and the site became awesome again. Pissing off a tiny few people, improved things for everyone else as they bring nothing to the site anyway. They were dead weight.

Deleting or locking that thread was the correct thing to do, and it should have been done months ago. Robo was correct, it was, and I mean it was in actuality, cancerous to this community.
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I'm a lover, not a fighter
I do not belive we should be deleting threads. Locking is a better way to go about it. We had one of the funniest, most weird and active threads in years (500+pages?) deleted for no good reason. There were times it got a little rabid, but overall it was entertaing - the Sonya debate was hilarious (particularly the Sonya with a red wig on posts).

My thoughts are if a thread is to be locked due to nastiness, creating splinter threads/topics with the main points being debated would be a smart idea to keep the topic going and the forum active. There is no point posting here if half your posts are just being deleted.

Subby Z

I do not belive we should be deleting threads. Locking is a better way to go about it. We had one of the funniest, most weird and active threads in years (500+pages?) deleted for no good reason. There were times it got a little rabid, but overall it was entertaing - the Sonya debate was hilarious (particularly the Sonya with a red wig on posts).

My thoughts are if a thread is to be locked due to nastiness, creating splinter threads/topics with the main points being debated would be a smart idea to keep the topic going and the forum active. There is no point posting here if half your posts are just being deleted.
Agreed it just feels like censorship at the end of the day.

MK1 is still going to go down as one of the worst in the series. I guess they’ll just keep silencing to change that narrative though.


Dojo Trainee
There used to be a calendar page and an events page a long time ago. would be nice to have that again.

Made keeping track of upcoming events and finding locals much easier. Pretty sure that's how I found EGP back in 2011.
Good point. Adding links to the start gg sign up pages for online tourneys would be cool

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
I do not belive we should be deleting threads. Locking is a better way to go about it. We had one of the funniest, most weird and active threads in years (500+pages?) deleted for no good reason. There were times it got a little rabid, but overall it was entertaing - the Sonya debate was hilarious (particularly the Sonya with a red wig on posts).

My thoughts are if a thread is to be locked due to nastiness, creating splinter threads/topics with the main points being debated would be a smart idea to keep the topic going and the forum active. There is no point posting here if half your posts are just being deleted.
I couldn't agree more. I don't plan on doing any deleting or locking as of right now. Once restructuring begins and I get a further hold on things may change. I'll be as transparent with any changes I make as possible with everyone here if/when that happens and let people speak their minds on them


Goro is a Pokémon
What's funny is I was 99% close to tagging you in that post and at the last moment was like "nah he'll see this and relive the memory" haha. Felt like I was holding my breath that whole match! Lol.
I honestly wasn't even sure people knew I was the same Oak. Lol. It was a great set and a fun tournament, only happy Salt

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
Yall, I'm the one who deleted that god-awful thread, not Aqua. TYM is going to undergo some changes, and those of you who would rather whine about the game than discuss how to play the game are probably going to want to find another community, like Reddit, that better caters to that useless noise.

Also, thanks everyone for the kind words. This month has sucked a whole bag full of dicks, but you all have made it suck at least a little bit less. <3 <3 <3
Well...it became a general discussion of story modes...etc. It sort of Ran it's course, although locking a thread is good. I felt like it and other became reductive as @chrisisnice and @Mr Aquaman pointed out. I have posted threads posting what I would do to make the game better in terms of QOL, content, etc but things didn't go far. Some also posted what they did like and what they wanted to make better. And yes...you were always nice. I think in terms of life even outside of games it's been not so good. I hope you plan on keeping posting on the forums and checking in on MK. :)
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