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This is for when MKX comes out


"On your Knees!"
I'm down. That's how it used to be way before MK9 existed. We did work and wore everything out before turning on the tears. These days someone takes one L and it needs to be patched. Smh. I main tekken as a game. We don't get any patches really. We get one expansion or two (in Japanese arcades) then we're on our own (US is from the start as we get one console release and done)
Im a big fan of DBZ and Vegeta is my favorite character, especially Majin Vegeta. I always wanted to smoke a blunt with Vegeta and talk alot of shit.


it's like me when MK9 started, during 1st mouth of MK9 i lost 95% of my online matches, 1 mouth later after practice online i was in the top 10 on xbl after 2 mouth i had a new main reptile and everyone knew my reptile, same for PS4 injustice, every one in EU know my DD now. what i wanna say, or confirme. PRACTICE, MORE PRACTICE and look tournament vods with top players
tbh, i switched from 360 to PS 4 in injustice and PS4 competition is a joke. i know i got bodied by you one time and your doomsday is good, no disrespect, but PS 4 competition is just no measure. it was like the only time i seriously got bodied while it happened regularly on 360. i actually wonder how someone can get as good as you in such a weak Environment.


tbh, i switched from 360 to PS 4 in injustice and PS4 competition is a joke. i know i got bodied by you one time and your doomsday is good, no disrespect, but PS 4 competition is just no measure. it was like the only time i seriously got bodied while it happened regularly on 360. i actually wonder how someone can get as good as you in such a weak Environment.
i played well on 360 with my batman, and even won a local tournament, won MK arcade stick, but i do not care about this because i will stay on PS4 forever. Yes there is not a lot of people on PS4 + it's EU zone locked, but there is some good players, and even best EU kabal NANI and he loves my DD so i am ok, i just wait for MKX and hope NRS will not make it for 360 and PS3, to have much more people on next gen


Scary Bat
I'm digging this vibe, and I applaud the attempt, but I think it might not work out.

Some "Big Name" won't want to put up with the "bullshit" that 1 character allegedly has and others will rally behind it.
Also "casuals" won't be able to beat something and call it OP and that the game is broken and unplayable and NRS will correct it, doesn't matter what TYM does in that situation.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm digging this vibe, and I applaud the attempt, but I think it might not work out.

Some "Big Name" won't want to put up with the "bullshit" that 1 character allegedly has and others will rally behind it.
Also "casuals" won't be able to beat something and call it OP and that the game is broken and unplayable and NRS will correct it, doesn't matter what TYM does in that situation.
do not be an optimism killer.


Scary Bat
do not be an optimism killer.
Fair enough. I think it could work for the community stuff, so for example things like the "Scorpion Scare" nerfs.

But stuff like the initial Deathstroke nerfs seem like they were done for the benefit of the casual player getting zoned out online, and it's stuff like that is more difficult to control, as those nerfs are for the sake of the game having a casual user-base.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Fair enough. I think it could work for the community stuff, so for example things like the "Scorpion Scare" nerfs.

But stuff like the initial Deathstroke nerfs seem like they were done for the benefit of the casual player getting zoned out online, and it's stuff like that is more difficult to control, as those nerfs are for the sake of the game having a casual user-base.
I know, i was here, deathstroke is not the first to get the kano treatment, and skarlet scare was exactly as scorpion.

Yet we shouldn't give up or put in our minds that some things are set in stone, we have top players yes, but as far as i know they are also wrong most of the time, being top doesn't automatically dictates they know better than a character specialist.

I think NRS went way too far with green arrow and scorpion nerfs, some of them were totally unecessary, same with deathstroke


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I already sent @MITDJT you a response on this last night. Tonight I'm going to be creating a specific FB, Twitter, and Skype handle just for anything TYM and FGC related. I'll hit you up on that information later once I have it all setup!


Fair enough. I think it could work for the community stuff, so for example things like the "Scorpion Scare" nerfs.

But stuff like the initial Deathstroke nerfs seem like they were done for the benefit of the casual player getting zoned out online, and it's stuff like that is more difficult to control, as those nerfs are for the sake of the game having a casual user-base.
Oh I know characters will get nerfed, but I will still help in the best way I can. Even some nerfed characters still stay good ( like lao or aquaman). Also when ppl ask for community leaders that will help out, I can be one of those for sure.
Excellent thread; perfect sentiment.

I like how close to the community NRS is and how eager they are to support their titles, but there needs to be more structure and a lot more patience.

Perhaps the TYM community could come up with a spokesperson, or a small group of people, that could communicate actual issues that may need patching/re-balancing with NRS. A mediator, of sorts.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Excellent thread; perfect sentiment.

I like how close to the community NRS is and how eager they are to support their titles, but there needs to be more structure and a lot more patience.

Perhaps the TYM community could come up with a spokesperson, or a small group of people, that could communicate actual issues that may need patching/re-balancing with NRS. A mediator, of sorts.
A spokesperson whom tournament players can talk to, whom is impartial to tournament play themselves so that the objective stays game focused not player focused