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Things I've learned in the last few days

So as I said in another post I've recently taken up a secondary to cover raidens bad match ups, agree or disagree with that is not the point. The point here is just to list a couple of things I have learned while playing over the last week while being down and out on pain pills for wisdom teeth extractions (and lots of beer).

First and foremost, it is absolutely staggering IMO that even as my new secondary grabbing a cheap win online (again, I'm not able to really make it out too often with 3 young kids, job, blah blah, again, not my point here) that you will get 25,000% more hatemail as a good Raiden with 40% midscreens and even higher corner combos than as a scrubby anybody else. Raidens hat makes salt apparently.

I have also learned, well I guess realized is the better word, that I haven't met a single Liu Kang that I have even an ounce of respect for as far as skill. I am currently seeking someone to blow me up as a good Liu and change my mind here.

Third, I have gained an incredible amount of respect for Baraka in the hands of a capable player, also currently seeking Tarkatan mains to blow me up for educational purposes.

Next on the list, as a Raiden main I've never had too much problem with the input bug or meter drain glitch but FUCK that's annoying. I'm aware they won't fix it but it's never been an issue for me until as of late. Failed d4's get you knocked the fuck out sometimes when punishment rolls in as it turns out lol. Yeah I'm late to this input bug party but again, never been much of an issue with salty hat thunder god.

And for my final rambling for the moment, while keeping detailed records of all fights with secondary fighter, I'm inclined to believe that you get a better points/trueskill boost after a babality than not. Still testing this, and you can imagine it's not easy to test but I have nothing but time at the moment. And these prescriptions. And this cap'n Morgan.

Now I know there's not much room for replies and rebuttals but feel free to do so anyway. Also if anybody has noticed the points trueskill thing as well or has info or experience...
And any good Liu or Baraka hit me up, I need to be put on my place as far as these characters. :)
m.i. broken
My bad could someone throw this in general discussion for me? Im on tapatalk and must have missed a tap to get me to general. Thanks and snuggles ^_^