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The Reptile Combo Thread

Jip 122~ffb NP xx f2b1 32~sfb 321~slide - 40% midscreen

i have a video of this in the combo thread i made. not practical but definitely worth a shot in training mode
ok so ive been trying out the new f2b1 tech i found about a week ago and i can get it to work consistently..

ill post vids of it soon of me doing it 10 times ina row and how to land it easier to show you guys it IS possible to implement into your game.

Kuai Liang

Any idea the combo Chris G used in the corner tonight? I think it was

321, acidhand, 321, ex acidhand but can't quite remember what was next.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Reptile's 46% Midscreen Combo with three Enhance Bars used:

Definitely not worth burning meter for any of this, but still pretty cool to watch...hopefully some of you agree.
Ok i need help.

JIP > 321 > Elbow Dash > NJP > ffball > 32 > sfball > 321 > slide 40%

Been practicing this, can only hit is about 30% of the time. What I need to know is the how to effectively land the NJP after the dash. That's what gets me. I'm holding up, waiting for him to dash almost to the other side and hit punch. Hits rarely. What is the timing on this? What shoudl I look for?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Is it possible to land this online?
I'm sure it is, but I can't do it consistently online. In rare occasions, I find a good enough connection in which I can, but they're rare.

Yes. The laggier the connection the earlier you have to do the punch input.
Eh...I could see that turning into a problem if you play this online and offline. I don't know. I can't adjust to online, nor care to anymore.
Thanks guys, landing it more consistently now. Even got it 3 times in one match. The 1 2 slide really helped. Does this apply to other NJP comboes as well for other characters?

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I'm sure it is, but I can't do it consistently online. In rare occasions, I find a good enough connection in which I can, but they're rare.

Eh...I could see that turning into a problem if you play this online and offline. I don't know. I can't adjust to online, nor care to anymore.
Yeah it affected my offline game at first, eventually you get used to transitioning back and forth though. Every online match is different I suppose so you just have to be good at judging how horrific the connection is.


why or who does not use this option combo? It's in the first "anti-wakeup", plus you can "mixup" with "EX elbow" and then go to "EX ball" and even "string"?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
why or who does not use this option combo? It's in the first "anti-wakeup", plus you can "mixup" with "EX elbow" and then go to "EX ball" and even "string"?
No one uses it, because if it gets blocked there is no positive advantage, it's neutral and there isn't really any space for Reptile to work, so it would come down to who has the faster normals, which more times than not won't be Reptile.



No one uses it, because if it gets blocked there is no positive advantage, it's neutral and there isn't really any space for Reptile to work, so it would come down to who has the faster normals, which more times than not won't be Reptile.
Well, of course !6 elbow dash? it also attacks many crash


Elbow dash is six frames, but is also highly punishable now. If you are going to use it and it does get blocked, you will want to d1 or d4, into a 122 or 321 string. It attacks what?
then it is punishable by a clear, but EX version is not punished? in general, all right, stay in soem opinion


Salt Proprietor of TYM
then it is punishable by a clear, but EX version is not punished? in general, all right, stay in soem opinion
Why burn the meter? If the string is blocked you just sacrifice more damage and a bar of meter to do a block OTG, when if you just do the normal finisher it's more damage and no meter has to be burned. Not putting the string down, I use it once in a while in fights to get the unscaled damage when I don't think it's expected, but for the most part I just stick with the okizeme finsh.