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Guide The Power Of Will - A Community Green Lantern Guide


TYM White Knight
Green Lantern

Green lantern is a long range character with up close options. He is dependent on meter for his more damaging combos, but for one bar he is getting almost half the opponents life bar.
His main source of keep away will come from his air Oa’s Rocket which travels on a diagonal path to the target, and his missles. His missles have a massive startup (44 frames) but give significant advantage on block (+20) A good choice for fellow lanterns will be to use his air oa’s rocket along with his missiles and straight oa’s rocket. This will make it hard for people to get in.

Chain gun is good, but easily jumpable and heavily punishable. It’s great on a read but the missiles and air oa's rocket will help cover more vertical and horizontal space. It's best use is at the end of strings to make them safer due to it's large pushback.

Green Lantern has an amazing anti air special (DB1) that can be meter burned for full combo opportunities. Use this to your advantage. Make the opponent scared to jump, for if they do, they WILL lose 40 percent of their life.

His b1 low has insanely long reach and is very good for footsies. This will help keep your opponents on their toes as it can be hit confirmed into either a meter burned oa’s rocket or a meter burned lift for a full combo punish. It can also give you a free trait activation after a successful B13.

Green Lanterns walk speed seems to be average to below average. He has a good overhead in F3 (15 frames) and his jump in 3 is VERY good. It’s hit box is very large and allows you to air combo upon landing.
What I think makes his Jump 3 amazing is that if you do it lower to the ground, the move will cancel itself and not hit the opponent. This creates a tricky mind game. You can do it a little higher up and it will come out and hit over head. Delay it slightly, and it will cancel itself and Green Lantern can throw or go into his B1 instead.

Green Lantern’s TaC Reset

Green Lantern has a TaC reset much like Jade in MK9, except since he can actually punish, it is a lot more deadly. Anytime Green Lantern ends a combo in a meter burned lift, he can d1 the opponent just before they hit the ground and they will reset standing. The beauty of it is, is that a d1 on block is +4, so you can make green lanterns 7f starter 3 frames and uninterruptable except for armour. His 7f 1 can be ducked by crouch blocking, but you can condition your opponent with green lanterns 223 string which hits mid and is at a respectable 10 frames. 6 Frames after a blocked d1. This will allow Green lantern to start pressure with a fast mid hitting string, or go into a throw mixup which results in a hard knockdown. If the opponent anticipates you will follow up with your mid hitting string (which you should) and try to poke, they will have to risk getting hit with a D1 Lift, which links in Injustice making it a deadly situation.


Character Trait

Green Lantern Powers up his ring and gains increased damage and special properties. Here are the changes when he activates his trait.
1. Lift does a slight ground bounce without spending meter allowing you to combo. (this is important)
2. Mini Gun Hits Almost Full Screen (this build a lot of meter)
3. Overhead rockets bounce and can link into lift at certain distances.
3. Normals do increased damage.

Ambiguous Setups
Green Lantern has a really tricky jump 3. It has a superb hitbox and can hit behind the opponent. What makes it a really good jump in is the fact that if it’s done close to the ground, it will cancel itself leaving you standing. This creates a really ambiguous mixup. If you do it slightly higher than the cancel point it will come out fully. If you do it slightly lower it will cancel and you can go right into his b1 for a full combo if they are still blocking for the over head. You can also land and throw out his 15f f3 for another overhead, or you can simply throw. The options are endless. It’s that good.

Ending combos in 223~BF3 does a cross under. Using B13 immediately after landing catches a lot of people off their toes.

Green Lanterns Standard BNB’s.
JI3 B23~Oa’s Rocket (m) B23~Lift(m) B3 B13~lift (hard knockdown) = 51% 2 bars.
(JI3 B23 will not connect if the opponent is crouching. Tom Brady )

JI3 B23~Lift (m) B3 Jump 2 223 lift (hard knockdown) = 42% 1 bar.
(JI3 B23 will not connect if the opponent is crouching. Tom Brady )

JI3 223~Lift(m) B3 Jump 2 223~lift (hard knockdown) = ??? (Damage to be added, easier to land than B23.)

JI2, B23~Oa's rocket(m) B23~lift(m) B3 B13~lift 47% (credit Dark_Rob ) = 48% Switches sides with opponent. Excellent near the corner for position switch.

223~Oa's Rocket (M) B3 Ji3 223~lift =38% One Bar (no jump in)

JI3 123~Lift (meter burn) B3(wall bounce), 223 lift (hard knockdown) = 33%

B13 ~ Lift (meter burn) B3 (wall bounce) Jump 2 223 lift (hard knockdown)

Powered Up Green Lantern BNB’s

Green Lantern can entered a power up state by activating his character trait (4). This makes his specials take on different properties and allows combos to be possible that aren't without it activated. It also increases the damage on all of his specials.

Green Lantern can Combo into his trait anytime he lands a B13 (Credit Dark_Rob). He can continue the combo by canceling into lift.

For instance: B13~TRAIT~Lift 223 Lift (m) 223~chaingun

JI3 B23~Oa’s Rocket (m) B23~Lift(m) B3 B13~lift (hard knockdown) = 67% (pre patch) 2 bars.

Back Dashing The B13
@GnG CrimsonPanther

These characters can full combo punish him;
Grundy (This is a guessing game. If GL does anything except jump back he will eat a Walking Corpse. BUT if he does jump back he can get full combo punished)
Killer Frost
Batman (If trait is activated)

These characters can punish with a fast special;
Flash (Flying Uppercut)
Cyborg (Power Fist)
Green Arrow (Hurricane Bow)
Hawkgirl (Can avoid it all together and whiff punish with Wing Evade then 3)
Black Adam (Lightning Storm)
Deathstroke (Any Quick Fire and Sword Flip)
Joker (Acid Blossom)


Dead Kings Rise
Green Lantern

Green lantern is a long range character with up close options. He is dependent on meter for his more damaging combos, but for one bar he is getting almost half the opponents life bar.
His main source of keep away will come from his air Oa’s Rocket which travels on a diagonal path to the target, and his missles. His missles have a massive startup (44 frames) but give significant advantage on block (+20) A good choice for fellow lanterns will to use his air oa’s rocket along with his missiles and straight oa’s rocket. This will make it hard for people to get in.
Chain gun is good, but easily jumpable and heavily punishable. It’s great on a reed but the missiles and air oas rocket will help cover more vertical and horizontal space.
Green Lantern has an amazing anti air special that can be meter burned for full combo opportunities. Use this to your advantage. Make the opponent scared to jump, for if they do, they WILL lose 40 percent of their life.
His b1 low has insanely long reach and is very good for footsies. This will help keep your opponents on their toes as it can be hitconfirmed into either a meter burned oa’s rocket or a meter burned lift for a full combo punish.
Green Lanterns walk speed seems to be average to below average. He has a good overhead in F3 and his jump in 3 is VERY good. It’s hit box is very large and allows you to air combo upon landing. What I think makes his Jump 3 amazing is that if you do it lower to the ground, the move will cancel itself and not hit the opponent. This creates a tricky mind game. You can do it a little higher up and it will come out and hit over head. Delay it slightly, and it will cancel itself and Green Lantern can throw or go into his B1 instead.
Green Lantern’s TaC Reset
Green Lantern has a TaC reset much like Jade in MK9, except since he can actually punish, it is a lot more deadly. Anytime Green Lantern ends a combo in a meter burned lift, he can d1 the opponent just before they hit the ground and they will reset standing. The beauty of it is, is that a d1 on block is +4, so you can make green lanterns 7f starter 3 frames and uninterruptable except for armour. His 7f 1 can be ducked by crouch blocking, but you can condition your opponent with green lanterns 223 string which hits mid and is at a respectable 10 frames. 6 Frames after a blocked d1. This will allow Green lantern to start pressure with a fast mid hitting string, or go into a throw mixup which results in a hard knockdown. If the opponent anticipates you will follow up with your mid hitting string (which you should) and try to poke, they will have to risk getting hit with a D1 Lift, which links in Injustice making it a deadly situation.

Character Trait
Green Lantern Powers up his ring and gains increased damage and special properties. Here are the changes when he activates his trait.
1. Lift does a slight ground bounce without spending meter allowing you to combo. (this is important)
2. Mini Gun Hits Full Screen (this build a lot of meter)
3. Overhead rockets bounce and can link into lift at certain distances.
3. Normals do increased damage.

Ambiguous Setups
Green Lantern has a really tricky jump 3. It has a superb hitbox and can hit behind the opponent. What makes it a really good jump in is the fact that if it’s done close to the ground, it will cancel itself leaving you standing. This creates a really ambiguous mixup. If you do it slightly higher than the cancel point it will come out fully. If you do it slightly lower it will cancel and you can go right into his b1 for a full combo if they are still blocking for the over head. You can also land and throw out his 15f f3 for another overhead, or you can simply throw. The options are endless. It’s that good.

Green Lanterns Standard BNB’s.
JI3 B23~Oa’s Rocket (m) B23~Lift(m) B3 B13~lift (hard knockdown) = 51 2 bars.
JI3 B23~Lift (m) B3 Jump 2 223 lift (hard knockdown) = 42% 1 bar.
JI3 123~Lift (meter burn) B3(wall bounce), 223 lift (hard knockdown) = 44% 1 bar.
B13 ~ Lift (meter burn) B3 (wall bounce) Jump 2 223 lift (hard knockdown) ???

Powered Up Green Lantern BNB’s
Green Lantern can entered a power up state by activating his character trait (4). This makes his specials take on different properties and allows combos to be possible that aren’t without it activated. It also increases the damage on all of his specials.
JI3 B23~Oa’s Rocket (m) B23~Lift(m) B3 B13~lift (hard knockdown) = 67% 2 bars.
I wonder who you've been talking to for a while.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Only one meter? Should have burned another on your lift and did some more stuff.
Eh you don't get that much damage off of it. The one time I would use it is if there is a stage transition, you can do it into b3 and get that, but otherwise the damage it gives is really low because gravity is so heavy.


Tired, But Strong
Only one meter? Should have burned another on your lift and did some more stuff.
Well, the point of this vid seems to be demonstrating a practical combo that GL can do with one meter. Obviously more meters = more stuff, but you need BnBs for all levels of meter spent.


Eh you don't get that much damage off of it. The one time I would use it is if there is a stage transition, you can do it into b3 and get that, but otherwise the damage it gives is really low because gravity is so heavy.
True, the scaling for one meter is better than for two, but you don't always get to do large combos to your opponent, and meter is given out like its nothing in the game, and if you're using your chaingun, it should be no issue. Plus, it looks flashy as hell.


One thing that wasnt mentioned is that Green Lantern can combo into his trait which can then be cancelled with a special move so you can get more damage for less meter. The meter game is so important you really dont want to spend more than 1 bar on any one combo (As Chef already alluded to)

Off of any succesful B1,3 string on hit Green Lantern can activate his trait and then cancel it with lift gaining additional combo lengths

Example: B1,3,trait,lift,2,2,3,lift(MB),B3,2,2,3,lift(hard knockdown) Because a trait powered normal lift gives a small bounce your essentially getting to use bouncing lifts twice in one combo ( the trait powered one and the meterburn one) Theres lots of possibilities with this, I just listed one to get you started.


One thing that wasnt mentioned is that Green Lantern can combo into his trait which can then be cancelled with a special move so you can get more damage for less meter. The meter game is so important you really dont want to spend more than 1 bar on any one combo (As Chef already alluded to)

Off of any succesful B1,3 string on hit Green Lantern can activate his trait and then cancel it with lift gaining additional combo lengths

Example: B1,3,trait,lift,2,2,3,lift(MB),B3,2,2,3,lift(hard knockdown) Because a trait powered normal lift gives a small bounce your essentially getting to use bouncing lifts twice in one combo ( the trait powered one and the meterburn one) Theres lots of possibilities with this, I just listed one to get you started.
Is B1 3 safe? It seems unsafe as hell.


Sorry, it's just easily interupted. Even pokes can interupt it :(
Even after the patch B1 is still -12 so it can still be interupted but its harder. B1,3 isnt going to be his standard block string to create distance, I feel 2,2,3,minigun does this fine. But its a low starter and an excellent footsie tool and can even anti air if your spacing is right on. Its a good string despite the fact that its interuptable. Its meant to catch people off guard, and of course the fact that its the only string GL can combo into his trait from and continue a combo is great.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Even after the patch B1 is still -12 so it can still be interupted but its harder. B1,3 isnt going to be his standard block string to create distance, I feel 2,2,3,minigun does this fine. But its a low starter and an excellent footsie tool and can even anti air if your spacing is right on. Its a good string despite the fact that its interuptable. Its meant to catch people off guard, and of course the fact that its the only string GL can combo into his trait from and continue a combo is great.
Quick questions. I think i saw 223 being +6 in the version i played. What is it in final build? What are his fastest moves and what strings does he have that are + on block?


TYM White Knight
Quick questions. I think i saw 223 being +6 in the version i played. What is it in final build? What are his fastest moves and what strings does he have that are + on block?
B1 is 9f (l0w), 2 is 10f (mid), 1 is 7f (high) F3 is 15f (overhead)