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Video/Tutorial The Emergence Of Escrima Stance - A Compendium of Knowledge.


TYM White Knight
The second 33 isn't guaranteed on 33~spark, 33 but the 112, 33 is inconsistent. I like to f3 when spark hits. Anyway to answer your question, sometimes I get b3'd and sometimes I don't, other times my sparring partner just back dashes or jumps out. It's either me as NW using late execution or Catwoman's hitbox.

Point is in a match you cannot accurately determine whether or not you will hit her with the follow up 33 because it's inconsistent and you have to 33 asap to get the frame trap or else she can simply walk back right out of it. The air whip and b3 options all lead to a combo punish on her part and since 33 follow up is something you're going to have to blindly mash out you won't know until it's too late if your spacing was correct.

I really like the 33 game but I think it's a corner exclusive due to the difficulty in getting your opponent to respect 112 on block (they can get hit by the 2 and they are free) and the sensitive spacing requirements.

I completely disagree with you. Like 100%. I have never had issues utilizing 33 in matches other then people pushblocking me because they don't want to deal with the threat of it.

As I said, to each his own. It's not something you "Blindly" mash out. If a 112 connects, you 33. It's just what you do. That opens up options in itself (dash 112, throws etc). 112 is +21 I believe. 33 is 14f startup. That's 7f before your opponent can leave the ground. Barring the first hit of 3 actually hits, it should be more then enough of a window.

It shouldn't be inconsistent. As I said, I never have trouble doing it. I don't face to many catwomans anymore, and I used flash to test most of it (due to his own low hitbox) and never had trouble connecting. Her B3 is stupid low tho, so it would not shock me if she actually ducked under the 3 even tho it's a mid. NRS doesn't believe in true mids.


I completely disagree with you. Like 100%. I have never had issues utilizing 33 in matches other then people pushblocking me because they don't want to deal with the threat of it.

As I said, to each his own. It's not something you "Blindly" mash out. If a 112 connects, you 33. It's just what you do. That opens up options in itself (dash 112, throws etc). 112 is +21 I believe. 33 is 14f startup. That's 7f before your opponent can leave the ground. Barring the first hit of 3 actually hits, it should be more then enough of a window.

It shouldn't be inconsistent. As I said, I never have trouble doing it. I don't face to many catwomans anymore, and I used flash to test most of it (due to his own low hitbox) and never had trouble connecting. Her B3 is stupid low tho, so it would not shock me if she actually ducked under the 3 even tho it's a mid. NRS doesn't believe in true mids.
I've been d1~claws poke combo'd right out of the first 3 of 33.