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Target Acquired: Elimination of Bad Match-Ups


missiles are coming
SwiftTomHanks I've noticed you've used a lot more robot Sektor recently is there a reason for that?

Also would you mind covering the Smoke match-up like fully? I feel you know it better than anyone. I'm willing to dive in to the Kabal match-up and hopefully later tonight I will have that match-up done and dusted.
I don't really know the match up that well to be honest lol. I'm still in the process of learning it 100%. AC1984, my main training buddy is picking up Smoke just so I can learn the match up. But at the moment he isn't close to the level of players like xSmokex and KTSmith.

The Kabal match up is really, really harsh to overcome. That said though, I think there are only about 5-6 characters in this game that can go 5-5 with him; Sektor being one of them.

I've been using Robot since Civil War because the robot is a must have against Kabal. Human's missiles reach the opponent faster which is normally always a good thing. However this means that Kabal can dash through the missile with more ease, allowing you less time to block before the dash hits you. This makes robot have an edge in this match up that human does not.

Aside from Kabal, I still see no reason in competitive play to not be using human Sektor. At ECT this weekend I will be using human Sektor for every person I encounter other than KevoDaMan and AC1984.


I think I read that SwiftTomHanks is so against the Smoke MU that he's learning another character.

....or maybe that was IKizzLE?

I think it might be his worst MU......
Yeah I think it was STH. The Smoke match is his worst match-up and a debatable 3-7 match. What separates Smoke from the other difficult match-ups is him just saying "Fuck You" to zoning and footsies. Smoke bomb is literally Sektor's nightmare. Plus the damage factor. I don't think it is 3-7 though. I'm on the fence tbh...


I don't really know the match up that well to be honest lol. I'm still in the process of learning it 100%. AC1984, my main training buddy is picking up Smoke just so I can learn the match up. But at the moment he isn't close to the level of players like xSmokex and KTSmith.

The Kabal match up is really, really harsh to overcome. That said though, I think there are only about 5-6 characters in this game that can go 5-5 with him; Sektor being one of them.

I've been using Robot since Civil War because the robot is a must have against Kabal. Human's missiles reach the opponent faster which is normally always a good thing. However this means that Kabal can dash through the missile with more ease, allowing you less time to block before the dash hits you. This makes robot have an edge in this match up that human does not.

Aside from Kabal, I still see no reason in competitive play to not be using human Sektor. At ECT this weekend I will be using human Sektor for every person I encounter other than KevoDaMan and AC1984.
Perhaps I am confusing it with the Mileena match-up? I know you said you know one of those two match-ups well so I would be grateful if you could break it down to the bone lol.

Yeah Kabal is do-able. Perhaps the easiest of his bad matches. Closer to 5-5 than anyone else tbh. I'll do that one later today.


missiles are coming
Perhaps I am confusing it with the Mileena match-up? I know you said you know one of those two match-ups well so I would be grateful if you could break it down to the bone lol.

Yeah Kabal is do-able. Perhaps the easiest of his bad matches. Closer to 5-5 than anyone else tbh. I'll do that one later today.
Mileena and Kabal are the bad match ups I know very well. I believe I have Mileena on lock down to where I honestly think I can destroy any Mileena player outside Phase3. I'll go into detail about the pro's and con's of the match up soon; gotta finish some graphics for ECT4 atm.


Mileena and Kabal are the bad match ups I know very well. I believe I have Mileena on lock down to where I honestly think I can destroy any Mileena player outside Phase3. I'll go into detail about the pro's and con's of the match up soon; gotta finish some graphics for ECT4 atm.
no problem man take ur time I just wanted to secure ur spot for this match-up hehe. You should be honoured to serve the Lin Kuei program.

So you'll take Mileena. Fuck that you can take Kabal as well. I'll do Sonya, I know that one pretty well too. We'll allocate the rest to other players. Or maybe Kabal to someone else. I dunno I'm so confused :p. Just focus on Mileena for now whenever you have the time...

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
To me Freddy is a 5-5 but I don't have very much experience either. Hopefully someone else who knows this match-up well can elaborate.

Mileena is still a bad match-up. Low hit-box (too low for even the 'magic' B34), long ranged D4, telekick on reaction to up missiles and trigger happy straight missiles. Can build meter while avoiding Sektor's zoning. The only saving grace for Sektor is the fact that he can heavily punish much of what Mileena does and since she has to take risks, she could lose 40% at any given moment. Sektor cannot anti-zone either unless Mileena is too predictable.
it is indeed a 5-5 vs Freddy. Dave and I came to that assessment quite some time ago. Its even because of sektors quick punishes/teleport and amazing damage off a mis-timed projectile from freddy. Before playing Ikizzle i thought it was 6-4 in freddys favor. He quickly showed me why its even.


Worst matchups for sektor are sonya, smoke and kenshi
Slight disadvantage are mileena, kabal and shang.

Could you do the Shang match-up in detail? I don't have him as a losing match-up so I'm interested to see what you have to say about this one.


Bone and Metal
Could you do the Shang match-up in detail? I don't have him as a losing match-up so I'm interested to see what you have to say about this one.
I'm not exactly an expert with either character, but I have experience in both. The ground skulls really blow up iaTU from what I've seen and make it hard for Sektor to get in.


I'm not exactly an expert with either character, but I have experience in both. The ground skulls really blow up iaTU from what I've seen and make it hard for Sektor to get in.
Well it's similar to Freddy in a way but Freddy still has other zoning tools. Sektor shouldn't really try iaTU in this match-up unless Shang throws out an up skull or the slow ass straight skull. I feel that while Shang outzones Sektor, Sektor has better footsies and with the right spacing can get in on Shang anytime.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
my honest opinion
Kabal: 5-5
Kenshi: 6-4 kenshi wins
Mileena: 6-4 kenshi wins
Skarlet: 5-5
Smoke: 4-6
Sonya: 4-6
cage 4-6 maybe 5-5

This is my exp using those characters vs sektor and watching film

With mileena Sektor's options are very limited. I see no threat and thats in no way a knock on sektor players

and I cant possibly see what you guys think sektor will do to kenshi. The kenshi player has to make bad reads and not be familiar w sektor as a whole to lose


Pig Of The Hut LOL at "Mileena: 6-4 kenshi wins". Wut??

Anyways why dyou think Kenshi wins this match-up? I think STH gave a really good analysis of the match-up on page 1 and it has convinced me that this match could be a 5-5. I think Kabal wins and I will break down this match up in detail in a few hours from now. Mileena I agree, Smoke I agree. Skarlet I think wins imo but tbh I don't have much experience. Sonya wins I agree. Cage is even.

Just wanna say that Sektor against any high hitbox character up close=BIG TROUBLE. However Kenshi does have armour out the ass so that saves him somewhat.


Could you do the Shang match-up in detail? I don't have him as a losing match-up so I'm interested to see what you have to say about this one.
Detroit and WoundCowboy put up their details in the discussion thread.
Zoning is one aspect, but shang has a similar d3 to smoke that blows up sektors advancing normals and strings. Up close shang is a problem because his knee combo starter is very fast and has the range to beat sektors 12b1. It could be 5-5 though. Idk. I'm just taking what they said. Don't care either which way honestly.

In all honesty, take all of kitana's bad matchups and they directly apply to sektor.
-Neither character has armor.
-Both have shit wakeups.
-Both are decent zoners.
-Both have normals that play to their really good footsie games.
-Sektor can punish better point blank while kitana punishes harder from a far and has d1, so equal trade offs.
-They both require meter in combos to hit 40+ percent.
-Both get blown up bad (7-3 min) by kenshi for all the above reasons.

Both have the same fundamental strength and weaknesses.


Detroit and WoundCowboy put up their details in the discussion thread.
Zoning is one aspect, but shang has a similar d3 to smoke that blows up sektors advancing normals and strings. Up close shang is a problem because his knee combo starter is very fast and has the range to beat sektors 12b1. It could be 5-5 though. Idk. I'm just taking what they said. Don't care either which way honestly.
F2 is effective because it closes down space well and can be used to get Sektor into various sweet spots to evade ground skulls and Shang has little answer to B1. I dunno about Shang's hit-box though. Does standing 1 hit him in crouch block? Both characters have really strong corner games and both have pretty poor wake-ups. It's hard for Shang to get out soul steal unless it is at max range because Sektor's normals can hit him out of it fairly easily. Also Shang's pressure is limited because I'm pretty sure Sektor crouch blocking will evade parts of the F434 string. Shang outzones Sektor however and can stuff teleport options. Besides the point you made about 12B1...I don't think it should ever be used unless it is a guaranteed punish or off a jump-in punch. Seems even to me.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig Of The Hut LOL at "Mileena: 6-4 kenshi wins". Wut??

Anyways why dyou think Kenshi wins this match-up? I think STH gave a really good analysis of the match-up on page 1 and it has convinced me that this match could be a 5-5. I think Kabal wins and I will break down this match up in detail in a few hours from now. Mileena I agree, Smoke I agree. Skarlet I think wins imo but tbh I don't have much experience. Sonya wins I agree. Cage is even.

Just wanna say that Sektor against any high hitbox character up close=BIG TROUBLE. However Kenshi does have armour out the ass so that saves him somewhat.
lol i meant mileena wins

I guess im going to have to play more sektors but i see no threat vs kenshi imo and im just being honest

Ive played kizzle, j360 and red djinn but not really anyone else but i feel they are all excellent players to help judge the MU


lol i meant mileena wins

I guess im going to have to play more sektors but i see no threat vs kenshi imo and im just being honest

Ive played kizzle, j360 and red djinn but not really anyone else but i feel they are all excellent players to help judge the MU
Those are average players....you haven't met the master of the Sektor forums.

Haha on a serious note yeah that's some good experience. Fair enough in time maybe this match will be made more clear.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Those are average players....you haven't met the master of the Sektor forums.

Haha on a serious note yeah that's some good experience. Fair enough in time maybe this match will be made more clear.
Ill play a set w kizzle at MLG and record as well as all other sektors there and post for all sektors to learn MU more so we all can learn


Wow I was writing a great deal about the Kabal match-up and suddenly 1/2 way thru my computer spazzed out and got rid of everything! Fuck this, I'll do it tomorrow....