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Specific things to discuss about...


Yeah Im not into the whole thread making thing but I just have some thoughts or stategies to discuss about.
Kabal : The threat of EX ND is anullied by trowing out a Ghostball.​
Its very viable to mix it in your zoning while he gets back up on wack-up or in general.​
String = F4+3 : The thing is that this string gets some properties over wake-ups.​
I don´t know how but as example If Sonya does a EX or normal Cartwheel on​
wakeup and you are standing in the range of motion and throw out that string​
you will hit her and the amor has no effect. Same with other wake-ups. This need more​
Portals: Well this is the biggest thing. You have to do them. Noob has to be the one who controls with them and links them into specials almost every time. You have to get your opponent insecure what to do. Case for this is the IN-FRONT-PORTAL. This is the key of mastering that char. Master the portals/mindgame.​
Corner Combo: If you get your opponent in the corner and combo them with a standart string just do after that a standing 1 and b121+EX Portal. Its unescapable unless you do a wakeup. The good thing about it is you can block in time to punish them even harder. You can react to it very easily. If they fall trough the ex portal do a backdash and Uppercut+d1 and then again 12upknee until the end. This is 81% of damage for 1 bar of meter and if they do wakeup you get a 65-75% combo which isnt bad either.​
Ex Portal: You have to zone with them too... It caches many people off guard and you can even confuse them more if you let them fall down and do a above portal and cross them up. Their inputs are messed up and you get a total damage of 40-50%.​
Yeah thats it... sry for the bad use of language.​
And btw Noob just sucks ass lol but yeah he is my character forever due to play time/investing and seriously ...​
But he could make it... there is something about him that isnt explored enough... I have something in mind with Portals and positioning yourself and the opponent , baiting with shadows+ upknees.​


Cannot wait to see your Noob in action again. By far one of the greatest matches was your Noob against... was it Gross' Smoke at MLG?


Thank you , Storms.
Yeah it was , little bit upset that I havent praticed enough the offline timing and showed what noob could really do...
I wanted to blow you guys away with things you have never seen, but its hard to pull it off with the nerves and pressure to show that im not a "noob" ;)


I've always said Ghostball works wonders against Kabal. As for F43 I've never known that, definitely needs to be looked into though, great find.

As to portals, the problem I have with this is that a) You're sacrificing damage most of the time and b) You won't get anything off this every time; you have to guess right on whether the opponent will roll, jump, or do a wake-up attack to compensate to get anything done. It's good for starting a short spacing game but portals are too easily avoidable and mistiming a teleport gets you fucked over. I feel like I'm sacrificing too much and risking too much for either the space I could get off ending with a clone or going for a "What if" scenario that's stacked against me in terms of probability.

I didn't know one could do that with EX Portal. Nice stuff overall.


Yeah but if you play noob save you will see what you get. Nothing...
I mean not : combo + portal ender

Its the whole use of portals and zoning.
Yeah the risk is high but the reward is too.
Its hard to explain but trust me thats how noob has to be played to compete at high-level play.
It´s very hard.


Head Cage
String = F4+3 : The thing is that this string gets some properties over wake-ups.
I don´t know how but as example If Sonya does a EX or normal Cartwheel on
wakeup and you are standing in the range of motion and throw out that string
you will hit her and the amor has no effect. Same with other wake-ups. This need more
F4+3 is a meaty!? *faps*


Yeah but if you play noob save you will see what you get. Nothing...
I mean not : combo + portal ender

Its the whole use of portals and zoning.
Yeah the risk is high but the reward is too.
Its hard to explain but trust me thats how noob has to be played to compete at high-level play.
It´s very hard.
I believe you're 100% right with this and you proved it at Dallas. You made your oppoents fear/respect your play-style and with every portal you throw, you also punished. Noob without the use of portals is not a successful Noob.


I main Noob actually, I haven't been able to focus on anything since I'm splitting up my practice time between him, Liu Kang and Raiden. What I would like to put up is that I've found EX Slide at a close range or off most blockstrings with minimal pushback(The only pushback string I know is the exception is B2+1+4, all the other complete strings don't have this effect.) allows you to dash over them and you can throw them before they're able to jump. The problem is rolls negate this completely(I'm going to look further into this) and obviously, wake-up attacks. For wake-ups, I've found that in place of a throw, you can cross them up which messes up their wake-ups a second time.

I've also found that his Deep Jump Kick option selects into his Teleslam, and that it's probably my favorite counter as a cross-up to Sonya's EX Cartwheel because even when blocked, I get a free throw for 14% and on hit I get an unbreakable 16%. I'm going to see what wake-ups this works against, especially the armored ones.


I main Noob actually, I haven't been able to focus on anything since I'm splitting up my practice time between him, Liu Kang and Raiden. What I would like to put up is that I've found EX Slide at a close range or off most blockstrings with minimal pushback(The only pushback string I know is the exception is B2+1+4, all the other complete strings don't have this effect.) allows you to dash over them and you can throw them before they're able to jump. The problem is rolls negate this completely(I'm going to look further into this) and obviously, wake-up attacks. For wake-ups, I've found that in place of a throw, you can cross them up which messes up their wake-ups a second time.

I've also found that his Deep Jump Kick option selects into his Teleslam, and that it's probably my favorite counter as a cross-up to Sonya's EX Cartwheel because even when blocked, I get a free throw for 14% and on hit I get an unbreakable 16%. I'm going to see what wake-ups this works against, especially the armored ones.
The option select is very intresting.
Its more likely a basic Fighting Game thing but I dont understand the Input terms.

Yeah the ex-shadow thing is known, its actually a nice tool but its not very viable.
Not a single pro-player just layed down after a knockdown in my fights.


The option select is very intresting.
Its more likely a basic Fighting Game thing but I dont understand the Input terms.

Yeah the ex-shadow thing is known, its actually a nice tool but its not very viable.
Not a single pro-player just layed down after a knockdown in my fights.
The option select works like this; during a deep jump kick(or I think any jump kick actually), you can buffer the inputs for Noob's teleport. On hit, the teleport will come out every single time, but never comes out on block, which leaves you able to still use the block advantage off the landed DJK.

Does that explain it?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

As someone whose collective playstyle revolves around inciting panic, I <3/respect you and your Noob/Saibot in general. I know what you mean; there's only so much you can do with a character when that's their strongest asset, but it's still a hell of an asset, especially against those susceptible to such surprises.

Imagine if he had respectable projectile recovery all around.

Just let your mind immerse itself in that delicious thought for a moment.

Noob <3.


That was exactly the part I know, hehe.
Its more likely the input.
Jump Deep JK and...? Confused D+U Tele on block and youre done *cough* fucked *cough*.


That was exactly the part I know, hehe.
Its more likely the input.
Jump Deep JK and...? Confused D+U Tele on block and youre done *cough* fucked *cough*.
No, on block, even if you input the D+U, it doesn't come out; only the kick.

I'm new to the concept of option selects myself, so forgive me if I can't explain it right.


Well never happened to me... tele comes out everytime ...
Maybe I input it to early.
You have to buffer it, like, putting the inputs in right with the DJK, not after it because then the teleport comes out. At least, that's how I've done it.


That's how I've done it most of the time. It's kind of awkward because of the Down-Up input but once you get the hang of it it's pretty handy. Just have to find the proper situation to use it in. :)

One last thing: I'm very confident that ending a corner combo vs Kabal and possibly Reptile with a front portal, then breakering them after they do a Nomad Dash or Elbow Dash causes a breaker trap.(This is difficult because I don't have anyone to test this with) Something similar works against Raiden; if he teleports out, you can poke him with D3/D4 and he's forced to eat the portal, letting you NJP him for a full combo.


Great find , I hope it is really a option select, that steps up the game.

To everyone : I would love if you guys make suggestions and discussion about everything you have.
Because Noob has the hidden potential do be a viable and good tournament character.
Its just really hard but for the opponent too.
Noob is really scary if you got into the peoples head.

What makes all my plans hard to realize is the meter...
The meter managment is everything...
Because sometimes you have to take the full combo just to get the meter and put them on blast in the corner...Altough you can rely on Portal zoning and and and...

Man Noob is the most complicated char in the game, If the korean guys would break him down he would be top 5 I swear.
Fuck the frame data and shit.
This char HAS the potential , altough everybody laughs but its true !... just very hard


The problem with Noob is his margin for error is higher than most if not all the cast(Horrible recovery) and he lacks any solid comeback factor due to his shitty damage. He's great with the mind games, though, and finding ways to exploit them is key to getting the most out of this character.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Madzin, a top Kabal can see and react to whatever clone or ghostball you throw out with ex dash. My friend tries to do this when we play the Noob vs Kabal matchup and I blow him up every time. You have to sparingly use ghostball to make it effective.

I agree with everything else in your post though. Portals are the key to success with Noob.


Konqrr how do you blow him up?

If Kabal gets back on his feet and does the EX ND and Block right after it he cant punish you.
Saw can be blocked with Gasblast and ND has to many frames.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Konqrr how do you blow him up?

If Kabal gets back on his feet and does the EX ND and Block right after it he cant punish you.
Saw can be blocked with Gasblast and ND has to many frames.
I must have read your post wrong. I meant if you throw it out when Kabal is up and able to move around. My mistake! You are right.