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Question Sooo... why no MKC in Marvel/Capcom events? me wondering


Former Divine Power Abuser
So with all the hype from Injustice being so close and recent FilipinoChamp callouts, it sorta got me wondering, why don't we see MKC taking Marvel/Capcom events? It's clearly not lack of talent because we have amazing players in our circle and it can't be because the game is harder because no one cares about that when they enjoy/want to improve. So tell me people, what is your reason?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
So with all the hype from Injustice being so close and recent FilipinoChamp callouts, it sorta got me wondering, why don't we see MKC taking Marvel/Capcom events? It's clearly not lack of talent because we have amazing players in our circle and it can't be because the game is harder because no one cares about that when they enjoy/want to improve. So tell me people, what is your reason?
I hate Marvel, and I'm just not motivated enough to learn Street Fighter completely yet. It's just so busted, maybe when version 2013 comes out.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
I play SF IV but mainly just for kicks and Marvel is a broken mess that I dont have time for

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
personally, I don't have enough people around me to get better than what I am at street fighter and I just don't feel as motivated than I do wanting to get better at MK. I think mvc is horrible, "jump around til someone starts a combo video" and then the game is over.


A prop on the stage of life.
I played sfIV since Vanilla. I had little to no success in it. I can't FADC into ultra to save my life, but the rest of my game was actually pretty solid. Still, out of all the time I put into the game, I haven't been able to play with more than one character. MK is more appealing to me, I had way more fun playing it than sfIV...especially since it was fresh and new for me (I skipped the 3d mks after DA). I just stuck with it...and my friends stayed with marvel and SF. I humor them every once in awhile but I'm not putting time into it anymore when I'd rather play mk.


Blue Blurs for Life!
With all due respect to the Marvel community, I picked up the game and genuinely tried to get into it...but I just couldn't. Didn't hold my attention. :(

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
You need to put in the time in both said games to go far. I put in so much time on MK that I have no time to pick up anything else...

...except Injustice *kappa*
I have about 300 hours put into sf4 and about 100 hours put into marvel 3. I enjoy both of those games. And i can take matches from good players from time to time, but mk9 was the first fighting game I took super serious and havent gone back

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So with all the hype from Injustice being so close and recent FilipinoChamp callouts, it sorta got me wondering, why don't we see MKC taking Marvel/Capcom events? It's clearly not lack of talent because we have amazing players in our circle and it can't be because the game is harder because no one cares about that when they enjoy/want to improve. So tell me people, what is your reason?
Because NOTHING interests me about mvc


TTT2 puts me asleep fast

Street fighter I dont play either cause it just doesnt interest me though i use to play it but thats only because MKDC was a massive turd


EX Ovi should launch
SF and Marvel are what they are, im more of a fan of the design and the characters than actually playing the game, but mainly due to not having time or patience to get to a competitive level while trying to balance multiple games and life... People can play it at the maximum level and i can watch and understand most of what is happening, so being at the baseline level is enough, i can have fun without being the best.

Dropped MK for SCV and wouldnt dream of looking back however, but that game is head and shoulders above anything released at the moment as far as fun and balance goes, every character in that game could place at a major, no doubt.


Played SSF4 but the game didnt appeal to me, it was boring, mvc im trying to get into because my scene is playing it but im still skeptical if id take the game serious or not, thinkin of picking back up DOA
i actually love playing MVC3 and SF... if i had the money/time to travel to tournaments, i would compete in them as well as MK.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
So with all the hype from Injustice being so close and recent FilipinoChamp callouts, it sorta got me wondering, why don't we see MKC taking Marvel/Capcom events? It's clearly not lack of talent because we have amazing players in our circle and it can't be because the game is harder because no one cares about that when they enjoy/want to improve. So tell me people, what is your reason?
I play but I don't take the game seriously because I honestly think it is garbage. I tried so hard to like it and I love the characters so much, but the game is too broken to play seriously IMO


Wasn't able to get into MVC. I tried it out and just wasn't a fan.

I did play SF4 up until AE Edition though. I didn't want to once again, pay for an update...


Dojo Trainee
My story matches pig's except 2 things. I only played SSFIV because a few friends did. After a
Year I quit. I never truly got into it, I kept forcing myself and kept telling myself it's a good game, even thought heart didn't like it.

I gave umvc3 about 1 hour of effort and just didn't care.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I will never play a MVC game seriously, there are just so many things that I hate about the system, and it really is just broken right now. I enjoy SF enough that I would give it a shot but I am not really driven to try it out.


So with all the hype from Injustice being so close and recent FilipinoChamp callouts, it sorta got me wondering, why don't we see MKC taking Marvel/Capcom events? It's clearly not lack of talent because we have amazing players in our circle and it can't be because the game is harder because no one cares about that when they enjoy/want to improve. So tell me people, what is your reason?
Because I can't stand Capcom or any of their games, they bore me VERY quickly. Marvel maybe, but I am not a huge fan of button-mashers(Though MVC3 is fun to play with friends). I will stick to NRS and Injustice Hype and the demo :)