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Guide Sonya Guide - By MortySeinfeld

Sonya Guide


1 = Square or X
2 = Triangle or Y
3 = X or A
4 = Circle or B

JIP = Jump in Punch
NJP = Neutral Jump Punch
d(1, 2, 3, 4) = Down + Attack Button
b(1, 2, 3, 4) = Back + Attack Button
f(1, 2, 3, 4) = Forward + Attack Button
xx = Special Move Cancel
EX = Enhance Special Move

Hit Levels

High = High attacks whiff on crouching characters
Medium = Medium attacks qualify as overhead attacks (beats crouch block)
Low = Low attacks hit the character low (beats stand block)

Note: Some attacks that are high can actually hit crouch blocking hitboxes, keeping the enemy in block stun.
Best Normals

f4 (Medium) - 11%

Note: Sonya’s overhead kick on hit causes the enemy to reel back, allowing for a free safe jump setup or dash forward 114 2-in-1 setup.

d2 (High Attack, Hits Crouch) – 12%

Note: Sonya has a 7-frame uppercut with an incredibly good hitbox. Use this as your primary anti-air when pressured.

d4 (low) – 3%

Note: This normal lowers Sonya’s hitbox which beats most Jump In Punch (JIP) attempts, in addition the range on this normal reaches very far. A legitimate strategy at the start of the round to obtain the first hit bonus is to stick out a d4 which will hit any character assuming that they do not move or crouch block at the beginning of a round.

This normal can also be canceled into special moves (primarily military stance).

Special Moves

Ring Toss (bf2) – Projectile that has very quick recovery. Is safe on block, even from point blank. Against characters with slow projectiles (ie: Sub Zero), you can legitimately use this in rapid succession when at advantage (risky to trade). You are at Projectile advantage when you have successfully made your opponent block a projectile without trading or taking damage yourself. If the opponent jumps over the projectile and closes the distance, change your strategy.

Kiss (db1) – Slow startup, stays on screen for about (1) second. If this move hits, it causes the opponent to reel back allowing for a free combo. Primarily only used within specific combo’s.

Leg Grab (bf4) – This move should primarily only be used at the end of a combo. With the discovery of Sonya’s resets, leg grab should pretty much never be used unless it will put your opponent back into the corner. Leg Grab is also an unbreakerable special move.

Arch Kick (db4) – Punishable on block. Very risky to use, but can stuff enemy projectile spam or jump attempts when used correctly. If spaced correctly, you can use this to land directly in front of the opponent which recovers very quickly, allowing for a d1 xx ms or d4 xx ms setup.

Cartwheel (df3) – Safe on block, creates neutral situation on block. This special move is primarily used within combos and within block strings.

Dive Kick (d4 while in air) – Safe on block, if you hit the opponent at the waist or below. Used primarily as a combo starter.

Military Stance or ms (db2) – Stance move with several follow-up options. You can enter the stance by itself, or cancel into ms from a normal attack or attack string.

From Military Stance, you can follow up with these options:

f1 – Sonya lunges forward with two low punches (low, low). This option can be special move cancelled, primarily into cartwheel (possibly into Arch Kick for shenanigans and to reset space). Safe on block, possibly leaves Sonya at slight advantage which can be followed up with d1.

1+3 or Throw Button, Followed By 1+2 – Sonya performs an overhead (Medium) tackle and kicks the opponent about 1/2 to 3/4th’s screen away. If this attack lands, press 1+2 to tack on an additional 3% damage, 1+2 has Sonya perform two punches before kicking the opponent away. 12% by itself, 15% with the 1+2 damage bonus. Safe on block.

B4 – Sonya performs a quick sweep (low).

B2 – Sonya launches the opponent with an uppercut, allowing for extended combos.

1 – Close shoulder bump, safe on block.

2 – Sonya performs a half-screen shoulder bump. This is useful when attempting to close distance very quickly (ie: Kabal instant-air gas ball spam, Mileena instant-air sai spam). Safe on block.

3 – Close knee attack, not very useful given her other options. Safe on block, possibly leaves Sonya at slight advantage which can be followed up with d1.

4 – Sonya performs a double jump pick. Can be used to extend combos in the corner, but there are better options.
Enhanced Special Moves

Enhanced Ring Toss (bf2 + block) – Sonya fires two projectile that will both land if the opponent has blocked the first ring. Primarily only use this if you are attempting to close out a match. Can be used to catch jumpers off guard who block the first ring, then get hit by the second.

Enhanced Kiss (db1 + block) – Faster startup than regular kiss but still has a slow startup, stays on screen for about (1) second with slightly longer distance. Can hold and dash cancel the Kiss for a delayed release by holding the 1 button. If this move hits, it causes the opponent to reel back allowing for a free combo. Not very useful, spend your meter elsewhere.

Enhanced Leg Grab (bf4 + block) – Deals about 2-3% extra damage depending on the combo it is used with. This move should primarily only be used at the end of a combo. With the discovery of Sonya’s resets, leg grab should pretty much never be used unless it will put your opponent back into the corner. Enhanced Leg Grab is also an unbreakerable special move.

Enhanced Arch Kick (db4 + block) – Armored attack on startup, faster startup than regular arch kick. Punishable on block. Very risky to use, but can stuff enemy projectile spam and jump attempts when used correctly (use regular arch kick for those purposes). Deals slightly more damage than regular arch-kick.

Enhanced Cartwheel (df3 + block) – Armored special move on startup. Safe on block, creates neutral situation on block. Deals slightly more damage than regular Cartwheel. Enhanced Cartwheel is also an unbreakerable special move.

Enhanced Dive Kick (d4 + block while in the air) – Does not allow for combo follow up, deals extra damage. Use your meter elsewhere.

Toasty Boost

Input: B, B, D, 3

Frame Data (Thanks DrDogg)

Attack – Execution/Startup Frames

1 – 7
2 – 10
3 – 14
4 – 10

d+1 – 6
d+2 – 7
d+3 – 8
d+4 – 12

b+2 – 17
b+3 – 15
b+4 – 25

f+2 – 19
f+4 – 22

Throw – 10

Military Stance (db2)– 11
1 – 11
2 – 16
3 – 8
4 – 8
f+1 – 15
b+2 – 14
b+4 – 12
Throw – 12


1,1,2 – 7
1,1,4 – 7
2,1,b+3 – 10
2,1,b+4 – 10
f+2,2,4 – 19
b+2,1,f+2 – 17
3,1,2 – 14
3,1,4 – 14
4,4 – 10


b,f+2 – 20
b,f+4 – 17
d,b+1 – 37
d,b+4 - 32-34 (on standing opponent)
d,f+3 – 23
d+4 (air) - ~5 (on standing opponent)

Air Throw - ~9

EX b,f+2 – 20
EX b,f+4 – 17
EX d,b+1 – 37
EX d,b+4 - 18 (on standing opponent)
EX d,f+3 – 23
EX d+4 (air) - ~5 (on standing opponent)

X-Ray – 16

Wake-Up Attacks

Enhanced Cartwheel (df3 + block) – Invincibility on startup, safe on block. Use if you think your opponent is going to pressure you on wake-up to convert a combo or create a neutral situation. Can be punished by neutral jump punch (combo).

Enhanced Arch Kick (db4 + block) – Invincibility on startup, punishable on block. Use only if you think your opponent is going to pressure you on wake-up and want to push the opponent far away to create space. Punishes neutral jump.

First-Hit Strategy

d4 at the very beginning of the round will hit the opponent assuming that the opponent does not jump, step backwards or crouch block. Aside from this, first hit can be character specific, but blocking properly and fishing with low attacks is usually a safe bet.

If you identify that your opponent is attempting to get first hit with projectiles, in most cases your projectile is quicker and/or has faster recovery. If you are confident that a ring toss will win in a trade, make sure you get your projectile out before they do. Crouch without blocking will cause almost all projectiles to go over your head with the exception of a few (ie: Reptile orbs, Kano Ex Knives, etc.) duck a projectile then immediately fire a ring toss to likely get the first hit in a trade situation.

Be cautious of jump in attempts, which should be anti-aired with d2.

Unbreakerable Special Moves
Both Leg Grab and Enhanced Leg Grab are unbreakerable special moves. In some situations it may be advantageous to end combos early with either of these special moves if it can seal a round/game.​
Enhanced Cartwheel is also an unbreakerable. If you land an EX-Cartwheel and are attempting to close out a round/game while your opponent has breaker, you could perform the following:​
- Ex Cartwheel, dash, Leg Grab (22%)
- Ex Cartwheel, dash, EX Leg Grab (27%)
Best Strings

1,1,4 (high, high, high) – Primarily use this after a Jump In Punch (JIP) because it forces your opponent to stand. Can be 2-in-1’ed into ms, b2 (hit-confirm combo) or ms, f1 (low, low) xx cartwheel or ms, 1+3 (overhead) or Throw Button, 1+2.

2,1 (high that hits crouch block, high) – Primarily use this after a dive kick combo starter.

b2,1,f2 (high, high that hits crouch, high) – This string has lunge-forward properties, if you are creating space and identify that the opponent has whiffed some sort of punishable attack possibly use this. This string is very difficult to land, but leads to some of her highest damaging combos. Also possibly use this after a jump in punch, but the 1,1,4 string is usually a better bet.

General Strategy

This section outlines what I feel Sonya’s general game-plan is. The section following this includes situation specific combos for hit confirms.

Meter Building and Block Damage

Sonya is probably the best character for bullying with low attacks and has great tools for controlling the space directly in front of her.

d4 – This normal has several purposes because of the fact that it can be cancelled into special moves. It is one of the farthest reaching crouching normals in the game (Others would be, Mileena d4, Baraka d4, etc.).

Use d4 by itself to control the space directly in front of you. By using this by itself, you have created enough space where if you wait long enough could potentially bait your opponent into jumping. If your opponent jumps, the easiest answer is to uppercut the jump attempts. Since most players don’t know how to start combo’s without jumping in, it is very important that your anti-air’s count as you will be shutting down a lot of potential offense with simple d4 pokes and anti-air’s

d4 xx Ring Toss – Ring toss is safe on block, and d4 provides enough block stun to guarantee that the ring toss will be blocked. It takes 12 blocked hits and/or special moves to build (1) meter in this game. A blocked d4, and a blocked ring toss = 3 increases to that meter (1/4th of a bar).

d4 xx Military Stance f1 – When you want to begin your mix-up/pressure game this is one of the best ways to get in on your opponent. The d4 provides enough hit and/or block stun to guarantee that the ms, f1 will need to be successfully blocked (3 slivers of meter if blocked).

If the ms f1 is not blocked appropriately, Sonya will have scored a knock-down.

On block, the d4 xx ms f1 leaves Sonya at +1. Sonya should be able to press d1 (6-frames) before the opponent can counter-attack with a d1 or 6-frame special (ie: Kung Lao spin). d1 can also be cancelled into military stance, I will explain its strengths shortly after.

d4 xx Military Stance f1 xx cartwheel – If this entire string is blocked appropriately this gains Sonya 5 slivers of meter and deals pretty decent block damage.

It is important to note that a blocked cartwheel leaves Sonya at -3 frames. There is less advantage after the cartwheel than a blocked ms f1. In most cases it is advantageous not to cancel into cartwheel so that you can maintain pressure.

It is very important to constantly mix-up between the d4 xx ms f1, and d4 xx ms f1 xx cartwheel because of the advantage distinction.

By Sometimes ending in cartwheel and Sometimes not ending in cartwheel, you will be conditioning your opponent to continue to defend after the d4 xx ms f1. Which makes it more likely you will be able to continue your attacks before the opponent decides to counter-attack.

If the opponent decides to counter-attack after the d4 xx ms f1, it is likely they will be stuffed by the cartwheel which grants Sonya full combo (See Wake-Up Attack combo section below).

d1 xx Military Stance f1 – Primarily only use this when you want to continue pressuring your opponent and only after the d4 xx ms f1 string. Can be used as a 50/50.

The d1 does not provide enough block-stun to guarantee that the ms f1 will land (opponent can jump), but it is honestly so difficult to discern the difference between a d4 and d1 xx ms cancel in such a quick period of time that it is incredibly rare for this to be jumped out of. In additions, you have options that beat jump.

d1 xx Military Stance f1 xx Cartwheel – Continuing with the same reasoning as above, you should use this for block damage and meter, in addition to being used as your low option in the 50/50 Sonya has when mixed up with Sonya’s overhead throw to keep your opponent guessing and pressured.

Note: Please read the notes within the Mid-Screen Combo section under Combo 1. This describes the wake-up mentality you should have if the ms f1 scores a knockdown and you have optioned the cartwheel.

d1 xx Military Stance, 1+3, 1+2 – This is your overhead option as part of the 50/50 game.

I find I have most success with this once I have conditioned the opponent to look for the low attack. Often-times if you perform a d1 xx ms, then hesitate I find that the hesitate causes the opponent to perform a delayed crouch at which point you can catch them with the overhead.

Condition the opponent to crouch, then surprise them with this.

Another thing worth noting is that 1+3 is also technically throw. I personally use the throw button for this as opposed to pressing both 1+3 because I find it more reliable. Do not forget to tack on additional free damage with the 1+2 when this connects.

d3 xx Military Stance f1 – I’ve only recently began using d3 as a starter for the typical ms 50/50 game, but personally believe that d1 is typically a better option. The reason d1 is better is because it does more damage than d3 (although d3 hits low), provides more block stun, and the hitbox is higher, so it has a higher chance of catching a jump.

The only situation I would suggest using the d3 ms options for would be after you have scored a knock-down and you want to ensure that your opponent is forced to block. The d3 will force the opponent out of the wake-up state and into a crouch block position which will most likely allow you to continue pressuring.

This is primarily useful against opponents that use the delayed wake-up.

d3 xx Military Stance f1 xx Cartwheel – low option in the 50/50, with additional meter but sacrificing some advantage.

d3 xx Military Stance, 1+3, 1+2 – overhead option in the 50/50, d3 serves the purpose of forcing your opponent into crouch-block after a knock down.

d3, throw – Primarily use this after a wake-up situation when you’ve forced your opponent into a crouch block position after a knock-down. The throw will connect because the d3 does such little block stun and push block.

JIP, throw – If a Jump in punch is blocked, you get a throw attempt. Use this sometimes primarily to close out a game if it deals enough damage.

JIP, 1,1,4 ms, f1 – This is the your low option in a 50/50 after the 1,1,4 string. If blocked correctly this provides 7 slivers of meter (more than 1/2 of a bar) and deals decent block damage.

This string can be hit-confirmed into a full combo (See Combo 2, in the Mid-Screen Combo’s section), or 50/50’d between the low or overhead option.

The reason you should use a JIP prior to using this string is because the 1,1,4 will whiff on crouch leaving you vulnerable to punish. JIP forces the opponent to stand block or eat a combo.

JIP, 1,1,4 ms, f1 xx cartwheel – You should use this for the same reasons as described above for with the wake-up game on block. Make sure to mix this up with the ms, f1 option.

This string provides 10 slivers of meter on block, great string for building meter. Cartwheel leaves you in a neutral situation which is sometimes not favorable.

JIP, 1,1,4 ms, 1+3 (throw), 1+2 – Overhead option when you have identified your opponent is successfully blocking low. Use for the same reasons as described above.

Sometimes hesitate to identify if your opponent performs a delayed crouch since they are forced in a standing animation because of fuzzy guard during the 1,1,4 string.

JIP, 1,1,4 ms, dash forward throw – If you feel like your opponent is defending correctly against the 50/50, sometimes surprise them with a dash forward throw after this string since they will most likely not be counter-attacking.
Fishing For Dive-Kicks and Dive-Kick Strategy

Dive Kick is essentially the starter to some of your higher damaging realistic combos.

Anytime you perform a dive-kick you should be buffering 2,1 xx cartwheel right as you are about to hit the opponent. This ensures that if the dive-kick successfully hits, you have successfully started a combo. If a dive-kick is blocked you have not risked anything by pressing 2,1 xx cartwheel because Sonya will simply bounce off of the opponent allowing you to defend accordingly or be punished.

Dive-kicks at the waist or below are for the most part safe on block because of the distance it puts Sonya, block stun and recovery (a few things like Reptile dash can punish this).

As you get better at using your ms options, you will get better at identifying where there are holes in your offense and where opponents are counter-poking. Remember which moves are safe on block, and try to gather as much information on your opponent as possible.

The reality of it is, Sonya can win games from her ms pressure and punishes alone; However it is worth it to work dive-kicks into your game if you are identifying specific spots in a match where the opponent is lowering their defense or attempting to turn offense.

An example of this would be the following:

As Sonya you close in on your opponent with d4 xx ms, f1. Assume the opponent successfully blocks both hits of the f1, and every time afterwards attempts to alleviate your pressure with a d3 that lowers their hitbox, preventing your d1 ms pressure from working and out-prioritizing your normals.

In this situation, you can simply dive-kick on the opponent and start your combo of choice.

Dive-kicks work great against opponents that lower their hit-boxes with normals.

Another situation where you could use dive-kicks as a punish would be after any d(1,3,4) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel combo. Because you have created a slightly advantageous situation for the opponent, it is possible that your opponent will try to dash forward into some form of offense.

After the blocked cartwheel, if you have identified that your opponent is turning their offense; Try a jump backwards dive-kick. If the opponent has dashed forward and pressed any buttons, the dive-kick will likely land and allow for a full combo.

Any tendencies you can pick up on your opponent where you feel a dive-kick could possibly stuff some form of offense are the best moments to use it.

Don’t use it randomly, pick up on your opponents responses to your pressure and pick your spots.

At the very least, have your dive-kick punishes down because they yield higher damaging results than the other options.
What to Do After a Throw or Air-Throw

Sonya’s throws create quite a bit of space, which means you probably will not be maintaining much pressure afterwards (unless you have thrown the opponent into the corner).

After a regular throw, I simply like to do (2) forward dashes and block or crouch block to create the illusion that I am attempting to pressure and potentially bait a wake-up attack.

After an Air-Throw you can perform the same strategy or, if you are feeling somewhat risky I feel this is the best opportunity to land an f4 (overhead kick).

If you perform (1) dash, then the f4 (overhead kick) and it hits, you will have put your opponent into a stagger animation which grants you a free safe-jump setup.

If you recognize that this has landed, simply perform a JIP, 1,1,4 xx ms string into the option of choice or hit-confirmed into a combo.

If you perform a forward throw, a strategy that can be employed is to perform one forward dash during the opponents wake-up animation and press 4 (xx cartwheel or ms stance). The 4 will stand the opponent up, and on hit can be cancelled into Cartwheel for a full combo.

On block 4 xx cartwheel can be interrupted/punished. If you recognize that this is being interrupted, you could opt to cancel 4 xx MS into your 50-50 options.
Counter-Poke Strategy

Most of this game comes down to identifying which normals in your opponents strings are actually an overhead or low, most of the time it is obvious sometimes it isn’t. The best way to develop a counter-poke strategy is to simply educate yourself on which strings are commonly used by specific characters, know how to defend against it appropriately, and know where the holes in their offense are.

Sonya’s fastest normal is simply her d1 (as is the case with most characters).

An added benefit that Sonya has after a d1 is that you can cancel it into ms options. Typically a d1, by itself will break up enough pressure to allow you to move away and/or create a neutral situation.

If you want to convert offense, possibly sometimes try d1 xx ms (option of choice as described above) to see if it yields positive results.

Sonya is one of the few characters that actually benefits from primarily crouch blocking because of how her offense is generated from crouch attacks. This is beneficial against characters like Kung Lao and so forth who’s typical go-to strings are high hitting attacks, allowing for easier counter-poking to break up offense, and generate your own offense.

By primarily crouching blocking, your biggest threat is an overhead.
Dealing With Instant-Air Zoning

Characters like Kabal, Liu Kang, Mileena, etc. can generate a lot of their offense with instant-air zoning. Characters that control space (ie: Sub-Zero) give Sonya problems, but this particular tactic can be dealt with.

If you identify that your opponents are very liberally spamming instant-air specials, dash block and dash crouch block until you are between 1/4th-1/2 screen distance and use your standing ms xx 2 option. Let the opponent walk themselves into the corner as much as possible before doing this first.

The ms xx 2 option has Sonya lower her hitbox slightly and very quickly perform about a half-screen shoulder bump.

If the military stance is not cancelled off of a normal (ie: d4), you can actually dash cancel it very quickly into block. Every time you enter Military Stance you are also generating (1) sliver of meter.
Overall Strategy Notes

Your offense should generally be generated off of your d4 ms options. The d4 ms options simply allow Sonya to close in to point blank distance, which opens up her ability to use the d1 ms 50/50 options.

Sonya realistically does not get the overhead throw from the d4 because of the range on the attack, which is the primary purpose of the d1 ms options. Technically Sonya can get the overhead throw from a point blank d4, however it is my personal opinion that you are better off using a 6-frame normal into your options as opposed to a 12-frame normal from up close.


Sonya has a lot of combo variety, but the purpose of this section will be to emphasize what in my opinion are the best combos to use in specific situations.

Mid-Screen Combos

1. Dive Kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1, dash 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (38% + block damage at end)

Note: f1 and cartwheel on block provides 4 blocked hits and about 5% extra block damage. There is also a possibility that the opponent will not crouch block the f1 properly, knocking them down.

By cancelling the f1 into the cartwheel at the end of this combo; The cartwheel will cause Sonya to be in a position directly over the opponents body. If the opponent does not tech-roll, Sonya can perform one forward dash which will cross-over the opponent. This allows Sonya to almost safely pressure the opponent on wake-up because the opponent will have reversed inputs for their wake-up attack.

If the opponent does tech-roll, this is usually an indicator that the opponent will likely wake-up with a special move that is likely punishable. When you see the tech-roll, either block or dash forward once and crouch block, then punish accordingly if possible.

Opponents that used the delayed wake-up by holding down when knocked down can be pressured in the following way. They will likely not tech-roll because the forward dash will have crossed them up. This means they will have to roll the other way. In this situation, after dashing forward once for the cross-up; Once on the other side, press d3 to force the opponent in a crouch block position (no longer allowing them to wake-up), then pressure accordingly with your desired mix-up.

d3 into stand throw also works because the d3 does not have much push block or block stun. The throw will likely land before they can counter-poke appopriately.

This wake-up strategy applies to all combos that end in the 1,1,2 reset.

2. JIP, 1,1,4 xx ms, b2, b2,1,f2, dash 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (32% + block damage at end)

3. JIP, b2,1,f2, NJP, step forward, kiss, dash, Dive-Kick, 2,1 xx cartwheel, b2,1 xx ms, f1 xx Leg Grab (51%)

Note: This combo can also be performed without the Jump-in-Punch. Deals 48% without JIP, deals 51% with JIP. After a Leg-Grab is landed, if Sonya forward dashes twice and the opponent does not tech-roll; Sonya will cross the opponent up. Use the same wake-up strategy as described above.

The double-dash cross-up can be used anytime a leg grab is landed, which won’t be frequent but is worth knowing.

Punish Combo’s

When an opponent uses an unsafe special move that is punishable, typically use one of these options.

Easier Punish

Dash + 7-Frame Combo Starter

Dash forward if necessary (ie: push block on Kung Lao spin). 1,1,4 xx ms b2, b2,1,f2, dash, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms f1, cartwheel (28% + block damage at the end)

Harder Punish

Dash + Jump Frames + 5-Frame Instant Dive Kick

Dash forward, Dive Kick (as low as possible), 2,1 xx cartwheel, dash, b2,1,f2, 1, dash, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms f1, cartwheel (38% + block damage at the end)

Note: I find that low dive-kicks are easier to do after a forward dash. In addition, use a forward jump or a back jump when attempting to use dive-kicks. Neutral-Jumps will cause Sonya to awkwardly dive-kick near the peak of her jump.

Air-to-Air Combo’s

1. Jump Forward Kick xx Air-Throw (15%)

Note: Anytime you are in the air using a jumping kick as opposed to a jumping punch (aside from neutral jump), you might as well be optioning air-throw. If the kick connects, the air-throw will confirm for additional damage and wake-up pressure.

Something else worth mentioning is that a landed jumping kick against a grounded opponent will put the opponent in an air-juggle-state which allows for the air-throw to connect.

This is useful for opponents that lower their hitboxes with d1, d3, d4 to avoid jump-in-punch attempts (ie: Mileena d4).

The jump kick hitbox will also almost always beat a jumping-punch hitbox. If you find you are losing air-to-air frequently, meet them in the air with this.

2. Jump Forward Punch (land), dash 1, dash 2,1 xx cartwheel, dash 2 xx leg grab (28%)

Note: use wake-up double-dash strategy as described above after the leg grab.

3. NJP, step forward Kiss, dash, dive kick, 2,1 xx cartwheel, b2,1,f2, dash 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (32% + block damage at the end)

Anti-Air Combo’s

1. d2 (Uppercut) (12%)

2. 1, dash 21 xx cartwheel, 2 xx leg grab (20%)

Note: use wake-up double-dash strategy as described above after the leg grab.

3. d4 xx cartwheel, b2,1,f2, dash, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (28% + block damage at the end)

Wake-Up Combo’s

1. EX Cartwheel, dash, b2,1,f2, 1, dash 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (28% + block damage at the end)

Deep Jump Kick Combos

Note: If you perform a jump-in kick immediately prior to landing on the ground, it will negate some of the recovery frames that exist on hit or block. This gives you an opportunity to land a combo because your opponent is stuck in a juggle state (in the air).

1. Deep Jump Kick, dash 1, dash 21 xx cartwheel, dash 112 xx ms (reset)

2. Deep Jump Kick, dash d4 xx cartwheel, 1, dash 112 xx ms (reset)

Mid-Screen to Corner Combos

If you are close to the corner, but not officially in the corner this combo may push the opponent far enough if landed that you can modify your mid-screen combo to become a corner combo since the beginning of this pushes the opponent about 1/4th screen distance.

1. Dive Kick, 2,1 xx cartwheel, b2,1 xx kiss, b2,1,f2, 1, 1, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (48% + block damage at the end)

Note: If the opponent is in the corner by the (b2,1) part of the combo, use this combo for extra damage. If the opponent is not officially in the corner and you are afraid the kiss will whiff, finish the combo with b2,1,f2, 1, dash, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel.

Corner Combo’s

1. Dive Kick, 2,1 xx cartwheel, b2,1 xx kiss, b2,1,f2, 1, 1, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (48% + block damage at the end)

Note: When the opponent is in the corner, do not use the cross-up pressure. Keep the opponent in the corner, and bully them with d4 space control, uppercuts, and d4 xx ms mixups.

2. JIP, 1,1,4 xx ms, b2, 1, 1, 2,1 xx cartwheel, dash, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (32% + block damage at the end)

3. JIP, 1,1,4 xx ms, b2, 1, 1, 2,1 xx cartwheel, 1,1,4 xx ms, b4 (sweep) (30%)

Note: It is difficult but not impossible for the opponent to get a wake-up attack out after the sweep. Preferably use Corner Combo 2, but I thought this was worth mentioning.

Overall Combo Notes

Any combo that starts with a 1,1,4 does not require a Jump-in-Punch (JIP), the JIP simply serves the purpose of starting the combo with an overhead and tacking on an additional 4% off the top of the combo.

In punishment situations, you may not always have enough time to perform a jump for the extra damage. This is where the grounded 1,1,4 comes in handy or the instant dive-kick combo as mentioned above.

The grounded 1,1,4 combo is quicker than the instant dive-kick combo, but the instant dive-kick combo will be able to punish most punishable specials and deals more damage. Practice to identify what does and doesn’t work.

In addition, if you are feeling execution heavy and/or fancy. In any of the combos that use dive-kick as a combo starter, you can use a Jump-in-Punch prior to the dive kick to tack on an additional 4% at the front of the combo. Without pro-rating the combo, combos with JIP xx dive kick >> combo of choice, will start with 11% and will yield higher damage results.

My personal preference is to not use this because JIP leads to easy hit-confirms and allows me to 2-in-1 ms cancels into 50/50 situations. Whereas a blocked dive-kick alleviates pressure and is potentially punishable.
Opponent Wake-Up Move Punishment Guide (Incomplete)

Scorpion -

Sub-Zero -

Reptile -

Command Dash:

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)

Enhanced Command Dash:

Uppercut when Reptile has passed you, before the two hits on other side.

Enhanced Slide:

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)

Ermac -

Notes: Stand Block against Ermac on Wake-up in case of teleport.


Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)


Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)


Notes: Block and wait for Ermac to be grounded, there is enough time to punish.

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)


Notes: Ermac can cancel into teleport which can be block punished standing.

Jumping Forward Combo: JIP, dash 1, dash 21 xx cartwheel, dash 2 xx leg grab (double dash for wake-up cross-over) (22%)
Easy Neutral Jump Combo: NJP, 1, dash 1, dash 21 xx cartwheel, dash 2 xx leg grab (double dash for wake-up cross-over) (26%)
Better Neutral Jump Combo: NJP, walk forward slightly, kiss, dash b21f2, 1 dash 21 xx cartwheel, dash 2 leg grab (double dash for wake-up cross-over) (3(x)%)

Noob Saibot -

Smoke -

Kitana -

Jade -

Sektor -

Cyrax -

Notes: After scoring knock-down it seems best to be (1) backdash distance away, allowing for EX Teleport and Air Grab to be punished by Uppercut.

Enhanced Ragdoll:

Must block first hit low, cannot punish (possibly try putting Cyrax in block-stun afterwards)

Air Grab:

Create some space, Uppercut.

Enhanced Teleport:

Create some space, if Teleport does not hit on block, can be punished by Uppercut.

Better Punish: Create some space, if Teleport does not hit on block, 21 cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash, 112 xx ms f1 xx cartwheel.

Enhanced Saw-Blade:

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)

Cyber Sub Zero -

Sindel -

Sonya -

Jax -

Johnny Cage -

Stryker -

Liu Kang -

Enhanced Low Fireball:

Risky: Can Dive Kick over Fireball on Wake-Up and get:

dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)

Enhanced Dragon Kick:

Escape for Liu Kang for (1) meter, shoot projectile, possibly two forward dash ms 2.

Enhanced Bicycle Kick:

If whiffs overhead, back-dash and combo into:

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)

Parry Stance:

Can attack before stance is active on wake-up, otherwise wait and put Liu Kang into block string.

Block String: 114 xx ms f1 xx cartwheel

Kung Lao –


Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)

Enhanced Spin:

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)


d2, Uppercut

Enhanced Teleport:

Jump away kick

Or possibly (depending on whether or not you can get this to hit after the invincibility frames, seems unreliable).

d4 xx cartwheel, b2,1,f2, dash, 1,1,2 (reset) xx ms, f1 xx cartwheel (28% + block damage at the end)

Kano -

Nightwolf –

Shoulder Tackle:

Crouch without blocking, uppercut. (enhanced shoulder tackle will hit crouching opponents on second hit.)

Kabal -

Enhanced Command Dash:

Easy Punish: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)
Better Punish: dive kick, 21 xx cartwheel, dash b21f2, 1 dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (44%)

Saw Blades:

If point blank then block, dash forward throw.

If point blank: 114 xx ms b2, b21f2, dash 112 xx ms f1, xx cartwheel (32%)

Enhanced Ground Saw Blades:

If point blank then block, dash forward throw.

Instant-Air Gas Ball:

ms xx 2

Baraka -

Shang Tsung -

Quan Chi -

Raiden -

Sheeva -


Sonya guide? Just df3+bl and d4 xx msf1. Done.

Seriously though, nice guide so far, really liking it.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Damn it, Morty, you beat me to it! :( I was actually planning to collaborate with you and other Sonya players for a guide like this.

But, never mind that. This guide is godlike, good shit! :D


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Damn MortySeinfeld. Thanks a ton for this. I literally jumped into training mode with Sonya for the first time ever yesterday and might try to pick her up so this is perfect timing.


Dojo Trainee
MortySeinfeld Thanks for you and everyone who will contribute to this. Just FYI, I think Sonya's MS~1+3 overhead is only 10% (not 12% as stated) without the 1+2 followup. Also, the Enhanced Kiss can be dash cancelled forward or backward. Still useless, but worth mentioning for completion's sake.
MortySeinfeld Thanks for you and everyone who will contribute to this. Just FYI, I think Sonya's MS~1+3 overhead is only 10% (not 12% as stated) without the 1+2 followup. Also, the Enhanced Kiss can be dash cancelled forward or backward. Still useless, but worth mentioning for completion's sake.
Thanks for the feedback, I will test the MS Overhead throw, I think the numbers are right but I might be wrong. I will edit the Enhanced Kiss section.

There are some things I still need to add to the guide, I also want to clean up the presentation of it a bit.
Nice write up. Why didn't you put xx ms 4 in the corner combo section? Did I look over it?
There are a lot of combo's that I felt I "could've" put in the guide, but I am trying not to make it a combo repository.

The combo's that I have in there are the combo's that (in my opinion) are really the ones worth knowing for different situations that I would recommend to someone trying to pick the character up.

With that said, I still need to add some stuff to the guide and will be adding some stuff for 'xx ms 4'.

Thanks for the feedback.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
how does cartwheel create a neutral situation when its -4 on block? lol
Been working on my Sonya, this is absolutely perfect :D
Is there any viability/usefullness to 2~ms? I've been fiddling with it and it is a couple frames faster then d4 and it hits crouch blockers.


Dojo Trainee
I think it's worth noting that the Leg Grab and Enhanced Leg Grab both provide unbreakable damage. Yes, you will want to end combos with 1,1,2~MS under most circumstances; For the times you can end a match denying an opponent breaker, Enhanced Kartwheel, Leg Grab (22%). If both you and your opponent have 2+ bars, you can even do Enhanced Kartwheel, Enhanced Leg Grab (27%). Very situational, but unbreakable stuff is always worth mentioning.
I think it's worth noting that the Leg Grab and Enhanced Leg Grab both provide unbreakable damage. Yes, you will want to end combos with 1,1,2~MS under most circumstances; For the times you can end a match denying an opponent breaker, Enhanced Kartwheel, Leg Grab (22%). If both you and your opponent have 2+ bars, you can even do Enhanced Kartwheel, Enhanced Leg Grab (27%). Very situational, but unbreakable stuff is always worth mentioning.
I have added a section for this, thanks man!


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Sonya is such a bully ;_; MortySeinfeld WHY. You've just made this character already meaner!

But it's good for everyone to read this so we know how to fight her