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Some Miscs Pics


Kenshi Moderator
alright some pics in here from the tournaments i attended and i forgot to add

This was the last Event Tomhanks had at his house. it could've had TONS more players, but....stuff happened :( arturo and jimmy missed it big TIME!
a lot of other players arent in the pic as well, the event was for fri sat and sun! some left early like Ezail and ac1984

anyways here's the quick pic:

Cd Jr, Check, Kt Smith, Dave, maxter, Weeby (the cat lol), and the hoster Swifttomhanks...ohh and me right behind hanks and maxter

Cdjr and hito at Salty battle 6!!

Miscs pic. me and someone else i was fighting...srry if i forgot your name young kiddo!


Scoot magee and Riu 48

My back >_>

Cd jr and hitoooozz

Cd jr again

Goddamit cdjr AGAIN!!....dude nancy is a horrible Camera girl lol

By the way, dont judge me on the snapshots/pic! i am not the one who took em!!!...damn u nancy!! lol

have fun all